Chapter 11 - Start of a week

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I was in the car, heading off the James' house. I had been there once before for the dance but that was a little while ago.

Anyways, Edward, his dad, had picked me up. James was sat in the back with me, while his dad was in the front seat, driving obviously.

Me and James were just talking about nonsense, literally anything and everything. It was a weird conversation but that's what friends are for.

When we got to the house, we went through a quick security check and then we're able to actually go to the house itself.

When I went to exit the car, somehow James had run across the car to get to the other side, and opened the door for me. He is the sweetest.

After I grabbed the duffel bag with my stuff for the week, and then followed James inside. We quickly greeted Sophie & Louise, his mother and sister. They seemed to be making like dinner or something.

Before I could ask, James pulled me away, probably feeling embarrassed, even tho if Sophie was my mom I'd be more obsessed with her then I already am. He then lead me to his room, the grip turning for a pull to a comfortable hand holding position. I love him so much.

Anyways, once we got to his room, which was a medium blue color, it looked like the average teen male room, though definitely cleaner than most.

He took my bag and put it next to his dresser, right before the closet. We then chose to sit on his bean bag couch thing and just talk to each other. It was comforting to be next to each other.

*Imagine that's the layout of his room, idk what his room looks like irl but just pretend this is it*

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*Imagine that's the layout of his room, idk what his room looks like irl but just pretend this is it*

After a little while of just being next to each other, eventually his mom called for us to go down for dinner.

We sat at a nice table, it seemed to have been extended because of me. We ate, with some conversation here and there. Me and Louise talked a while about life.

After we were done, I helped clean up dinner (though Sophie said I didn't have to I still felt like I should). And then I sat next to James on a couch, talking to Louise who was sat on a couch across from us.

I leaned into James and we sat like that while my conversation with Louise continued. Eventually, it was late and we decided to rap things up and head up for bed.

Once upstairs, me and James got changed and then decided to turn on a movie, using his laptop. He turned on Anastasia, I guess he remembered from the night at William & Catherine's.

We had grabbed a folding table from the living room earlier, so we sat the laptop on the table. I snuggled into James, we were already super close to each other because the bean bag chair was smaller, however I snuggled into him a little more as James put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

As time progressed I ended up falling asleep with my head on his shoulder, hugging him closely.

I briefly woke up later on to James placing me onto his bed, then moving over time to lay next to me. He pulled me to have my head on his chest.

He kissed my forehead and then whispered to me 'I love you', I guess thinking I was asleep.

I whispered back, I love you too, before I feel asleep, feeling safer and closer to him. More deeply in love then I thought I would ever get.

Enchanted Fairytales - A James Wessex x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now