Chapter 10 - A Question

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James' POV

Ever since that night, me and Y/N started FaceTiming daily, unless we were hanging out which also started to become more frequent.

It started with us calling random times during the day, a few days a week. Then we started calling randomly during the day everyday, and it eventually lead to us FaceTiming every night, along with some times throughout the day.

My mom must've realized because now at breakfast, I felt like I was in a bit of a pickle.

"So James, there is a themed carnival event in a few weeks, we have to be there as royals, so would you want to invite your girlfriend to join us?" Asked my mom.

"Mooom," I groaned, "she's not my girlfriend and she is probably going to be filming for that movie."

"I already got in contact with an old friend of mine who is a producer of the film, he said that she isn't going to be on set that week. So, if she'd like she could come and stay with us that week. Especially because i would personally like to get to know my future daughter in law a little better." My dad joked. Sometimes it sucks having a father with many connections.

"Well we don't know about the marriage, but don't make up a false hope. And besides she probably has plan's already!" I say, getting a little annoyed.

"It doesn't hurt to ask. And also James, based on the way she looks at you, she likes you and I know you like her so the week would give you time to maybe start getting together, if you get what I mean." My sister, Louise says.

I guess she's right. Maybe because I love somebody, I need to put my pants on for them.

"That's also because Cousin Catherine sent me the picture of you two on her couch!" She says, before running off. I quickly realize what she said and start to chase her.

My mom shouts from behind me to 'take it outside'.


I was sitting in my chair, waiting to be called to my next scene. I was next to Lexi, who was on her phone doing whatever 11 year olds do on phones these days. I was talking to Flo, who was on the other side of me.

I had told her about the night with James on the couch, and she said that we definitely like each other. At first I was in denial, but after staying up way past my bedtime because I procrastinated and forgot to learn my lines for a scene, I thought about it and realized that I do like the Earl of Wessex.

In fact, it's not just a like but, I love James.

Anyways, Flo was telling me how she thinks our wedding should go, even though I doubt that will ever happen. One can dream at least.

Anyways, I eventually started to feel a vibration from my phone that was on my lap and realized James was calling me.

I excused myself from the conversation, Flo saying she was just gonna text me her grand plan, and then I walked a bit away from her so I could talk to James more privately.

"Hey what's up? I'm about to go to set," I say, just so he knows I can't stay long. I wish I could but filming needs to get done.

"Well we were wondering," he then takes a deep breath as if he was out of breath, which is kinda strange but who knows.

"Sorry, I chased Louise around the yard because she was... well Louise. Anyways, we were wondering if in a few weeks you would wanna stay with us and then go to the Carnival event thing that weekend. My dad said you're off from filming that week." I instantly knew what he was talking about.

"Oh uh sure, by we you mean your parents and sister right?" I ask.

"Yeah, is that ok?" He asks, seeming a little scared

"Yeah of course, your house is awesome! Anyways I gotta go, talk to you later?" I ask, hearing my name being called to go to set.

"Definitely," he says. We then hang up and I go off to set.

First of all thank you guys for over 1k views, love you all. Second of all, if I started a one shot book where you could request little story things with James, would y'all read and request chapters? Thank you so much for reading and I can't wait for y'all to see what I have coming up in the following chapters!

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