The Killings -r.a

235 1 6

warnings: slight mention of gore

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               Suffer Little Children
The Smiths
                  0:01  ─────── 5:13
                 Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100

Everyone knew about the killings going around town. It was all over the news and many posters have been put up. It's strange to me that all of a sudden there are killings during the Christmas time. Every conversation a person was having, was about the killings. Everyone was scared and were very paranoid.

I was only a bit scared, but not too scared to the point that i would shit my pants. I mean, yeah this is scary, but it just feels a little too exaggerated. I might be losing my mind when i say this, but it's true.

My boyfriend, Robin, has been getting kind of distant from me. I had just thought he was scared to leave his home, or his ma wanted him to stay home. It didn't really bother me until he wouldn't even answer my texts or calls. It was getting a little suspicious to me, but as always, i shoved it off.

So, i decided to finally walk over to robins house just to see how he's doing. I haven't spoken to him in a while, or at least have a long conversation with him. i grabbed my belongings that i needed and was on my way to robins house. My parents weren't home at this time, so i was free to go.

I walked to his house with my headphones on, listening to music, when i saw a black truck in the distance. It was going away from me, but the strange part was, that i've never seen a black truck in our small like neighborhood before. Maybe im overthinking it. I just ignored it and continued my walk.


After some time, i got to robins house and knocked on the door before entering. I looked in their driveway to see if anyone was home, and his moms car was there. I went inside his house, and it was quiet. Maybe too quiet.

"Helloo!? it's y/n!! Is anybody home??" i called out. It was still silent as ever. i walked away from the door and went into his kitchen. No one there. i walked over to their living room. No one was there.

I furrowed my eyebrows and made my way to robins room. i walked slowly, as if expecting something or someone to jump out at me. i got closer and closer to his room, and saw that his door was slightly opened.

i had finally made it to his door, and slowly opened it all the way. He wasn't there. I was confused as to where everyone was at. I was about to leave when something red had caught my eye. i went over to his little dresser and picked up the little red object.

However, i realized that the red object was actually a white towel that was stained with red. i furrowed my eyebrows once again. There was a couple of photos next to the towel, so i picked them up. I was brought to a whole expression of horror. My heart had dropped to the bottom of my stomach.

The pictures were the victims of the murders. They were all covered in blood. Some parts of their body looked like it was ripped out. There had to be like 10 pictures of the same gore. My eyes had began to tear up in fear. And one of the worst parts is, i knew robin had done it because the victims were lying on robins bathroom floor..

I slowly had looked toward his bathroom (as he had a bathroom in his room). I looked on the bottom of the door, to see a bit of red coming from the other side of the door. I walked over to his bathroom door, and without thinking, i began to open it.

I wanted it to be fake, and just a little prank he was doing, but to my surprise, it was not. My eyes widened with fear, and i tried to hold in my scream. There lay the recent victim, covered in blood. I couldn't hold in my tears any longer, as they started to stream down my face. I put my hands over my mouth, and had started to feel sick, just by looking at the body.

"So, how do you like it." I heard from behind me. I let out a little scream, and quickly turned around to be met with my boyfriend, robin. He had a little smirk on his face and an evil look in his eyes. I couldn't get any words out. i had only stuttered.

i was scared of my own boyfriend.

" did yo-" i stuttered. "now, now y/n. You don't need to be scared. I won't hurt you. Really, i did this for you." Robin had said. I was confused and still scared, i didn't know what to say. "what..what are you talking about." i finally had got out.

"Well, i just wanted to prove to you that i'm the right one for you. You always like dark stuff, so i thought you would like that i'll kill for you." Robin said calmly. I looked at him in disbelief. "robin..i don't want you killing for me. You-you killed these innocent people...just for me??" i said in shock.

"Oh, do you not like it??" robin said, visibly staring to get mad. I looked at him but didn't say anything. I was unsure of what to say. Robin had slowly started to get closer and closer to me, so i backed up.

"I also did this for another reason." Robin had said, continuing to get closer to me. I looked back to see if i could still back up, as i was scared of him getting close to me. "I killed this people to show you what would happen if you ever leaved me. So now, if you ever decide to leave'll experience the same pain these people did." robin said.

I had bucked up all the way to the point where i bumped into the dead victims body. I cringed at the sight of my body hitting it. I looked up into robins eyes with tears in my eyes. He had grabbed my chin and went close to me. "now, you don't want that to happen, do you??" he whispered in my ear.

I began to cry more and shook my head. "good. that's what i thought. Now if you ever tell anyone about this, your pretty little ass is dead." he said backing up. I nodded my head in response. "good. now come cuddle with me." robin ordered as he made his way to his bed. I silently cried and forced myself to leave the restroom and go with robin.

what's gonna happen now...


hope this was good !! i like writing abt this kinda stuff idk if u noticed 🙈

send requestss plsss🙏🙏

                                                                -dels 🦧

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