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Mafuemu because that ship is fucking adorable :)
Emu's POV

I grabbed my bag out of my locker, humming to myself. It was finally lunch, and my classes were so so boring! I was gonna eat with Mafuyu and talk about stuff with her!

But then some kids came towards me with smirks on their faces. I didn't think anything of it and smiled back at them. "Hi! Do you need anything?" I asked.

They just laughed. "Are you sure you should be here? You're so small and childish!" One of them jeered, and the two other people just laughed more. I frowned slightly, hurt from their mean comment.

"That's not so wonderhoy of you to say! It's mean!" I huffed, crossing my arms. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like they were gonna stop. They just looked like they were holding back laughter.

"Wonderhoy? What the fuck does that mean?"

"That's so childish."

"Grow up, baby!"

Their comments stung and I looked down, closing my locker before leaving. It wasn't fair that they were being so mean!

I went over to the place I was meeting Mafuyu, and she was already there, waving at me. I sat down with her. "Hi Mafuyu!"

"Hey Emu, how are you?" she asked, giving me a small smile. Her smiles made me happy, and I almost forgot about those mean kids.

I giggled. "I'm feeling really wonderhoy, what about yo-"

Suddenly, their insults flashed through my head, repeating like a news headline.

"Wonderhoy? What the fuck does that mean?"

"That's so childish."

"Grow up, baby!"

I just sighed. "What I meant to say was, I'm good. What about you?" If I didn't want them to insult me, I had to stop being so childish and grow up.
Two Weeks Later

Mafuyu's POV

Emu has been acting really strange lately. She isn't her usual, cheerful self anymore! She's kind of empty with her reactions, and I'm really missing her small giggles and her cute phrases.

I asked around the SEKAI. Mizuki thought she was getting bullied, Ena thought she was finally growing up (I nearly punched her), and Kanade said she didn't know what happened. Miku didn't really say anything though, she just said something to agree with Mizuki and then walked off.

I decided to ask Emu today. I sat at our usual spot, and she agreed to come. I made some cookies with pink icing for her, and waited. When I saw her, I was shocked.

She had completely changed. Her fun and colourful clothes were replaced by bland colours. Her hair wasn't different, but she put on a hat so nobody could see it unless they intentionally looked.

"Emu, hi!" I said, waving to her. She came over and sat down, her eyes looking dull instead of bright.

"Hello, Mafuyu." she responded, looking at the cookies I had laid out. I saw some sparkle come back to her eyes and smiled. She took one and started eating it, a small smile forming on her face.

"So, Emu.. I wanna talk to you about something." I said when she finished the cookie. She looked at me, slightly confused.

"Hm? What is it?" she asked.

"Has anything been bothering you lately? Your whole personality has just kind of.. changed. Without any reason," I explained, "I think you're being bullied, Emu, and I just want to know what's wrong."

Emu visibly reacted with shock, then her face was blank. "Why do you think something is wrong?" she asked back, completely avoiding my question. I just sighed.

"Emu, please answer my question. I can tell something is wrong."

"I don't want to answer the question."


"I SAID I DON'T WANT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION!" she yelled, slamming her hand down on the bench we were sitting on. Her hand hit the plastic plate of cookies and they fell to the ground, breaking.

We both gasped, surprised. I looked at Emu, who immediately got up. "I-I'm gonna go, bye.." she said quickly before leaving, running off into the building. I sighed and packed everything up, scooping the broken cookies up and throwing them away.

Something was really wrong with Emu, and I needed to find out what. And fast.
Woohoo first oneshot 🎉🎉🎉

Part 2 will be out soon :)

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