Chapter 20 - Finally... (Pt. 2)

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James' POV

I woke up the next morning, feeling her laying close to me. It was a comfortable feeling.

I ran my hand through her beautiful h/c hair, it was soft but a little tangled.

Before long, she woke up and hugged me. We stayed like that until I heard my door open, I looked over and saw my sister peaking in.

"James, Y/N, get up and ready, Mum said we have something planned for today," She says, before leaving, I guess to get ready herself.

I tapped Y/N lightly, to wake her up.

"5 more minutes?" She says, before snuggling tighter into me. She's so adorable.

"I want to say yes but my parents seem to have something planned for today. I can wait for you if you want though" I say.

She gets up off of me and walks over to her bag, grabbing clothing out of it. I get up after her, and grab out an outfit for the day.

Just a long shirt and pants since I'm assuming this is probably going to be something related to royal stuff.

Y/N must've thought something like this would happen because she pulls a dress out of her bag, and it seems she had a small hat thing to go with it.

She walks out, but not before giving me a kiss, I guess to get changed.

I love her so much.


I assumed that because they said something was planned, it was royals related and luckily I always had a small thing packed with a dress, hat and shoes that would work for anything more fancy.

Especially because I was able to find out the 'dress code' of the monarchy so I was better able to get an outfit that worked. And that's not to mention me sending pictures of dresses to Sophie and Louise to get their opinions. They are such fashion icons.

I put the dress on, and then Louise helped me do my hair.

*This is the look excluding Makeup cuz I couldn't find the right thing, but imagine this or smth similar if you don't like this*

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*This is the look excluding Makeup cuz I couldn't find the right thing, but imagine this or smth similar if you don't like this*

I did the same for Louise then we went downstairs, ate breakfast, brushed teeth then we're ready to go wherever.

I did the same for Louise then we went downstairs, ate breakfast, brushed teeth then we're ready to go wherever

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*This is the looks I chose for them*

We got in the car and headed off, me in between James and Louise in the backseat.

I talked to Louise for a little, asking if she knew anything to which Sophie replied 'it's a surprise.'

Me and James just talked for the rest of the ride, him mostly asking about the movie and me having to make up some stuff because of the stupid NDA.

Once we got to the location, I realized it was some royal thing again. Guess the others really like me or something.

Today we were at a helping day thing, there was a lot to do and a lot going on so I'm guessing that's why I was brought along, but maybe it's because they like me, who knows.

We all got out of the car, and had to walk down another path thing with people on either side, including paparazzi, etc.

We didn't greet anyone but towards the end of the line thing, right before the entrance gates, we saw Prince William greeting some people before heading in. At this time Louis also came up to me and gave me a hug.

I hugged him back, as he is literally the sweetest, and then we headed towards the entrance. As we approached the entrance, someone important stood there. The king.

We approached and James whispered to me, asking if I knew how to curtsy. Luckily, I did, as those videos of Princess Catherine curtsying came in handy now.

James bowed, I curtsy and then he shook my hand, asking who I was as he didn't know me.

I told him I was a friend of James', not really sure what else to say. He then told us to go on in, but pulled Edward aside for a talk.

Who knows what that's about.

A/N: Sorry this is out so late, I didn't have this scheduled to post and forgot abt it 😭 but I hope you enjoyed this one!

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