{The Worst Breakdown I've Had}

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Kanamizu but soulcrushing angst bc I'm in the mood for it (dw they'll be ok in the end ^^)

Kanada is not having a silly fun night but Mizook shall fix it with the power of saving her


TW FOR: Suicide mentions, ideation & attempt, mentions of blood and harmful items, depressing topics and more
Kanade's POV


The empty glass cup I had in my right hand was launched at the wall, shattering upon impact. Shards of the cup were now scattered around the wall, and a few had even lodged themselves in the wall.

I stood where I was, trembling like a leaf in the wind. Everything was coming down on me like a ton of bricks, and I felt like I had failed everybody.

My mom.
My dad.


"I can't do this anymore..." I mumbled to myself, my voice shaking as I went over to the wall where the pile of glass shards were. I carefully took one out of the wall and examined it. It was sharp and slim, just like a kitchen knife.

A swarm of thoughts came into my head about the multiple ways I could harm myself. Lethally. I didn't object to any of them, and knew what I would be doing then and there.

I put the glass shard on my desk for a moment, logging into my computer. I went on to Nightcord, and saw that everybody was offline, which was good for me. At least then I could do what I needed to do in peace. I typed up a brief last message to the group chat, reading:

'If you are reading this, I will likely be gone. It is not any of your faults at all. Thank you for being so kind to me. Goodbye.'

I sent the message, then logged off on my computer. I picked up the glass shard again, and sat down on my bed. If I was going to die, I at least wanted to be somewhere comfortable instead of the floor.

As I put the shard to my arm, I heard my phone buzz quite a few times. I didn't pick it up to check it, and gave myself a moment to gather the courage to do what I planned.

I started to drag the glass across my skin sharply, making semi-deep cuts. Blood welled up from the wounds and spilled down my left arm. I winced and groaned from the pain, but continued anyways.

As I was just about to stab the shard of glass into my arm, I heard my front door bang open, and footsteps rushing to my room. "Fuck!-" I mumbled, raising the shard up to hopefully seal my fate.

But just before I could, somebody tackled me, quickly taking the glass shard and throwing it across the room, and then holding me tightly. It was all a blur, and I didn't even know who it was until they spoke.

"Kanade what the fuck were you thinking?!" Mizuki yelled, their eyes glossy as they hugged me close. I just stared at them, shocked.

After a few moments, Mizuki dragged me to the bathroom to clean up and bandage my cuts. We didn't speak, and the air felt so tense.

All I could think about was how I must've burdened them all, and that I was just being even more of a problem... and that's when I started crying.

"I'm so sorry Mizuki I really am I shouldn't have worried you like this and I screwed up so bad it's fine if you don't wanna deal with me-" I rambled shakily, before feeling Mizuki kiss my forehead.

"No. Kanade, I care for you so much. If anything had happened to you then I would be feeling guilty and even more worried than right now." they explained, wiping my tears as they fell. "I'm just so relieved that you're relatively safe."

I nodded, looking down. My arm was now bandaged up, and I just felt tired from the breakdown I had and what I put myself through. I clung onto Mizuki, nearly falling asleep in their comforting hold.

"Thank you for saving me..."



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