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"Aren't you hot?" Yunho asked. Wooyoung had been fanning himself with his hand for the last hour yet didn't take off his jacket.

"It's fine," he shrugged. Unzipping the jacket that was too big for him and continued scrolling on his phone. The taller didn't like the idea of Wooyoung sitting in hot weather and sweating. So he stood up and walked over to the chair that the younger one was sitting on and took off his jacket slowly.

"Yah, don't do it," Wooyoung yelped. Desperately trying to get his jacket back but quickly hide his arm behind. Yunho narrowly watches as Wooyoung stands there, awkward and shifting on his feet.

"Give that," Wooyoung muttered. Holding his right hand out and waiting for Yunho to give the jacket back. Yunho refuses.

"Not until youbshow me your right arm," yunho said. Gaze fixed on the hidden limb behind Wooyoung. The younger tear up, desperate to get his piece of clothing to protect his sanity.

"Yunho please," Wooyoung says firmly. Gaze hard as a rock. Yunho take a step back at youngers tone and give the jacket back. Letting Wooyoung wear the thing and drown under the big fabric.

"Sorry," Yunho said. Hugging Wooyoung to show his remorse. Wooyoung hug him back and pat his back.

"Things happen, it's fine," the younger said. The two sit in comfortable silence for the next hour until study hour.


"Wooyoung relapsed," Yunho blurted out. Not being able to keep his worry in anymore. Mingi stare at Yunho, eyes wide and shocked.

"But it had been, wait, he started wearing long sleeves well jacket just a week later he promised to stop using...," Mingi trailed off. Eyes even wider in worry for his friend.

The two sat in the room m, waiting for Wooyoung to come back. I'm hoping to find answers.


Hi. Yeah, another short one, but my mood has been low af these days, so deal with it. Also I know this chap don't mean much just a filler.


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