The Dead Body -r.b

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about: robin and y/n are exploring the woods as a fun activity with each other until they find a dead body, unsure of what to do

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   0:01 ─────── 5:14
Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100

(third person switched to first person)

It was about to be 3:00 p.m.; the time school was supposed to be out. The time where the streets would be filled with kids. The time y/n would have to live in misery. She hates her home. Her dad is always drunk and doesn't take care of her much. And her mom had died a couple years back due to a car accident. Her dad was abusive, mentally. When it comes to physical, it's not that bad. At least to her.

The school bell rang and immediately kids came running out. Soon after the big crowd of kids rushed out, y/n appeared walking down the steps. She pulled out her airpods and picked a song and listened to music. She was casually walking out of the campus and onto the sidewalk. That was until she had bumped into someone.

(first person)
I was thinking about so many things, that i wasn't paying attention to where i was going. I had bumped into someone and we both hit each others arms against each other. I looked up to say sorry and noticed it was my classmate Robin. "Sorry. I didn't pay attention to where i was going." i apologized. "No worries." was all Robin had said and continued to walk away.

I continued my walk until I saw a nearby bench and decided to sit for a while. For about 5-10 minutes, I sat there just listening to music and lost in my thoughts. Someone had walked by but i didn't care to look up. Until i saw from my peripheral vision, that the guy had came back my way. I looked up curios on what the person was doing. When I looked up, I was met with the eyes of Robin, again.

"You haven't gone home yet ?" Robin said to me. "Well, what does it look like." I replied. "No need to be huffy. Anyways, what are you still doing out ?" Robin said. "It's none of your business, is it." I said. He then came over and sat at the edge of the bench. "Guess not." He then said. It got quiet and a little awkward.

He then finally spoke. "Hey uh, you up to going somewhere ?" he asked. I looked at him, suspiciously. "Oh-I promise I'm not gonna do anything. It's just for fun. You know, just to get outta here." He said. I thought for a moment. This would be a good opportunity to get away for a bit. I then looked at him. "Alright. Let's go." I said, standing up.

"Lead the way." I told him. We started walking around for a bit. We walked around almost the whole neighborhood. I barely knew him. I only knew him because he's in my biology class. Although, i've never actually talked to him. I was curious to why he was talking to me now.

"You scared of the woods at all ?" Robin asked me. "Not really. I somehow found them peaceful and calming." I replied. "Good, cuz we're gonna walk there now." he said, and I replied with a nod. We walked towards the woods and carefully walked down to the woods. Birds were chirping and the sun was slowly starting to hide behind the clouds.

While walking through the woods with Robin, we got to know each other more and learned new things about each other. Robin is actually pretty cool to me. We laughed, talked, and overall just fooled around.

"Hey, so why'd you all of a sudden start talking to me ?" i asked him. "Well, i saw you by yourself and i noticed how you didn't go home yet. Usually everyone is home by this time, but you weren't so i was curios." He said. I responded with a nod. "May i ask why you didn't go home ?" He asked.

"Well as much as i hate school, it's really the only place i'd consider 'home'. My dad is always drunk and he never really takes care of me. I like how i get to do things freely, but it still hurts because ive never had a father figure really. My mom actually died a couple years ago. She got hit by a drunk driver. I hate going home because then i deal with my dad and i just can't take that." I said.

All that was heard was the sound of our feet crunching the leaves. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that. My parents also died when I was very young. My uncle takes care of me." Robin said. "Oh i'm sorry." was all I said.

We had walked pretty far and it was getting late. The sky was almost dark and I knew my dad would give me shit when i got back. "Should we start heading back ?" I asked him. "Yeah sure i guess. We've gone pretty far anyways." he responded. We were turning around ready to head back, when i heard the crunch of leaves behind us. I turned around checking to see what it was.

"Did you hear that?" I asked robin, as he hadn't looked back. "Heard what?" He asked. I didn't respond and kept looking out at the woods with noting to be seen. "Nothing." I said, as i turned around. Then, another crunch was heard, but this time it was louder and closer. I turned around quickly and this time robin did too. We both looked in fear. My heart was beating out of my chest.

"What the fuck.." Robin said under his breath. "Maybe we should hurry up and leave." Robin said tugging on my arm. I was about to agree with him until i saw something in the distance. I squinted my eyes to see better of what it was. I took a deep breath and walked toward the object.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?!?" Robin whisper yelled at me. I ignored him and went up to the object. I went up to it and once i saw it, i had no words. It was shaped like a body, but i wasn't sure because there were leaves on the top. I slowly took the leaves off to reveal what it was.

I wasn't prepared to see what was next. There in front of me lay a dead, bloody body. It was a man's face and he was as pale as ever. My eyes filled with fear and my heart ready to come out of my chest. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from screaming and ran toward robin with tears of fear. He quickly noticed my reaction and tried to hold me, but i wanted to get out of the woods.

I was trying to pull him so we could go, but i saw him first look to where the body was. He noticed it and his eyes widened. He grabbed my hand and we both ran out of the woods.

We finally got out of the woods and we were both shaking with fear. I couldn't stop myself from feeling sick. I went to the side and bent over ready to puke, however i only gagged. I looked at robin and his eyes were still a little wide and he just stared at the ground.

I tried to bring myself to words but it was difficult. "Wha-what are we..we gonna do..?" I said trying to make my voice steady. "I-i don't know." was all robin said. After about 10 minutes, we had gone back to the bench where we first came from. We were both sitting down in silence. What was there to say? We both had saw a corpse of a dead man.

"Um...are we gonna tell anyone?" Robin said. "i don't even know what to do. We wouldn't have enough information to tell the police. I forgot how that..guy looked like. We were in the middle of the forest." I said. "Yeah..." Robin replied. I felt robin look at me, so i looked back at him. We were both looking at each other. He then reached for my hand and held it. We both then looked up in front of us in silence.

"Well, we can't just run away from it without telling anyone. There was a murdered person in front of us and we didn't do anything about it." I said. "Yeah i know. But we'll figure it out." Robin said looking at me again....


should i make a part 2 to this 😛

sorry i haven't been active just busy 😔

request ideas 🙏🙏🙏

-dels 🥰

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