Chapter 16 - Friendship & Pranks (Pt. 1)

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I was on set, just kinda sitting as they weren't using me for filming at the moment. I was mostly on my phone, scrolling through tiktok.

Every now and then I would say hi to someone, but they could never stick around as they had to go film.

Eventually, someone took a seat next to me, I looked up thinking it would be like Flo or Seb. But instead it was Jeremy, what a nice little surprise.

"I dont think we properly met, I'm Jeremy," he says.

"Hi, I'm Y/N," I respond.

"So, whatcha up to?" He says, I guess he was bored or something and I was the only person here so what else could he do?

"Scrolling through TikTok," I say, not really sure what else to do.

"Oh cool," he says, and then we sit in silence for a while.

I got off tiktok and started going through my different apps, from Insta to Threads, then Snap, Wattpad and even X. I was getting bored of my phone though. I checked the time, thinking it was almost time for me to get called into Set, yet only a couple of minutes had passed. I groaned loudly, annoyed.

Forgetting I was sat in a Director style chair, with the production title & my name on it, I leaned back in my chair, almost falling.

Forgetting I was sat in a Director style chair, with the production title & my name on it, I leaned back in my chair, almost falling

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*Think this type of chair except it says Y/N L/N & 'Forgotten Legacy' which is the title of the movie now*

Before I hit the ground though, Jeremy kinda caught me. My legs hit the ground but my head was ok so at least if I was injured it wouldn't be life threatening.

"Kid are you ok?" He says, seemingly concerned.

I stood up, and walked, feeling fine. "Yeah, I'm ok," I respond.

"Ok good, now don't do that again!" He says, laughing a little but also seeming relieved.

I lightly laughed too, before picking the chair up off the ground and sitting it back upright. I sat back down in the chair, still feeling bored.

"So, when do you have to get to filming?" I ask, trying to make conversation.

"In like an hour, I believe." He says, so the same time as me. I look down at the bag I had by my feet, realizing I should probably look at my script, also to see where he is at.

*The Script for the Scene, is below, you can skip it if you want*


*Bucky (The Winter Soldier), Rebecca, Clint (Hawkeye), Yelena, Kate (Hawkeye II), and Wanda (Scarlet Witch) are gathered around a holographic display table showing maps and data.*

Bucky: (studying the map) HYDRA's on the run, but they're regrouping faster than we can keep up.

Clint: (leaning in) We need to hit them hard and fast. Make them think twice about coming back.

Rebecca: (nodding) Agreed. But we also need to be strategic. Going in guns blazing might play into their hands.

Yelena: (leaning back, arms crossed) So what's the plan then? We can't afford to waste any more time.

Kate: (pointing to a location on the map) We've been tracking some suspicious activity here. Satellite images show increased security and communications chatter.

Wanda: (raising an eyebrow) HYDRA's making their move. We can't let them succeed.

Bucky: (looking at each of them) We hit that base. Take out their leadership, cripple their operations.

Rebecca: (thinking) But we need to make sure we're not walking into a trap. They know we're onto them.

Clint: (smirking) That's where the element of surprise comes in. We strike under the cover of darkness.

Yelena: (cracking her knuckles) And we leave no survivors. These HYDRA remnants need to be eradicated once and for all.

*Bucky and Rebecca exchange a glance, their connection evident.*

Bucky: (firmly) Let's move out. Be ready for anything. We've got a job to do.

*The team nods in agreement and starts to disperse.*


*Bucky and Rebecca find a moment alone before the mission.*

Rebecca: (softly) Bucky, this could get dangerous. I need you to promise me you'll come back.

Bucky: (taking her hand) I'll do everything in my power to come back to you, Becca. We've got too much history to let it end here.

Rebecca: (smiling) And remember, no more sacrificing yourself for the greater good. We've both lost too much already.

Bucky: (leaning in) I promise. This time, we make it out together.

*They share a tender moment, their emotions running deep.*


*The team assembles, geared up and ready to go.*

Clint: (looking around) This is it, team. Let's show HYDRA they messed with the wrong people.

Kate: (smirking) Time to clean up the mess they left behind.

*Bucky and Rebecca share a determined look, a silent understanding passing between them.*

Yelena: (cracking her knuckles) Let's make sure they remember why they fear the Avengers.

Wanda: (raising her hand, energy glowing) Avengers... Assemble.

*The team heads out, ready to confront the remaining HYDRA threat and protect the world once again.*


*End of script if you skipped it*

"Oh I see, so what are we supposed to do during this time?" I ask, during other projects we would just hang but i don't know anyone here really so, I can't really hang out with anyone.

"Well, we could either sit here and do nothing, or if you want, we could go prank Lizzie, I need to get back at her for the other day anyways," he says, laughing a little.

"Oh sure," I say, "What was the prank she pulled?"

"She basically worked with wardrobe and props to get a bunch of tiny toy arrows. They then filled my trailer with them and when I opened my door to get inside, they all fell out." He says, I laugh a little.

"Hmm, we obviously can't do anything to affect her looks, but I have an idea. Do you know where her trailer is at?" I ask.

He nods and we head off, making sure to be quick with the plan.

*Time Skip*

We got the plan done shockingly quickly, as Jeremy or production had a lot of the things on hand that were helpful.

Basically, Jeremy tilted everything in her trailer to a slight angle, and the things that couldn't be tilted, like the couch, were pushed over a slight inch. Just to throw her off.

I set up streamers and used a blank poster board to make a rolling sign that says 'Congratulations! You've just entered the wacky world of Elizabethland'. The streamers and rolling sign were tied to a string that would be triggered by Lizzie's foot hitting it. Once it was set, we ran out.

Realizing that there was only a few minutes before we had to film, we rushed back to set. Luckily I had been to costumes, along with hair and makeup earlier.

So once actually on set we'd probably have to get a few touch ups then start filming. And right I was about that.

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