new things

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"Fuck you. Fuck this school. Fuck all of you" Wooyoung shouted in anger. Kicking the chair, the clothes piled on it falling on the floor.

"Fuck you too bitch fuck you all why can't you stay still huh" Wooyoung shouted. Louder. Grabbing the clothes and throwing it all on the bed.

"Is it because i'm 18? Is it because İ'm not a fucking child anymore? HUH TELL ME WHY ME WHY ME FOR FUCKS SAKE" Wooyoung screamed. Glaring at his reflection. Stopping at the last second before his fist made contact with the mirror.

"Calm the fuck down" he whispered. "Calm the fuck down it's all your fault i don't need any excuses it's your fault it's all you fucking fault" he continued. Tears welling up in his eyes.

Don't think they care about you bitch they wouldn't even notice if you were gone.

The voice in his whispered. Making Wooyoung sigh and slumped on his bed. The clothes on the soft bed making it hard to lay down. Kicking his shoes off Wooyoung rested his head on the pillow. Well on his plushie, because pillow has been invisible evr since he started to pack, attempted to pack his suitcase.

"Yeah, yeah, I will come in a minute," his roommate's voice came. The familiar footsteps approached the door. Wooyoung closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Calming down his thoughts.

"You good?" Yunho asked. Waiting at the open door for Mingi to take his file.

"Yeah, I'm good" Wooyoung said quietly. Not at all sounding good.

"Let's go" Mingi said. Closing the door before Yunho can ask more questions.

"What a fucking life" Wooyoung groaned. Reaching to get the blonde dye laying on the mattress.

He sit on the floor and mixed the hair dye, reading the information. Soon, he was dying his hair from the root. The room smelling of chemicals.

The footsteps came close again. Mingi coming in without looking at Wooyoung.

"Sorry about the smell maybe you should open the window more" Wooyoung said. Dying the strands on the side of his head.

"Oh it's fine, we can just open the door a little for a bit" Mingi replied. Doing what he said. For the next ten minutes Wooyoung was cursing under his breath as the dye spill a little on his pants and the carpeted floor.




"Eh not too bad" Wooyoung commented. Observing his now blonde hair in the mirror. "I guess it worked" he concluded. Hair still damp, he lay on bed. Falling into a dreamless sleep shortly.

Hope you like it.🍫

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