{Bullying Part 2}

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I forgot I needed to make a part 2 for this ;-;

Anyways, more mafuemu because it's yes and was in part 1-

Tw: mentions of bullying, sad Emu
Emu's POV

I walked home after another long day of endless bullying. It's been 3 weeks and they still hadn't stopped. They were beating me up too, and now I couldn't go to practice with the troupe without being questioned about the bruises and bandages scattered on my body. Nobody at home really cared though. Not like I expected them too.

I went up to the bathroom and pulled out the brown hair dye from my bag. If they wanted me to be different, then my pink hair needed to go.

I started dying my hair with help from a Google guide, only keeping a few streaks of my pink hair because it actually looked good like that. I also grew it out whilst the bullying was happening to blend in more. Once it was done, I put in some blue eye contacts. I finally looked normal.

I made myself some food and ate whilst listening to music. Suddenly, I saw a new song in my playlist called Untitled.

"Guess I should click it. It might be like my SEKAI." I mumbled before pressing play on the song.
Mafuyu's POV

I was in the SEKAI, trying to play Cat's Cradle with Miku and Luka. Luka was quite good at it, whilst me and Miku just got our threads tangled. It was quite fun, actually!

Suddenly, I saw Mizuki running up to me. "Mafuyu! There's somebody else in the SEKAI!" they said, grabbing my hand to lead me somewhere. Miku and Luka followed us, probably curious about the situation.

I saw Kanade talking to a small girl with brown hair, who was clearly confused on her surroundings. I looked at her more closely and saw she had pink streaks in her hair, the exact same colour as Emu's hair. I was confused, so I stepped in.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked coming more close to them both. The girl looked at me. She had blue eyes, but I could tell they were contacts quite quickly, due to the fact that one of them was put in slightly wrong.

"Mafuyu..?" the girl said, staring at me. I was surprised they knew me, even though I'm quite well known around my school. That's when I spotted the WonderlandsxShowtime bracelet on her wrist, barely visible under her sweater's sleeve. My eyes widened in shock as I realised who it was.

"Emu, what are you doing here?!" I exclaimed. Mizuki gave me a look of confusion, clearly not recognising Emu through her 'disguise'. Kanade also had a look of confusion on her face.

Emu sighed and shook her head. "I don't know. I got the Untitled song again on my phone and played it and I wound up here," she said, looking at Miku and Luka, "You guys look really different from the Miku and Luka in my SEKAI."

"Really? How come?" Luka asked, seemingly intrigued by the thought of a different version of herself.

"She wears really colourful clothes and is very w- nice and fun." Emu said quietly, looking at the broken structures littered around the SEKAI.

Kanade looked at me for a second. "Mafuyu, can we talk for a second?" she asked, beckoning me to a different area. Once we got there, she sighed.

"It seems as if Mizuki was right. I'm sure bullying caused this problem. She got so sad and empty that she was allowed into this SEKAI." Kanade explained, going over details that even I had missed. But I was devastated to find out that she was being bullied.

"I'll make sure they never bully her again." I said, anger lacing my words, before going over to comfort her.



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