{A Feeling of Comfort}

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Kanade angst that turns into kanamizu fluff bc I said so :D (this was originally gonna be only Kanade angst, but that would be cruel)
Kanade's POV

Every minute is dedicated to composing or saving Mafuyu. That's how it's been for a long while now. I'm getting closer to saving her, I know it, and I'm helping Ena and Mizuki too.

But I can't save myself, and nobody can save me.

I sat in my room, at my computer, composing yet another song. This time, I wasn't even thinking about what I was composing, so I zoned out as I did it. After a while, I finished the song, and listened to it.

At first, it sounded sweet, like a lullaby. It made me feel calm and happy. But then, the sweet melody turned into silence, followed by a melody that could only be described as immense pain and coldness coming up to the surface after being hidden for so long.

"What the.." I mumbled, confused, before hearing my own voice in the song. "I must've recorded some vocals.." I added, listening closely. My voice was slightly broken, and was just vocalising what the melody was, which made it sound way more dark and sad.

I paused the song, shocked. I started to question how I even did that whilst not noticing. It was so confusing, and slightly disturbing. Then, it clicked.

I was putting my pain into a song.

I froze, surprised that I suddenly found the answer, but it all made sense. My vocals sounded like I was in pain, but not physically. I needed to investigate what this was more closely to find out what kind of pain it was.
A week later

I sat at my desk, my mind blank. The past few days were blurred together by tears and music notes. I was feeling like I had been suffocating, and crying didn't help. Obviously, I cried alone, so Mafuyu wouldn't worry about me. However, a part of me wanted somebody to worry and care about my feelings.

Tears filled my eyes, and I looked at my computer. A notification from the N25 group chat appeared, and it seemed to be a text from Mafuyu, with an audio file attached. I clicked on the file and played it. Suddenly, the song I had made a week ago started playing.

"How did she find that?" I asked myself, shocked. I was just about to reply when Mafuyu added something else, and suddenly, Mizuki and Ena started to respond.

Yuki: I found this on Kanade's computer. It's a bit concerning.

Enanan: God, that's disturbing!! What was going through her head when she composed that?

Amia: did you guys hear the vocals? It sounds like Kanade's crying in pain!

Enanan: I didn't notice that, but now it's even more worrying!

Yuki: I agree.

I felt nervous after reading that conversation. I didn't want them to worry about me! Sure, I wanted somebody to worry and care, but not them! Then, I got a DM, and I opened it. It was from Mizuki.

Amia: hey, Kanade, how come you made that song? It was a bit worrying :(

K: oh, I don't even know. I zoned out whilst making it

Amia: that's pretty concerning! Wanna call so you can talk about it?

K: sure

Suddenly, I got the notification that Mizuki was calling me. I pressed accept, and they started to speak almost instantly after they'd seen that I had joined the call.

"Hey Kanade!" They said, their cheerful personality being as infectious as usual. I already felt myself start to smile. "So, about that song.." they added, "What kind of feelings do you think you put into it?"

It took me a minute to try and formulate a sentence that would make some sort of sense and answer Mizuki's question. I didn't really know how to word it, as I don't talked to people about my feelings often.

"I think.. it was some sort of combination of hopelessness, longing and pain." I finally said. It felt nice to say it, for some reason that I didn't understand.

Mizuki listened to what I said before speaking again. "That's what it sounded like. You know, if you're struggling, you can talk about it, right? You don't have to hide it at all." they said in a caring tone.

I stayed silent, surprised. What Mizuki was saying made me feel like I had somebody I could trust. Somebody that cared about how I was feeling. Tears formed in my eyes, but it wasn't because I was sad. "Thank you, Mizuki.. I appreciate that a lot.." I said, my voice shaky as I let my tears fall.

"E-Eh!? Kanade, Are you crying? What's wrong?!" Mizuki yelped, seeming to panic over the fact that I was crying. All I could do was giggle, which made them confused. "Wait- how come you're giggling?"

"Because I'm happy that you care, Mizuki."


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