{Dancing in the Rain}

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Mizuki and Kanade bc the Carnation Recollection event was amazing and I need more of that shit :> (for once nobody is suffering, probably bc it's my 2 fav sillies)
Kanade's POV

I went over to the cabinet in the kitchen and opened the door, looking for one of my cup noodles, only to find nothing. "Oh yeah, right.. I had the last one yesterday." I mumbled to myself, checking the time.


I sighed and then looked out the window. It was a light rain, nothing too bad, and you could still see the setting sun, as it was around summertime. Going over to the coat rack in the hallway, I stumbled upon my old rain boots, quite literally. They still fitted, so I just put them on instead of my old trainers.

I grabbed an umbrella and opened the front door, stepping out of the house for the first time in a month. Luckily, it was quite warm, so a coat wasn't needed. I shut the front door and started to walk to the store, looking around as I went.

After a few minutes, I saw a familiar person with light pink hair in my vision. They turned around and I saw that it was Mizuki. I decided to go up and say hello to them, as I always do if I encounter them outside.

"Oh, hello Mizuki. I didn't expect to see you out in the rain." I said, smiling softly at the other as I held my umbrella. The rain was getting a bit heavier, and I didn't want my hair to end up wet.

Mizuki seemed to be surprised by my sudden presence, and they jolted slightly before smiling at me warmly. "Oh, hi Kanade! I didn't expect to see you either," they said brightly, their happy tone as present as always. "So, what made you finally come out of your house this time?"

I blushed slightly out of embarrassment, because they probably already knew the answer. "I ran out of cup noodles again.." I said sheepishly. They giggled and nodded, mumbling something along the lines of 'Classic Kanade'.

"Y'know, there's something just so fun about rain. It makes me wanna dance and have fun in it!" Mizuki said after a moment of silence. I looked at them, slightly confused. I never knew they liked the rain.

"Oh, really? That's interesting." I said in response, looking out at the rain. The park was really close by, and I could see some flowers too. Suddenly, I felt my hand being tugged and dragged, and I stumbled. I looked up to see Mizuki dragging me towards the park.

"M-Mizuki, what are you doing?" I asked, really confused now. I didn't expect to be suddenly dragged, so it was quite a shock.

"Well, I wanna dance in the rain, and I'm subjecting you to be my dance partner!" Mizuki responded in a sing-song like tone, smiling widely. I just sighed and followed them, as I knew I wouldn't be able to escape or deny them of it. When we got to the park, Mizuki took me to the flowers and finally let go of my hand. Their death grip on my wrist left a red mark on it, but I didn't really mind.

I looked up from my wrist to see Mizuki twirling in the rain, giggling to themself happily. It honestly looked like quite a lot of fun, and I wanted to join in too. "Eh, screw it, I might as well have some fun." I said to myself before dropping my umbrella and walking over to Mizuki, joining them in spinning and dancing in the rain.

After a while, the rain was getting really heavy, and I knew the both of us would catch a cold if we stayed in it any longer. I grabbed my umbrella and opened it, making sure it covered both of our heads. I then remembered all about why I came outside in the first place.

"Crap, I forgot to get my cup noodles!" I groaned, slightly annoyed at myself for forgetting. But I knew that it was more fun dancing in the rain than just buying cup noodles and going home, so I was glad I got sidetracked by spotting Mizuki.

We both went into the store quickly and bought our own stuff. Mizuki bought some ice cream and a few lolipops, whilst I bought a bunch of cup noodles and ramen. I then walked them home, as I wanted to make sure they didn't get soaked by the now torrential rain.

Once we arrived at Mizuki's house, they smiled at me. "Thanks for spending time with me Kanade, it was really fun!" they said happily. I couldn't help but return the smile. I also thanked them for the fun evening, and they then ran inside. I looked away from Mizuki's house, staring in the direction of the park with a smile still lingering on my face.

"Maybe dancing in the rain is a nice way to pass the time after all.."

Fluff for the soul :D

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