Chapter 9 - You?!

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*Recap from our last episode*
As I added the macaroni to the now boiling pot of water, there was a knock on the front door. Louis ran to the door, while yelling "I'll get it!"

Wanting to see who it was, I followed him and when Louis opened the door I saw...

...James. Louis instantly hugged his legs, as he was too short to get any higher. James went to bend down to give Louis a proper hug, when he saw me. We made eye contact and I waved at him, before starting to head the water on the stove starting to over boil and quickly running back to the kitchen to make sure nothing bad like a fire or something started.

James' POV

She ran off after waving at me. Did I do something? I'll have to check later.

I hugged Louis before he quickly pulled me to play toys with him for a little. Then, Y/N yelled to us that the food was ready.

Maybe that's where she went. That would make sense.

We went to the table, where there were three plates of Mac & Cheese with Dinosaurs Nuggets. That was nice of her to think of me.

We sat, and started eating. Louis definitely seemed excited about this meal. I mean he's 5 so he probably loves this. I know I did and still do.

Anyways, once we all finished, James helped me clean up the table while Louis played. We then tidied up the house a little bit so it wouldn't be a mess when Catherine & William got back from their tiring day they wouldn't have to worry.

After everything was cleaned up, it was pretty late. So I put Louis to bed, with the help of James as he did get up and run a little but once we got him settled in. All it took was a bedtime story (I used the plot of the Winter Soldier, made it a lil more bedtime story friendly, then acted like my life was as interesting as that) and he fell asleep.

Once I was sure he was asleep I got up, quietly as to not wake Louis, and turned towards the door. Only now realizing that James was leaning up again the door frame, lightly smiling with his adorable smile.

James' POV

We walked back out to the main living room, Y/N right next to me. I thought about how adorable she looked telling her story to Louis. She could definitely be a mother one day.

Without realizing it, I had grabbed her hand and we approached the couch hand in hand. I sat on the sofa with her sitting next to me. I grabbed the remote and decided to turn on a movie for us.

After a little of digging and trying to find a movie that worked for us both, I landed on Anastasia, from 1997, when I was little I watched that with my sister who loved the movie. I don't remember much of it though.

"Oh this movie is amazing, this is one of my favorites," said Y/N, with me making a mental note of that.

I turned it on and the movie started. Sitting back into the couch while doing so. Eventually, I decided to pull the oldest trick in the book, the yawn then put the arm around her shoulder. I expect her to not like it or something, but she shockingly leaned into me.

We stayed like that for a while until I realized she had fallen asleep. Feeling a little tired myself, I shifted us so I was on my back and she was laying on top of me basically, with her head on my chest.

I turned off the movie and used the throw blanket that was on the top of the couch to cover us both. I fell asleep rather quickly.

With Y/N safely in my arms.

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