CHAPTER 3- Pictures

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It was finally Friday, which is exciting but also nerve racking at the same time.

We spent the morning kinda chilling. For breakfast I had some toast because the nerves made me feel like I was about to throw up, but in a somewhat good way.

At lunch we decided to go out to eat, and tho I didn't feel hungry, still having the nerves affecting my stomach, Flo eventually got me to eat some chicken tenders.

At 15:00 (3:00 pm) I got dropped off at Marie's house so we could get ready together. It was great to see her again, especially since i haven't actually seen her since the premier of 19 Years Later back in February, it was now June.

Anyways, she did my hair and makeup:

(If you don't vibe with it that's ok, imagine it being whatever you like)

We talked drama and life events while we got ready, during this time I found out that Thomas was at my mystery dates house getting ready.

Once we both finished, we decided to take a few pictures in her front yard:

Then we drove off to the mystery dates house to get the boys and then head off to the house.

It wasn't long before we reached a huge, gorgeous house.

*pictured above*

As we pulled up to the gate, Marie's parents did whatever they had to do, and Marie turned to me.

"Oh, so the mystery boy who you are going to be on a basically date with tonight is James, Earl of Wessex!" She says happily to me.

I look at her kinda confused, as I'm not sure who's she talking about. I could tell he is in the royal family because of the name, but I couldn't put a face to the name because that family is huge.

She must have noticed me trying to think of a face because she pulled out her phone and said "I'll show you a picture of him in what he's going to wear tonight"

And oh my gosh does he look fine.Ariel gave me a winky face and I lightly slapped her shoulder. The car then stopped and we both got out, and I followed Marie up to the door.

She knocked and a nice lady opened the door, "Hello Marie, how wonderful to see you. James and Thomas should be almost done getting ready!"

She says as she opens up the door and gives Marie a hug, I awkwardly stand there for a second before she notices me and says, "You must be Y/N! I'm Sophie, James' mom, Marie has told me so much about you, don't worry I don't bite!"

She then pulled me into a hug and I hugged back. I can already tell this is a sweet family.

I followed Marie & Sophie into the house, where we were lead to a sitting area to wait until the boys were done. Which is funny because the movies normally show the opposite.

Sophie & Marie did some catching up before Sophie asked me a bit about myself. I just went on a little rundown of my life without getting into too much detail as to not bore her.

After what felt like an eternity (though most likely only a few minutes) the boys were finally ready. Thomas came down first and instantly kissed Marie, it was as if they hadn't seen each other in ages though based off of Marie's Snapchat story, they were with each other last night.

James then came down, looking down, seeming like he was trying to tie a tie. He then looked up, I guess to get his mom, when our eyes met. Even though he was far away I could still tell his eyes are gorgeous.

He breathed in before yelling for his mom, who came in, looking worried as if she just heard a murder or something.

"We don't need to scream, and what is it James?" She says, as she realizes that it's not an emergency.

"Can you help me with the tie" he says, holding a tie in his hand.

"James, you don't need a tie, you look great!" She says happily, as she takes the tie out of his hands and places it onto a table, then turning to me and asking "Do you think he needs a tie?"

I look up at them and nervously say "N-no, you look great, you can add one if you want but I think you look great without one but whatever you'd wanna do."

James nodded and not too long after we went outside to take some pictures, all of us together.

While Marie & Thomas did some coupley pictures, James' sister Louise (who had joined us outside at one point) said we should do a cute picture like this so we did.

Thomas tried to take a picture of him by himself but what's a little photoshoot without an epic photobomb?

Once we finished, Me and Marie grabbed our bags and headed to the car that we all were gonna go in together to go to the dance.

But before we could get into the car, Thomas said he had to go to the bathroom so we all went back inside to wait, after me and Marie dropped our bags as to not forget them.

As we waited inside, Marie suggested we should do a photo of just us (Me & James) because she felt that there wasn't enough. So we turned back to back (and with the suggestion of Louise) held up finger guns.

After Thomas finished doing his business, we were finally able to leave.


Sorry I didn't post this on Friday, I saw Aladdin on Broadway so I wasn't home at all but enjoy this chapter and the next one will be on Friday!

Anyways please vote on this and leave comments of what you would like to see in upcoming chapters!

Enchanted Fairytales - A James Wessex x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now