{Car Crash}

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Very dark oneshot because fluff is just ew rn :)

Tw: death, sadness, severed hand, car crash
Tsukasa's POV

I finally got my driving license, and I was really excited. I mean, I could drive a car now! Pretty big achievement, don't ya think? So after the show, I offered everyone to a carpool, and they all agreed.

"Are you sure you can do this, Tsukasa?" Nene asked. She gets pretty concerned like this sometimes, so I just shook it off as nerves. "Please make sure to check the engine light and stu-"

"Oh, we'll be fine, don't worry!" I exclaimed, cutting her off. I didn't hear, nor would I have likely cared.

Rui was scrolling through his Spotify, looking for a good playlist to put on the radio, whilst Emu was saying how 'wonderhoy' this was gonna be. Nene just played on her phone, occasionally looking up.

Eventually, we got a playlist on and everybody was vibing. I decided to start driving then, so I pulled out of the car park and got onto the road.

"I have a bad feeling about this.." Nene muttered, still looking at her phone. I again ignored her, continuing to focus on the road.

Then, Showtime Ruler came on the radio, and we all started singing, including Nene. When I was singing, the road was empty, so I focused more on my singing.

"Uh, Tsukasa-kun," Emu started to say, "You might wanna focus on the road-"

I ignored her and continued singing. Rui looked up from his phone, confused, before suddenly gripping onto his seat.


I looked back at the road, seeing a car coming in front of me. Emu screamed out in fear, whilst Nene clinged onto Rui. I frantically slammed on the brakes, swerved, and then–


Emu's POV

"Hmm.." I groaned, tired and sore. I guess practice hurt a lot and I ended up sleeping as soon as I got home. My head hurt as well, so I went to grab my water bottle.

I opened my eyes, looked over, and saw that I was holding a pale, severed hand. I screamed out and dropped it, shaking. Then I realised what was really going on. Tsukasa-kun had crashed the car.

I looked beside me and saw Tsukasa-kun slumped over, glass in his arms. He didn't look too injured. Luckily, I was fine, except for a cut on my leg. So I looked behind me to check on Rui and Nene.

And I so so wished that I hadn't.

Nene was in front of Rui, her face and arms all cut up. I saw that her left hand wasn't there, and almost gagged when I remembered holding the severed hand. Rui had a bunch of glass in him, and had a few large cuts.

I picked up my phone with shaky hands. The screen was all shattered, but it still worked. I called the emergency services and waited for the ambulance to help us.

And I hoped that everybody would be okay.
Angst yayyy

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