The Hanging Tree

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inspired by "Fear Street: 1666"

(your pov)

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                     The Hanging Tree
James Newton Howard,
                            Jennifer Lawrence
                     0:01  ─────── 3:39
                  Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100


I watched, as people began putting their suspects on me. the pointing of fingers toward me. the yelling. the hitting on the tables out of rage. everyone thought i was a witch.

"I suggest we hear what the people have to say." pastor miller had said. I knew his little lie. he was the villain. he was the one who led all the local children into the church, and cut their eyes out. not me. just because I found them doesn't mean I did it.

"how about the loyal boyfriend speaks." pastor miller had said laughing a bit. I watched as my boyfriend Bruce went up to the front. he looked at me with sorrow and tears falling from his face.

"please, I know my y/n is not a witch. I know she sneaks out at night. I even come with her sometimes, and we just hang out in the woods. there's nothing wrong with that. she's just a very curious girl who always wants to find a way to change a bad situation into a right one. she would never cut the children's eyes out. she loves them. why would she kill her own younger brother? she wouldn't because she loved him. I love her with all my heart, and if something bad ever happens to her I would never fucking forgive myself, or any of you." he said practically crying for my freedom.

at this point, I was crying too. he was the only one on my side. everyone turned against me. everyone had found a way to blame me and suspect me. and of course, pastor miller didn't want to get caught so he said I was a witch.

"we know, Bruce. but you don't fully know y/n." he said trying his best to keep the case on me. "yes..yes I fucking do pastor. don't you dare tell me that shit. I've known her my whole life, and I would do anything for her." he yelled back. "I'm afraid we'll have to go with the people's opinion." pastor miller said, shooing Bruce away.

"no!! please pastor!! I'm telling the truth! she's no witch!! please!!" Bruce said screaming, while being taken away by some other men. I watched as he cried my name. I couldn't do anything about it. anything I'd say, it would make more people mad and besides the pastor would just deny it or won't believe it.

"well, anymore defenses for y/n?" pastor miller had asked. no one said anything. it was the first time it had been quiet. that was until someone yelled, "I say we hang her now!" I just looked down and started to cry.

no..this wasn't right. they were accusing me of something false. I am not a witch. i would never do that type of shit. never.

"alright. we'll hang her in exactly 1 hour!"pastor miller had said standing up and walking out. just as he was walking out, he looked at me, and I could see him secretly smirking. I just stared at him with tears threatening to fall down.

I decided to look at my house for the very last time and remember all of the good memories.


I've been out here for 30 minutes. crying, screaming, protesting, defending myself. Bruce was practically screaming at pastor miller. Bruce tried to beg the pastor to let me go and he'll give him all of his wealth. I saw as pastor miller left Bruce standing there with his head low and him cursing, meaning it didn't work.

"alright, we shall begin our hanging." pastor miller had said walking over to his men, gesturing them to get something. bruce ran up to me, crying his eyes out. "y/n!! no, I'm sorry..I-I can do something..I'll find something!!" Bruce said crying. he was starting to make me cry.

"I'll find something.I'll do anything..anything to-" " bruce! it's okay. it'll be okay. it's time." I said crying and holding his cheek. "!" he said sobbing. "I love you so fucking much y/n." bruce finally said. "I love you too bruce. I always will." I said smiling. one of pastor millers men pushed Bruce out of the way and grabbed my arm, leading me to the tree. everyone was screaming stuff like, "hang her!!" "get rid of that witch!!"

"wait!! please! it's pastor miller!! he's the real evil!! please!! you people are putting yourself in danger!!" I screamed, even though no one would listen to me. I heard Bruce screaming behind me, calling my name. I was led to the massive tree that had the rope already ready for me.

"NO!! SHES INNOCENT!!" I heard Bruce scream. I could hear the pain in his voice. I cried to myself, knowing this was it. I got into the spot where the rope had been and looked at the crowd. bruce was running up to the front but as soon as he got there, the pastors men had griped his arms, holding him still. we made eye contact and he immediately started crying.

"no!! y/n!! please!!" he cried. I put my head through the rope hole while closing my eyes knowing Bruce would scream. as I predicted, I heard this loud scream, sounding like bruces.

"NO!!! FUCKING HELL!! HANG ME INSTEAD!! SHES INNOCENT!!!" bruce cried, trying to get out of the men's grip.

this is it y/n...your death. this is how you'll die. an innocent person who had a lovely boyfriend and a perfect life. this was the best fucking life y/n. good luck...

"any last words, witch?" pastor miller had said.
I looked at the crowd..

"I'm not a witch, but a healthy woman. The truth shall be your curse."

The rope had gone up, causing me to join with it. I started to choke and I faintly heard bruces screams. I cried as I felt the end near. I remembered all of those happy memories. I smiled to myself. then I took my last breathe and closed my eyes..

who knows what happened next..
probably Bruce crying below his lovely girlfriend.
someone ending pastor cyrus millers curse and ending the tragedy.
a world being perfect again
and finally..
a happy ending for Bruce and y/n...


so I kinda like this but the only thing is that it's short 💀

hope this was good though ☹️🤞

btw I love the fear street trilogy 🥹

anyways that's really it 🤷‍♀️

-dels 😎👍

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