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*Un-wonderhois your Emu for the 3rd time*

Yeah I just want her to kinda.. yknow, SUFFER-

Tw: unhappy Emu, sh and suicidal shit
Emu's POV

I put down my phone, sighing. Our next show is in a week and I still can't memorise my lines. I don't know why I can't!

You're stupid.

What? Who was that? I looked around but saw no-one. Must be my mind again..

Worthless bitch.

I covered my ears, even though I knew it wouldn't help. It was just a reflex that grew on me. I remembered about my depression medication and went to go get it.

I went in the bathroom and grabbed the bottle of pills I took every day. I'd forgotten to take them for the past 3 days because I was working through the night trying to remember my lines.

Wouldn't it be funny if you just took all the pills and died?

I looked up at the mirror to see my shocked expression. I hadn't thought like that for a while, so it surprised me. The last time I went through with it, I was in the hospital for 2 weeks.

I looked at the pill bottles again. Life has been getting hard lately... It wouldn't be too bad to escape it once and for all. But it would take a while and be pretty painful in the process.

Then I remembered my blade. I rummaged through the cabinet and found it. It looked dirty so I cleaned it before examining it closely.

If you cut your veins, it would be a quicker death.

I put the blade to my wrist, breathing shakily before quickly slicing my skin. I immediately yelped from the pain. Luckily, nobody else would be here until Rui, Nene and Tsukasa came to practice-


I looked down at my wrist and saw all the blood falling from my wrist to the floor. My head was feeling really light and I was shaking intensely but I wanted to keep cutting. So I did.

I heard Tsukasa's loud voice as he entered the house and panicked. They all were meant to be here later! But my vision was going black, and before I could do anything, I blacked out.

Mafuyu's POV

I decided to come over to Emu's house with Nene, Rui and Tsukasa because I wanted to see them practice. They seemed to be happy when performing, so I wanted to see the behind the scenes action.

But when I entered with them, I heard a loud bang. I jumped slightly, shocked, before running up the stairs to investigate. I looked in Emu's bedroom, seeing papers and energy drink cans everywhere. I looked in several other rooms, but couldn't find her. I then opened the bathroom door and screamed at the sight.

I'll write a part 2 to this, maybe 2 endings? Idk-

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