Chapter 21 - See You Soon

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Chapter 21 - See you soon

*A/N: I know King Charles is probably not like this in real life, but for the sake of the story I need this to happen so let's remember this is fiction lol :) Also, it's difficult for me to write Edward but imma try my best, I imagine he's like a funny but like genuinely nice guy so I'm use that.

Edward's POV

My brother pulled me to the side, I guess he was confused about Y/N.

"Why is she here?" He says, gesturing in the area of the kids.

"You mean my wife?" I say, though knowing exactly what me meant.

"You're married to a teenager? And I thought Andrew was bad." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, you mean Y/N, that's James' girlfriend," I say.

"Ok, but why is she here?" He asks again, how do I explain this to him.

"Well, first of all because me and Sophie brought her here, second of all because we want her to get used to this type of life. You don't want a repeat of you know who do you?" I ask, knowing that he definitely doesn't.

"Ok, but they are teens, these relationships don't last," he says, i guess he kind of has a point but he doesn't see it the way I do.

"Just, give her a chance please? I am telling you this is different," I say, before walking back to the group.


Edward came back to the group, and then soon after the King followed. Things seemed a little salty between the two but who knows what was going on.

We went into the area and started doing stuff, there was a lot to do so everybody was all over the place. I was with James and Savannah, and we were having quite the blast joking and stuff.

At one point, I felt a tap on my shoulder, confused I turned around and saw the King. I went to bow but he told me not too and asked to talk to me in private.

I turned to the others to see what they thought, to which Savannah said "go on, we'll wait for you here."

I then followed him into a more secluded area, I guess to make things more quiet. We stopped and he said, "I have a few questions for you."

Now I was nervous a little, but I was not going to make this a bad first impression on him.

He asked me questions and everything went well, they were really just like asking what my intention was with James, how I felt about the monarchy, etc.

But everything went well and he seemed pleased with what he had heard.

I returned to the group and the rest of the day was fun, we continued to make jokes and have some laugh.

When the day can to an end, Sophie & Edward drove me back to the hotel and I gave James my last hug for a little.

It was sad but hopefully I'll see him again soon.

A/N: I am going to take a little break from posting chapters so I can write more out before I start posting more again, it prob will only be two weeks but the next 'phase' of this book will be fun!

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