{Returning To My Nightmare}

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Just.. Mafuyu angst ^^

Tw: manipulation, mentions of vomiting
Mafuyu's POV

I had been living with Kanade for about a month now. It's been going very well, she's very accommodating and kind. I've tried my best to be a good guest, but I'm sure she's fine with me just being there. It makes Nightcord calls a bit easier too, as Ena and Mizuki will just know that I'm there, and I won't need to speak to much.

I got up from Kanade's desk, as I had been writing down some lyric ideas, and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat and drink. Kanade was outside, probably to get more cup noodles, so I didn't think she would mind. There were quite a few choices, as Honami kept coming by and bringing food for Kanade, and now me. I looked in the fridge and took out an apple, and was just biting into it when the doorbell rang.

I put down the apple and walked over to the front door, swallowing what I had in my mouth. I opened the door and came face to face with my mother. I froze with fear and shock, my heart skipping a beat. My eyes were wide as I stared at her smile, which was creeping me out.

"Ah, Mafuyu! I've been looking everywhere for you! Why did you run off and hide from me?" my mother said, her expression morphing into one of... worry? Concern?

I recovered from my shock and shook my head, not speaking for a moment as I continued to collect myself. Finally, I looked back at her and sighed.

"Mother, I- I ran off because.. I feel like you've controlled me for too long." I managed to say, stuttering a bit as I tried to get my words out. It felt good to say it, but I was still fearful. My mother just giggled, smiling warmly at me. I wasn't sure what to think for a moment. Did she finally listen? Would she finally accept my perception of my life?

"Oh, Mafuyu, dear, I wasn't controlling you! I was just encouraging you to do what was best for you! I wouldn't have wanted you to turn out bad, like the girl you're staying with! Come on, I'll bring you home and we can resume our normal lives." my mother responded, keeping her now creepy smile on the whole time.

That's when I faltered. I knew that she was trying to manipulate me again, trying to take back control, but her words were so convincing. I was torn on what to do, and just stayed there, not saying a word.

Apparently, that wasn't a good enough answer for her, so she grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward her. "Let's go home, Mafuyu." she said in a more stern tone. I instinctively nodded, fear consuming me on the inside. What would Kanade do when she came back and see that I was no longer there? Before I knew it, I was in my mother's house again. I looked around, seeing that nothing had changed.

My mother turned to look at me, her smile back on her face. "I'll be making dinner, you can go to your room and do some studying! A classmate of yours brought notes from what you've been missing."

I nodded, and walked up the stairs towards my bedroom. As I entered my room, I felt a chill run up my spine. A big stack of papers were on my desk, and a bright pink sticky note on it said "NOTES FROM CLASS" in big black letters. How much had they gone over whilst I was gone?

I pulled the sticky note off of the stack of papers and started to sift through them, looking at the material. After a while, I got my workbook out from the drawer in my desk and started copying down the notes in my own words. I kept zoning out as I wrote, and I had to keep bringing myself back to my senses.

Soon, my mother was calling me from downstairs for dinner. I got up, pushing in my desk chair before walking quickly out of my room and down the staircase to the dining room. Two hot bowls of soup were sitting on the table, as well as spoons. I sat down at the table, looking at the food. It seemed to be a basic vegetable soup.

My mother sat down a few seconds later, smiling at me still. "So, how was studying?" she asked, starting to eat her food. I said that it was good in response, but stayed silent afterwards, eating my food. I felt sick just from being with my mother, and the food amplified it.

After hearing my mother talk about how much she had missed me for a while, I finished eating and got up, putting my bowl and spoon into the sink. "I think I'll go and study again now, mother!" I said, putting on my old facade again. It hurt so much to try and act happy. She just nodded, so I walked out of the dining room and up the stairs.

As I walked towards my room, my head began to feel light, and everything in my vision started to spin and double. My breathing got heavier as my nausea from earlier got worse. Holding onto the wall for support, I stumbled to the bathroom, feeling my legs tremble as I barely kept myself standing.

When I entered the bathroom, I fell onto my knees in front of the toilet and threw up what I had just eaten. After vomiting, I flushed the toilet and just sat against the wall, catching my breath. My head was still feeling weird, and I was even more shaky, but I didn't feel like I was going to collapse anymore.

A few minutes later, I gathered the energy to stand up and walk to my room. I sat down at my desk and put my head down, cushioning it with my arms. "I can't do this again..." I whispered to myself, feeling mentally drained again.

I lifted my head up and turned on my computer, immediately going onto Nightcord. The group chat was filled with panicked messages from Kanade, Mizuki and Ena asking what had happened, and why I wasn't at Kanade's house. I longed to be able to go back to her, but I knew my mother would make sure I couldn't. So I typed a few words and sent them.

My mother took me back.
So yeah no more happy fun time ^^

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