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Anyways today we have Saki overworking herself until she collapses

Tw: mentions of illness
Saki's POV

I did 2 all nighters trying to learn the lyrics and chords for our next song. Luckily, school was out for summer break so I could practice more. Unluckily, though, it was really hot. So I had my fan on 24/7 to make sure I didn't get too hot.

My body was not really liking me working non-stop, but I couldn't really take many breaks because our show was in 3 days. The song was a last minute addition so that we could have a full set of songs. Good thing I knew the others by heart.

The day of the show came faster than expected. I woke up 30 minutes later than I wanted to, so I hurried to get dressed and style my hair before running down the stairs to grab something to eat. Tsukasa was downstairs, making french toast.

"Hey Saki! Are you ready for your show today?" He asked, serving up the toast. I grabbed my plate and ate eagerly, excited. I nodded to answer his question.

After I finished my toast, I put my plate in the sink. I grabbed my phone to message the group to see when we would meet up.
Leo/Need Group Chat

Saki 💛
Hey! What time are we meeting up at the stage?

Around 10:30am, so we can run through our set before the show starts at 1pm! :)

Alright, I'll leave now so I can get there to set up my guitar

Yea, I'll leave too!

Ok! See you all there!!👋
At the venue

I got there exactly at 10:30, and was greeted by Shiho and Ichika, whilst Honami was busy setting up the stereo and her drums. "Hi guys!" I said, setting up my keyboard. Carrying it made me pretty fatigued for some reason, but I ignored it.

"Hey Saki! We were just getting ready to do our first song in the set, so you came just in time!" Ichika said, smiling at me. I nodded and we all got ready to rehearse our set.

During the middle of the set, I started to feel dizzy. I panicked slightly, knowing what was going to happen if I didn't take a break at that moment. "Ichika, I feel dizzy.." I said quietly, so quiet that she didn't hear it over the music. I took a deep breath, trying to force myself to stay calm.

Shiho looked at me, seeming curious, then her expression morphed to concern and worry. "Guys, I don't think Saki is doing- Saki?!-"

That's all I heard before I blacked out.
Shiho's POV

I immediately set my guitar down and ran over to Saki, taking off my jacket and propping it under her head. I looked to see if she had any injury on her head from it slamming against the wooden stage. She seemed fine, but I was still worried. Honami and Ichika looked absolutely shocked, as they clearly didn't expect it to happen.

"Honami, grab Saki's water bottle and a snack for her, Ichika, call an ambulance." I said, memorising what Saki told me to do if this happened. I looked at her and saw that she had dark purple circles under her eyes, an indicator that she had been overworking herself again.

Honami came back with Saki's bottle and a packet of fruit gummies, whilst Ichika talked hurriedly on the phone. I opened Tsukasa's contact on my phone and told him to come to the stage to help with Saki. He responded immediately, saying that he would be there in 5 minutes. I hoped he wouldn't break any speed limits.

I sighed. "Saki, why did you overwork yourself.." I muttered to myself. I hoped she would be okay.
My phone is at 6% so I'll post part 2 sometime soon (dunno when-)

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