Chapter 22 - Audition Calls

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We had wrapped the Marvel project about two weeks later and I was able to go home. I lived in a nice house in New Jersey and I was now able to get ready to go back to school.

I had been unpacking my stuff from London slowly, but I'd been getting through it. I also had been starting to get my school stuff together.

Even though I lived in New Jersey, I lived close enough to NYC where my parents decided to enroll me in a school specifically for Performers.

This would be my first year going to the new school but I didn't worry, plus it'll be my Sophomore year (10th grade) so even if it sucks i only have a few years to deal with it.

At this time I was just cleaning my room, trying to pack away another bag of stuff from filming and such.

I put my script from the movie in the pile of scripts I had collected over the years, along with sorting all the other stuff I had.

Once I finished that, I decided to go eat something because I was starving.

I went back to my room and did some more work, before calling it a day and deciding to just turn on some Once Upon A Time.

I was a good few episodes in when I got a call, it was from my manager Stacy, I don't get calls from her too often so this was a little odd.

"Hello?" I say, a little confused.

"Hey Y/N, so I emailed you some things to consider, just let me know what you think!" She says.

So it was probably auditions and whatnot. I finished the call and then checked my email. I was right, I had a few audition calls.

But one stuck out more then the others...


Finally got to writing so I'm hopefully gonna be able to pump out more chapters. I don't think imma do a posting schedule for the time being as i think that caused me to go into a writers block for a lil but now it's over and I can go back to writing as normal.

Also, basically every year my school chorus group thing does a popcorn sale through doublegood to make money for a chorus competition trip in the spring, if you're able to, please buy some popcorn!! The sale ends Friday (Oct 20, 2023) at 5pm est so if you'd wanna buy popcorn please do so!! 50% of the money goes towards the chorus itself while the other 50% is for doublegood too do whatever they do on their end with it.

If you'd be interested in buying please press here

Also, I apologize for the self promotion, I just wanna try and share the link as much as possible lol! Anyways have a great week & comment below what you may like to see in upcoming chapters as I'm kinda stuck at some parts lol.

Also, thank you guys so much for being very 6k views! It means the world to me that so many people have read this story and I hope you continue to read and enjoy the story!!!

Love you all 🫶

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