{Stage Accident}

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WxS oneshot + autistic Rui because yes

Tw: injury, hospitals
Rui's POV

Today was the day of the show, so we were just going over some last things before people started to come. Luckily, we had everything memorised, and the stage seemed to be safe, so we were ready to put on an amazing show.

This time it was about a pink haired damsel in distress who was to be saved from the evil mage by the blonde haired prince, whilst a cursed poet, played by me, tried to stop him as well. Me and Tsukasa collaborated on the idea at a sleepover a while ago.

People filled the seats of the Wonder Stage, and I realised it was a full house. Tsukasa and Emu would be extremely happy, so that's good. I went backstage to tell them to get into the wings.

"Cmon guys, everyone is here! Wonderhoy!" Emu said in her usual manner, running to the wings and almost tripping on her costume. Tsukasa followed in the same manner, and I just shook my head as I chuckled. Nene didn't need to go on stage at the start, so she just played a game on her phone.

I went to the wings as well, and the curtains rose, signalling the start of the show. Emu and Tsukasa entered the stage and did the opening, then brought the story to the point where I enter.

We made storm clouds with lightning bolts on them to simulate a storm. The bolts were made of metal, whilst the cloud was made of foam with a rubber casing painted grey. We wanted it to look as good as possible.

I entered the stage to deliver my first lines, and our sprinklers for the storm didn't come on. I was slightly confused but just decided to not mind it. As the show continued on, though, I noticed some of the stuff on the stage not really working. Our lights were flickering and sending off sparks and things were close to collapsing. Right when I was about to get off stage, everything went wrong.

The lights all exploded, sending the edges and parts of the flooring of the stage up in flames, whilst everything else started collapsing and falling from the roof, including the storm clouds.

Tsukasa got knocked down by one of our trees, whilst Emu was trying to climb things to get away from the fire that threatened to set her costume aflame. I was frozen, trying to process what was going on. Everything was loud and bright and I seemed to just shut down.

I saw Nene run over with a bucket of water, trying to put out the fire nearest to Emu, then go over to help Tsukasa escape. I just watched on terror as the chaos continued to unfold. Emu fell from where she was and landed right in the fire while Tsukasa and Nene got knocked down by more of the trees. Then, another storm cloud fell and the bolt stabbed me through the stomach.

I didn't even feel it for a second, but then the pain seemed to explode through me. Nene looked over at me, and I could see her face pale. "RUI!" she yelled. I could barely hear her, things were getting too loud to understand. I heard sirens in the distance, and that was when I passed out from the pain and blood loss.
Emu's POV

I woke up in a hospital, feeling horrible. The stage accident kept repeating in my head, and I couldn't get it out. I still felt the fire on my skin. I still saw Rui getting stabbed by the lightning bolt.

The sprinklers went on right after Rui passed out, which put out the fire, so I was able to help Nene and Tsukasa get out from under the trees, before paramedics helped Rui, who also hit his head when he collapsed.

The burns I got were pretty serious, and Nene and Tsukasa both had some broken ribs and other fractures in their arms, with Tsukasa getting hit in the neck, causing his vocal cords to get damaged slightly. The only person we didn't know the condition of was Rui, which scared me but absolutely terrified Tsukasa. Not knowing how his boyfriend was doing must be really difficult.

A doctor came in, interrupting our thoughts. "Rui is out of surgery and ready for visitors. You may all go and see him." the doctor said before leading us to the room Rui was in. Tsukasa practically ran ahead of the doctor, he seemed that relieved and happy.

We all burst into the room to see Rui staring at the wall, looking absolutely exhausted. Tsukasa went over to him and hugged him. "Rui, I'm so glad you're okay!" he said, his voice cracking from his vocal cord damage. Nene came over to the other side of Rui, and so did I. But he seemed distant, like he was zoned out.

"Rui? Are you okay? You don't look very wonderhoy!" I exclaimed, concerned. I didn't like seeing him like this. He just seemed empty and it wasn't very good. I wasn't sure if he was just zoned out or about to have a meltdown, and Nene also looked slightly confused.

Suddenly, tears filled Rui's eyes quickly and he started crying, finally snapping out of his zoned out state. He hugged Tsukasa back as he he sobbed. Nene and I both left, as he likely just needed Tsukasa at the time.

"I think he was just trying to space out to avoid a meltdown." Nene said, and I nodded in agreement. We've both seen it happen enough times to recognise the different signs of a meltdown before it happens.
Rui's POV

It had been a month since the accident, and I decided to not go on stage for a while. The Wonder Stage was repaired immediately after the accident, but I still didn't trust it. Everyone else wanted to continue acting, but made sure to triple check the stage each time so nothing bad would happen again.

I sat off to the side, watching them rehearse a show, smiles on their faces. I was happy that they were happy. I quickly sketched out a plan for a Robo-Rui. It would help me be on stage without the fear of getting hurt again. I hoped the others would also like it. I then put my stuff away and continued to watch the others rehearse.
1k words because angst is fun :D


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