Chapter 15 - Talk & Spills

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James' POV

"I love you Y/N" I said, then I smashes my lips onto hers.

I wasn't sure if she would kiss back, and after a few seconds it didn't seem like she would. I went to pull back and apologize but before I could, she kissed me back.


As soon as I had realized that my crush was kissing me, I kissed him back and it felt like fireworks were going off.

We kept kissing, it was the best kiss I've ever had, even though I've only kissed a few people at this point.

We kissed for a little before we finally needed to get this thing called oxygen, and our lips left each others.

I instantly hugged him, putting my head in the crook thing of his neck, while he put his head on my shoulder. We stayed comfortably like that until I finally broke the silence.

"James, I love you too. But I need to know that you're not just saying it. That this isn't all fake because I was sad," I say, hopeful that he wasn't lying.

"Y/N, I could never lie to you. I love you so much, be mine?" He says.

"Of course," I respond, we then snuggled back into each other, staying like that until we had to go to dinner.

~~Time Skip To Later~~

I was dropped back off at the hotel, but before I left the car I hugged James, kissed his cheek then got out.

I waved back to them as they drove off then went inside.

In the elevator I was about to hit my floor level, but then decided to go to the floor below me, to tell Florence and Hailee about what had happened.

The elevator started but after a few floors it stopped and opened, letting in a man who was a bit taller then me, with darker hair and I instantly recognized who it was...

It was Jeremy Renner.

His character Hawkeye, though seeming unimportant sometimes, was awesome. He seems like a really cool dude.

As he walked in he said "Hello" then went to go press the button for a floor but I guess he was going to the same floor as I was.

I responded with a Hi, then grabbed out my phone to seem distracted, but also mainly to help me keep my cool. I decided to quickly text James.

Y/N💘 - Omg so I'm in the elevator right now and guess who just walked in?!!
JAMES❤️ - Who?!
Y/N💘 - Jeremy Renner!!!
JAMES❤️ - Who???
Y/N💘 - Hawkeye!!!
JAMES❤️ - Still don't know who you're talking about??
Y/N💘 - You uncultured swine, I'm blocking your number😑
JAMES❤️ - Y/N!
Y/N💘 - Ok fine, but next time I come over we are binging all the Marvel Movies!
JAMES❤️ - Ok bet, this weekend work?
Y/N💘 - Yeah, anyways gtg cuz im at my floor, love ya💗
JAMES❤️ - Love you too💗

Then the elevator opened, Jeremy let me go out first, so I walked out and turned to the right, heading towards the room where Flo & Hail would were. I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned to see who it was.

It should have been obvious that it was Jeremy but whatever. I just kept walking, but pulled out my phone to text Flo that I'd be over in just a sec and that she should let me in.

I got to the door, and knocked. Jeremy stopped behind me, like he was going to the same place.

"What are you doing kid?" He says, seeming confused.

We haven't met yet, so he probably doesn't know the whole deal, so I just respond, "Hanging out with some friends."

Before he could respond Flo opened the door, and hugged me. I'm guessing she looked up and saw Jeremy cuz when we broke from the hug she turned and yelled into the room, "Hailee get your ass over here!"

Enchanted Fairytales - A James Wessex x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now