you wipe off their kiss as a prank 👍

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-you guys were laying down on his bed while watching tv when you suddenly thought of a rebellious little thing 😈

-you decided that whenever he would give you a kiss, you would wipe it away as a joke. you knew that this would make him mad, but he did too many pranks on you so it's considered pay back

- "alright, I'm gonna get a snack, do you want anything?" finney asked. "no thanks I'm good." you responded. he leaned in, giving you a kiss on your cheek. you quickly wiped it away focusing on the tv, trying not to laugh while holding a straight face.

-he just looked at you with no expression and kissed you again on the cheek. you once again wiped it away. "did I do something?"he asked, with sadness all over his face. you didn't answer him as you were paying attention to what you were watching. he got the remote and turned off the tv.

-"finney what the fuck. I was watching that!" you said. "answer my question." he said. you knew you wouldn't be able to handle looking at him in the eye so you looked everywhere other than him. he walked backwards while looking at you and said fine and went to the kitchen. you felt bad so you walked to the kitchen and saw him eating some chips. "finneyyy I'm sorry it was just a prank!!!" yiu said wining while giving him a hug and kissing him on the lips. "yeah it better have been." he said returning your hug and kiss.

-you were in your room, waiting for robin to come through your window. you guys were planning to just hang out in your room.

- you wanted to do a prank on robin so bad but you didn't know what to do. you used google to try and help. you came across a funny website where it said to wipe of his kisses and you thought it was an excellent idea.

- a couple of minutes later, robin had appeared in your room. he leaned in to give you kiss, but once he did you wiped it away. he looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows. he gave you another kiss and you wiped it away again.

-"y/n stop doing that, I don't like it." he would say to you. you didn't respond. all you did was look at him quickly then look away while trying to pull an annoyed face.

- after that, he kinda gave you silent treatment. you honestly felt bad and wanted to tell him that it was a prank. you guys were laying down on your bed, a bit distant from each other, as you were watching tv and robin was just playing with his fingers with his Walkman beside him, looking down. you looked over at him and cuddled him. "robin I'm sorry, it was just a prank." you said with a bit of a baby voice. he turned over, so he was facing you. "it's alright mi amor. just don't do it again." he said smiling, but went to a serious face when saying the last part. 

-you guys were pulling an all-nighter. it was currently 2 am and you guys were listening to some rock music, specifically nirvana, ac/dc, metallica, kiss, and more. you guys were bobbing your heads to the temp of the music. earlier Vance was giving you attitude so you wanted to do something that would piss him a prank

-he wanted to make out with you already(🙄) so he leaned in kissing you a little roughly, as he showed he wanted to get into it. you kissed back since you cant not kiss Vance back. (same girly 🤭) you remembered you had to stick to your plan. you pulled away from the kiss and wiped the kiss away from your lips.

-"what the fuck." he said while furrowing his eyebrows. he kissed you again but you pulled away and did the same thing. "the fuck is wrong with you." he said while physically pushing you away and turning the volume up louder from his record player. you were kinda shocked that he pushed you away but it was Vance, of course he would.

-after that happened, he would give you shit and act like you were just a pile of dirt. when the music was getting too loud for you, you asked if he could turn it down. "could you put it lower please." you would say. "what?" Vance would say putting it louder on purpose. "I said turn it down!" you yelled a bit. "huh, I can't hear you." he said again putting it louder, to the point that you knew your ears were gonna explode. "Vance I said turn it down!!!!" you said, practically screaming. he finally put it lower for you. "listen Vance, it was just a prank I was doing, but I didn't mean for this tension to happen. I'm sorry I thought it would be funny." you said slightly furrowing your eyebrows. "ugh whatever just don't do it again and let me make out with you." he says, already forgiving you just desperate to make out. you rolled your eyes and just made out with him as 'come as you are' by nirvana came on 😉

-you were at the park for a picnic date. it was really romantic but you always found a way to make it 'un-romantic'

-it was going well and nothing bad was happening until an unexpected thought crept your mind. every time he kisses you, you wipe them away. (like i haven't said that already 😀)

-you waited for him to kiss you, eager to see his reaction. finally he kissed you after you guys finished eating. as you said you would, you wiped the kiss away. he looked at you for a while with no expression. then changed it to a smile and laughed. he kissed you again and you wiped it off. he became serious and you could tell there was hurt in his eyes. you knew you fucked it up. you always found a way to.

- he gave you space but he didn't talk as much as he was before. you went to his side of the blanket and gave him a big hug. "it was just a prank, i didn't mean it." you said while looking at him. he   had his head down. "yeah sure that's hard to believe. do you not love me anymore or something?" bruce said. you always thought his sensitivity was adorable. "no brucey of course I love you! I swear it was just a prank. here I'll prove it to you." you said. you gave him a passionate but short kiss as proof that it was just a prank. he smiled. you knew he couldn't resist your kisses. "okay, don't do that again." he said smiling. "cant make any promises " you said knowing your gonna do some shit like this again. he just rolled his eyes. "your cute when your sensitive." you said to him making him blush.

-you guys were playing with rover outside his house. you guys were sitting down watching rover play. earlier you had decided that you wanted to do this prank to billy.

-you honestly didn't know how he'd react, since many times before you did pranks on him,
he had acted differently on each of them.

-billy threw rovers toy so he could fetch it. you thought this was a good time, so you looked at billy and stared at him. he looked back at you with love in his eyes and a tad bit of blush. he leaned in and kissed you. you looked away trying to make it look like you didn't want him to notice ,but made it visible for him to see, and wiped away the kiss. he looked at you with a shocked expression. it was so quiet that you thought he hadn't seen you do that, but you knew he did.

-after a while of silence he finally spoke. "y/n do you still love me?" you quickly turned your head over to look at him. "yea of course I do. I love you with all my heart." you said. you realized that you probably took it a little far on this one, since Billy overthinks a lot. "it doesn't seem like it." he mumbled. "billy I'm sorry, it was just a prank but I think I took it too far. I didn't want you questioning my love for you. that wasn't my intention at all. I'm sorry I made you feel that way." you said feeling awful. billy was sad but also relieved that you were just joking. "well I forgive you, just don't do that again please." he said smiling at you. "oh I won't, I promise." you said laughing. he then grabbed your face and started kissing it everywhere. you were giggling at his actions. you guys had heard a bark from next to you guys so you looked and saw rover sitting there with his head titled and his tongue sticking out. you guys both laughed :)

heyyy how's this for you guys 😀
I would've updated a lot today but it took me a whole day to make this one bc I was doing it at dif times 😒
but at least it's out now so yeah
also I love nirvana 😝🫶
nirvana is my life 🙄
I'll update tmr 👍
have a good day/night 🤭

                                  -dels 🥱🖕

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