CHAPTER 5 - Dances

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As soon as we got into the building, Marie & Thomas ran off almost instantly, probably to find some other friends or a more secret place to be weird, if you know what I'm saying.

I looked at James, a little awkwardly, before he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the gym. Which is where the dance was mainly being held.

As we entered the room, I think he could tell I was nervous because he moved his hand to grab my hand, and his hand was so soft.

I grabbed his hand back, interlocking the fingers, he then lead me into the gym. To meet up with some of his friends I'm assuming.


I led her to meet some of my friends, since I knew they would bug me about her until they got to meet her.

As we were walking, hand in hand, I really took in the fact her hands were super soft. A new feeling ran through my body, something I had never experienced before.

When I found my friends, them sitting at a table, my friend Jack got up to give me a bro hug, meaning I sadly had to let go of Y/N's hand.

After greeting my friends, I introduced them to Y/N who had been standing a bit awkwardly. I felt bad for not introducing her sooner.

They all seemed to like Y/N though, and the night was quite a blast. Eventually, the others went to find their girls, or a girl to dance with if they didn't bring one, leaving me and Y/N at the table.

I only now noticed that I had had my hand on her knee, lightly rubbing my thumb on the side, but it seemed to get rid of her nerves which was nice.

After a few minutes of us talking we went to dance for a while. After dancing, I was starting to get tired, and I could tell Y/N was also tired, so we went off to find Marie & Thomas so we could leave.

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