{Cuddles and a Musical After A Horrible Day}

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Tsukasa has a bad day at school so Akito takes him home and takes care of him with cuddles and watching a musical :D

Tw: Bullying, violence, blood

Pairing requested by: Chxcolate_Cake
Tsukasa's POV

Another punch hit my face, adding what will likely be another bruise to my body. The script I was working on was tossed to the floor beside me, red marker wrecking it completely.

I feel a sharp kick in my stomach and scream in pain, the tears I had been holding back finally spilling over and streaming down my face. The person above me just laughed cruelly, kicking me again. I didn't even know who it was, since they threw me down to the floor too fast and my head hurt too much for me to look up.

As the person delivered another kick to my torso, I coughed up a bit of blood. It hurt like hell, and I was sobbing at this point, begging for them to stop. Either that, or just to hit me so hard I passed out. I couldn't tell at this point.


I hear a familiar voice, and finally lift my head to see my boyfriend, Akito running towards me and the person, who appeared to be a boy that was in the year above me. I felt so grateful that Akito happened to pass by and see what was happening. As soon as the boy saw Akito, he seemed to just run away, a scared expression on his face.

Akito quickly went over to me and kneeled down. "Are you okay?" he asked, clearly shocked and concerned. All I could do was sob, the pain from the kicks and punches still throbbing harshly.

I heard him sigh, then felt myself being lifted off of the ground. I would've objected, but I had no strength or will to do anything other than curl up in Akito's arms, trembling like a leaf in the wind. I closed my eyes, just crying and wanting the pain to stop.

When I finally opened my eyes, I was on my bed, and we were in my bedroom... wait, how did we get into my house if Akito didn't have a key?!

"Don't worry, your parents let us in after I told them what went on." Akito quickly reassured me when he saw I was starting to get confused. I sighed in relief, and then whimpered as the pain came. It was not as bad as earlier, but it still hurt.

Akito seemed to have sensed that I was hurting and hugged me gently, enveloping me in warmth and comfort. I relaxed in his embrace, a small smile forming on my face.

After a little while, Akito made a suggestion. "How about we watch something and cuddle for a bit?" I nodded, liking that idea. Watching a movie whilst cuddling with my boyfriend was definitely an amazing way to recover from the horrible day I had.

A minute later, the opening notes for Hamilton were playing, and Akito was holding me closely. We had a blanket over us, and it was the most comfortable I had felt in a while. I pretty much forgot about the bullying I went through due to how relaxed and happy I was.

"Thank you, Akito.. for being so amazing..." I mumbled, looking up at him and smiling as I spoke. He laughed quietly and patted me on the head, also smiling.

"Any time, my star."


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