{Double Date}

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Akikasa & Mafuemu
(Ships requested by Chxcolate_Cake )
Akito's POV

I stood outside of the café, waiting for Tsukasa, Emu and Mafuyu. We planned to do a double date and I was the only one who arrived early, which even surprised myself. I was usually the late one!

Then, I heard distant yelling that quickly got closer. "AKITO!" I instantly knew that it was Tsukasa yelling my name and turned around, only to be floored by him. He hugged me tight and I laughed.

"I think Emu's behaviour is rubbing off on you too much." I said, getting up and dusting myself off before giving Tsukasa a proper hug. I looked around and saw Mafuyu and Emu walking towards us- well, Mafuyu was carrying Emu on her shoulders.

"PUT ME DOWN!" Emu whined loudly. It was clear that she had tried to run off somewhere one too many times and Mafuyu didn't want to chase her again.

"Hey guys." Mafuyu said, smiling and wincing when Emu started kicking her to try and get off. Emu immediately got distracted and waved at us eagerly, her usual grin on her face.

"TSUKASA! AKITO! HELLO!" Emu yelled, making me cover my ears whilst Mafuyu and Tsukasa chuckled. The pink haired menace still hurt my ears, even though I was around her quite a lot now, since I came to Tsukasa's rehearsals at the Wonder Stage.

"Let's go into the café." Mafuyu said, leading Emu inside. Me and Tsukasa also went inside, talking to eachother about random things. We all sat at a table and started conversing about school and stuff like that.

A person came by and took our orders. I got pancakes with berries and coffee, Emu got some taiyaki and a strawberry smoothie, and Mafuyu got a dark chocolate muffin and green tea. I noticed Tsukasa hesitate and looked at him. "What do you want to order?" I asked.

"Uh, just a latte, thanks." Tsukasa said, smiling. I didn't know what seemed off, but there was something clearly wrong. I was concerned, but decided to talk to him after the double date.

Our food and drinks came and we all (minus Tsukasa) ate and talked about more random things. Tsukasa was quieter than usual, only taking occasional sips of his latte. After a while, Mafuyu looked at the time on her phone and gasped.

"Oh, it's 3pm! I need to go home now, bye guys!" she said, smiling as she grabbed her stuff. Emu cling onto her and whined, not wanting her to go. She let go after a few minutes though.

Emu left soon after, talking about going to Nene's house for a sleepover as she left, which left me and Tsukasa sitting on our own.

I turned to Tsukasa and sighed. He looked at me, seemingly confused. "Yes?"

"Tsukasa, how come you didn't order any food and only had a few sips of your latte? And I've noticed you were more quiet than usual. What's wrong?" I asked, taking his hand in mine.

Tsukasa tensed up for a second before exhaling. "Ok, I'll tell you.."
FUCK YOU *throws cliffhanger*


Also is it bad that Appetite of a People Pleaser came on as I was writing this?-

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