How you guys met

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these are kinda be ready 😅🤷‍♀️

you guys had science together and today the class was making a project abt space. Your teacher had told you guys to pick partners for the project. You looked around the class bc you had no partner since none of your friends had that class. Your eyes almost immediately went to finneys as you knew he never had a partner. You decided to walk over to his desk to ask if he wanted a partner. "Hey Finney, you got a partner?", you asked already knowing the answer. His eyes went wide and you noticed a little pink blush forming his cheeks. "Uh n-no", he said. He was a stuttering mess. You giggled, sitting on the chair next to him. You guys were talking abt how you wanted to do the project. You noticed that he would glance at you from time to time thinking you wouldnt know. After class you guys started to pack up your things when you gave him your number. "Here, call or text me when your free to do the project so we can meet" you said, smiling as you walked out of the class. Finney was left there, speechless, with a big red blush on his face. :)

you were waking to school with gwen and finney when you guys started to hear, "Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!" You and Gwen both looked at each other and ran to where the fight was going on, finney following behind you guys. You saw a weird ugly ass looking boy that was tall and had black curly hair and another boy who was shorter and had wavy dark brown hair who had a bandana on. "I'll beat you Robin. I'll pound you like a nail." the curly haired boy said. Robin. You haven't heard of him but thought he was kinda...cute? "Then do it." so called robin says. They start to fight aggressively and the crowd is heard with a mixture of "get him robin!" and "punch him harder!" finney wanted to take you and gwen away but you had other plans. You decided to try and break them apart since you knew the teachers might start to come out. When Robin got on top of the curly haired boy you took your change as the boy was bleeding from robins punches. You quickly took ahold of Robin and pulled him off. "Hey what the hell?!" robin yelled. You took him to the bathrooms to clean his knuckles up. You got out your medicate and started to clean him up. "Hey man how come you pulled me off moose, I was almost done with him!" robin says. "Well I knew the teachers would come out and you guys would've gotten in trouble, besides I'm not a fan of fights." you say, finishing up robins knuckles. "I never got your name." he says looking at you. "Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." you say smiling.

you were at finneys baseball game cheering finney on with gwen and Donna. it was the final inning and with 2 outs. All finney had to do to win the game was to strike the batter out. You were on the edge of your seat as you were always excited during his games. You watched as the batter went up to the plate. "oh shit," you heard Gwen say next to you, letting a sigh escape her mouth. "What? What's wrong?" you and Donna ask at the same time. "That's Bruce yamada, he's one of the best members on his team!" Gwen says looking defeated. "Well I'm sure finney will strike him out, he's a good pitcher."Donna says, staying positive. Meanwhile, you on the other hand, were staring at Bruce. You thought he was really cute and you wanted to get to know him better. As you were staring at him, he looked up at the stands and noticed you staring at him and laughed to himself, winking at you. You were barely breathing. You were having butterflies in your stomach. I guess Gwen saw bc she looked at you with her jaw open and her eyes wide. "Ooo, y/n looks like someone's crushing!!" Gwen says smirking at you. Donna was laughing. You just looked away and focused on the game. You realized that once you looked back Bruce had hit the ball causing it to be a home run. Some of the crowd roared with cheer, ending the game. Gwen, Donna, and you went to go talk to finney. While you were talking you noticed Bruce walking up to you. "Hey" "hi" "I saw you from the stands" he said smiling a little while you just blushed. "Yeah sorry about that" you said. "It's cool. I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime, you know, just to get to know each other a bit." he said. Your face immediately lighten up. " Yeah of course!" you said sounding excited. "alright cool."

you decided to go to the grab n go to get some snacks since you were hungry. It was about 5.30 when you walked into the grab n go. You went directly to the snack area, avoiding the boys who were messing around. You grabbed y/f/c (your favorite chips) and some candy and went to the register. You paid and was about to walk out when you hear a big commotion. You looked to the side to see a boy with puffy blonde hair and two guys, who were the ones messing around, looking frightened. The blonde haired grabbed one of the boys' collar, " YOU MADE ME LOSE MY FUCKING GAME DICKHEAD!!" be screamed. "w-we're sorry Vance! It won't happen again!" the boy said. Vance quickly punched the guy and got on top of him punching him aggressively. You were scared but you knew you had to do something to stop the fight. Your wise ass decided to go up to Vance and pull him away. Maybe not the best decision...
Vance got out his pocket knife and was about to cut the boys arm, when he felt a pair of warm hands hold him back. As defensive, he cut her hand a bit and she let go of him, wincing in pain. He looked back, getting up and examining the girl. Boy was she scared, he had hust cut her with a knife and she was deadly afraid of knives. He just stared at her in disbelief until the cops finally came in. They took the knife out of Vance's hand and took him to their car. You watched, as you held your wound, as he stared at you even in the car, as he drove away.

you woke up pretty early to get the daily paper you had always gotten. Your dad made you get it for him as he was still recovering from a bad accident he had a couple of months ago. Which means every Sunday you had to get up at 6:00 just to get the daily papers. You were sitting on your front porch, reading a book, you actually enjoyed, when you start to hear the sound of a dog barking. You knew it was the paper boys dog since he had always taken his dog with him for his paper routes. You watch as the dog comes to your porch but with no paper boy following behind him. "Hey where's the paper boy cutie?" You ask the dog, while you pet it. It only responds with a bark. Duh dogs can't talk y/n. you say to yourself. You then hear the paper boy on his bike shouting out his dogs name. He came to your house to see you looking up at him, while petting his dog. The paper boy sighed, "I'm so sorry, rover here ran to fast." he says trying to steady his breathing as he got a bit worried for his dog. "Oh no it's okay, besides I love your dog, he's so cute" you say as you smile while rubbing the dogs belly. "Well I-I'm billy, but if you want you can still call me paper boy." he says while stuttering a bit. "Billy's a good name, it suits you." you say smiling, he returns the smile but then says he has to go back to his paper route and gave you a paper.

IDK WHY I MADE THEM SO LONG....ig I got a little carried away hehe 😅
but that was the first chapter and uh idk how I feel abt it. my hands def hurt tho 😭anyways I'll update this soon hope you liked it!!!☺️☺️

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