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More angst but this time it has some fluff because yes

Mizuki x An because fuck yea
Mizuki's POV

I walked into school in my usual happy mood. Though, when I was walking through the halls, I felt an unusual cold feeling. I looked around and people were staring at me like I was a social pariah.

I put my stuff away in my locker and that's when I saw a note on the door. I pulled it off and read it.

We heard the rumours and think you're disgusting. We want nothing to do with you anymore. :/
-Kohane and Akito

I was confused and sad when I read the note. What rumours? I didn't understand at all until lunch, when somebody threw an open can of soda at me. It spilled all over my clothes and even got in my hair.

"GROSS BITCH. GO BACK TO BEING A GIRL!" a person yelled at me. A bunch of people laughed and I slammed my lunch tray down, running out of the cafeteria.

I ran up to the rooftop and sank to the ground, tears in my eyes. How did they know? Who told them? I only told the band, An and Rui! Speaking of An, I felt a pair of arms encase me in a hug. "Are you okay, Mizuki?"

I burst into tears and hugged her back. "No, somebody told the whole school that I'm non-binary and now they all hate me!" I sobbed, hyperventilating slightly.

An lead me through some breathing exercises and helped calm me down before getting up, bringing me with her. "I'll find whoever told them all and fucking kill them." I heard her mutter beneath her breath. She was quite scary when she was angry.

A week later because yeah 👍

The bullying hadn't stopped, and I was getting more and more upset each day. An was obviously there to help me, along with my other friends.

Me and An had done some investigation, and all the clues and answers from other people pointed to Ena telling Akito about it. I didn't believe it, because Ena was my best friend! Best friends wouldn't do that, right? But, I digress. I called Ena to ask for an explanation on her part.

"Hey Mizuki, what's up?" she asked, clearly not knowing why I was calling.

"Hey Ena.. um, yknow how I told you that I was non-binary?" I said carefully, trying not to seem too nervous, even though I was.

"Yea, what about it?"

"I was just wondering if you told anyone, for example, Akito? It's just that- people I haven't told have found out, and now I'm getting bullied."

I heard her sigh. "Ok, fine, I did tell Akito. But I thought he would keep it a secret as well! I didn't know he would tell Kohane and then put it on social media!"

I froze. "He put it on social media..?"

"Yeah. I tried to report the post but then he blocked me."

I exhaled shakily. This was all going wrong. "Okay- thanks for explaining, Ena, and I forgive you. Goodbye." I hung up afterwards and immediately went onto Twitter to see the damage.

I was surprised to see a lot of support! Akito had been absolutely slammed on for being hateful towards me, and people were being kind towards me and sent really nice messages to me! I smiled when I saw An's long, angry message for Akito.

"Thank god they still like me." I said to myself before putting my phone down to go onto Nightcord.

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