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This is kinda like a corrupted SEKAI AU thing :P
All the Miku's have been corrupted, except for one... but what would happen if others came in contact with the Miku's?

(I'm writing this part at 6am/7am pls kill me)

Might actually turn this into a story if it's good lmao

Tw: there will be violence and gore(?), just a heads up
Honami's POV

I entered the SEKAI like usual, but could tell something was off the second I was in it. There was some weirdly coloured goo on almost every desk and wall in the classroom I had been teleported into. I walked out the door and found the same in the hallways.

"What..? This is weird." I mumbled under my breath, feeling a chill run up my spine. I walked around, being careful not to step on the liquid that coated quite a bit of the floors. I saw the classroom that the band usually meet up in, thanks to Len's sign he drew for the door.

I pushed the door open to see Rin in the corner of the room, her eyes wide with fear. I ran over, concerned for her. "Rin? What's wrong?" I asked, placing my hands on her shoulders.

She pointed to the goo that covered nearly every surface in the room. "I touched it and it.." she stopped talking and presented her right hand to me. It was.. glitching?

"It's making your hand glitch?" I questioned, even though I could see that it was doing exactly that. Fin nodded, then sighed as she continued to speak.

"I-I'm just glad you found me before Miku did.." Rin whispered, and that confused me. Miku? What's made Rin scared of her?

"What about Miku is making you hide from her?" I asked. Then I felt Rin tense up. She started to breathe more shallow and quick, and shook a bit. I room that moment to turn my head to look behind me.

Miku was there, but she looked completely different. It was if the effect of the goo on Rin's hand had taken over Miku's whole body. She was glitching so bad that I could barely make her out. She had something in her hand that I couldn't see. "Miku..?" I whispered, staring at her glitching face that seemed to wear a blank expression.

"Ah, Honami. I suppose you could be the first." Miku said ominously, and I looked at her with confusion. She seemed to smile and raise her arm. Then, something splashed down on me, and I saw the goo coating my body.

I screamed in shock, trying to get it off of me. I could now see Miku had stopped glitching for a bit, so I could see what was in her hand. A knife, needles, and some thread. I backed up, scared. "N-No- NO!" I yelled, lifting my arms to cover my face.

I felt the knife plunge into my chest, and gasped as the pain seemed to spread around my body. Tears streamed down my cheeks when I felt Miku start to sew my mouth shut so I wouldn't scream. She kept slashing me with the knife as she did, and soon there were hundreds of cuts on my arms, legs and face.

More pain exploded from my chest to my whole body. When I looked down, I could see blood pouring out of the gaping hole in my chest, where my heart was. I lifted my head to see Miku holding my heart.

"Goodbye, Honami Mochizuki."
No more Honami for anybody :P

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