Disease pt. 3 -f.b

147 3 0

inspired by "it comes at night"

(your pov)

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                     Starship Trooper
                     0:01  ─────── 9:28
                  Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100


we had all eaten breakfast already, and now we were getting ready to practice some shooting drills. we all met outside, in the back of the cabin, where finney had set up the guns and targets.

"alright, first things first. you need to keep your grip high and tight. if you do this then you'll have better control with the gun, and it won't be a sloppy shot.

next you'll need to get a good stance. it'll keep you from having crooked aim. now we can get into the safety rules. meanwhile, y/n can you go get their masks." finn said, looking at me. I jogged up to the cabin and looked for the masks. I had originally put all our masks on the table, but they weren't there.

I looked around, but I couldn't find them. I saw andrew entering the living room, so I decided to ask him. "andrew, have you seen masks laying around here somewhere?" I asked. he looked at me for about 5 seconds before turning around and pointed up towards the ceiling.

I walked over to where he was and looked up.
what the fuck.

i kept looking up with my mouth slightly opened, in shock. "finn! come over here right now! you need to see this!" i yelled over to him. i immediately heard running from outside and the voice of finney.

"y/n, what's wrong? everything okay?" he asked as he entered the living room. i pointed up toward the ceiling and saw him walk next to me. he looked up and furrowed his eyebrows. "what the hell." i heard him say.

on the ceiling, were all our masks, just hanging on the wall. it made no sense. it was like reversed  gravity. I heard Will enter the house and asked what was wrong. he then also joined me and finney, and looked up.

we all stared at the ceiling in disbelieve. i then looked at andrew and saw him with his finger in his mouth and looking down. i went up to him and kneeled down. "how did this happen, andrew?" i asked him.

he continued to look down and shrugged his shoulders. "he said if I told someone, then he'd hurt me." he said finally looking up at me.
"who...said that?" i asked him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"the tall, dark man." he said. I stood up fast, and let a scared/shocked expression appear on my face. "what happened?" finn said, turning to me.
"finney, i-uh..I've been starting to think...he's back." i said looking at him, scared. "who y/n?" he said looking back with a menacing face, reading to beat them up.

" ...owen."

he softened his face and it quickly turned into fear. "b-but, that can't be...he's-he's dead." finney said. "that's what I thought too." i said. the only thing finney was afraid of was..him. owen.


i had, had the best day with my boyfriend...owen.
we went to the park, then we got ice cream, and watched movies together. it was the best I could ask for.

then the 'small infection' spread, and spread...and spread. we soon had to be locked away, so we wouldn't get it. who knows what happened to our family's. they could have gotten it and passed.

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