announcement 😃

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so the next few chapters are gonna be a little different. 🫢

I've decided to make like survival themed chapters. For example, a zombie apocalypse, the purge, and other things like that 🤭 what gave me inspiration to make this was by a song 😭🙏

I'll make different survival ones for each of them but once I've done all of them then I'll stop with the survival theme.
I hope this comes off successful. if it doesn't then it's okay because it'll prob be fun to make 😝

so for the next few chapters, it'll be a survival chapter. but maybe i will put like preferences to keep y'all updated 🤓
I also have a couple songs in mind that'll fit the theme, so im kinda excited 😉
okay that will be it 😜
byeeee 😄✌️

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