{A Criteria I Can't Fit}

50 1 15


Tw: suicidal ideation
Emu's POV

What does this world want from me?

I act like myself, and people tell me I'm too childish and should grow up. Yet when I act mature, they call me boring and plain!


I try to be what they want me to be, but their opinions on what I should be only change when I fit their previous criteria! It's so annoying, I wish I could just be myself.


Yknow, maybe just acting like everybody else would work! Then, I'd blend in, and nobody would criticise me like they do right now! It's a foolproof plan.


I snap back into reality as Tsukasa snaps his fingers in my face. "You've been staring at the wall for five minutes, c'mon! Lunch break is almost over, you'll have to go back to your school now if you don't want to be late!" he said in his loud voice.

I sighed and nodded, hugging him, Rui and Nene before dashing out of the Kamiyama school grounds. I didn't want to go back to my school though, so I just wandered around Shibuya, looking at random places and going into shops just to browse.

I ended up bumping into two girls when I was walking through a makeup store. One of them was just taller than me, with long silvery-white hair, and the other was pretty tall, with light pink hair tied up into a ponytail, and I immediately recognised them as Mizuki.

"Oh, Mizuki, hi! Are you skipping school again?" I asked, toning down on my hyperactivity. Now was the perfect time to start acting more normal, so that people could get used to it!

"Yeah, but what about you? From what I know, you haven't skipped a day of school before, yet here you are, walking around random stores!" Mizuki responded, holding the white haired girl's hand.

I just giggled quietly and rolled my eyes. "They were doing stuff I wasn't interested in. You know, boring things!" I lied, and they just nodded in agreement, before saying goodbye and walking away with the other girl.

I sighed softly and went back to looking around. Somehow, I ended up on the roof of the shopping centre, and went over to the edge. There were railings, though, so I just looked down. The ground below looked so soft, like a cushion.

But I just turned around and walked away, knowing that I might return one day and actually have the guts to go through with it.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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