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"You've been quiet lately," a whisper. None other than Wooyoung himself.

Because no one cared what he did, what he ate, what he wanted. What he wanted to be. Now left shaking with anxiety and stress piled up, he couldn't even answer the phone due to his shaking hands. He couldn't do anything other than drown in his thoughts about how worthless he is. How no one wanted to be friends and take him in a friend group. Not even one person asked why he never hung out with them. Why?

But the thing is that almost the whole school was worried about him.

They all noticed how Wooyoung skipped breakfast, lunch, and dinner. How he couldn't stay calm and bite his lips to the point of bleeding. How fidgety the boy is during classes and the occasional nail biting. It all went noticed, but the boy was too much in his head to notice the worry in poeples eyes for months.

The room fell silent when the sobs stopped coming from the boy. His already skinny frame thinner than before. But Wooyoung would be happy about it if not to his parents' constant reminder of his weight loss.

You look like a stick.

You look like a child.

Come on, eat.

You're good now. Don't lose more.

Well, he already lost his sanity, what was there to lose. Recently, the overwhelming worry was too much for his brain, ending in some serious scars on his arms and legs. Like yesterday when the world was too much to deal with, some new ones added on his once clean arm. But did Wooyoung care? No. He didn't even a bit. He had every right to be mad, and bottling everything up on top was not a cherry on top.


"And then-then Mingi fell on his butt," Yunho said. Bursting in a laughing fit at Mingi sulking.

The three friends, well Yunho and Mingi kind of adopted Wooyoung so, they were sitting on the floor. In Mingi and Wooyoung's shared room.

"Yah," Mingi huffed. Hitting the taller shoulder lightly.

"Ow Min be careful you almost break a bone," the other giant said dramatically.

Wooyoung observed the two's actions. Carefree and happy, not even thinking about the recent exam they had, or what results will come. He envied people not stressing about little things in life. How even though they had their own struggles they could hide it very well.

Only he was bad at hiding.

Wooyoung was momentarily put of the train thought when a hand landed on his shoulder. Looking up, he was met with Mingi's caring eyes. The older held Wooyoung's hands in his, his touch gentle, and rub his knuckles. Only then Wooyoung realize his tight chest and ragged breathing.

"Hey, hey it's ok. Don't open the healing scares, yeah," Mingi said softly. Yunho also hugging the younger from behind. Rubbing his arm. Whispering sweet words of encouragement.

The room felt stuffy then. So stuffy and small that the pink haired had to try a few times to take a deep, long breathe that finally went to his lungs. The two don't stop their actions, soothing the shaking boy in their arms.

"He fell asleep," Mingi whispered. After about an hour the younger fell alseep Yunho's arms, exhaustion weighing him down.

"Put him to bed, I'll get a few plasters" Mingi said quietly. Receiving a nod from Yunho.

The taller lifted Wooyoung slowly up to his feet and put him in bed. Pulling the covers up. Mingi then got out a little box from the drawer and sit next to Wooyoung. There was a chair.

"He really needs to stop doing this," Yunho muttered. Caressing the youngers hair as Mingi put bandaid on the open scars. The other only nod. Worry consuming his mind.

After about 30 minutes of whispered reassurance and care, the two leave the room for Wooyoung to rest. As they made their way to the dining hall, a teacher called out Mingi's name. The slightly shorter leave with the teacher to the teachers room, leaving Yunho standing awkwardly in the hall.

"Hey Yuyu," a voice shout. Footsteps come closer and Yunho is hugged by Seonghwa, the senior who is known for his kind behavior to everyone and good grades.

"Hey, Seonghwa hyung. How are you," the taller ask.

"I'm good but...are you ok? You look tense. Are you worried," Seonghwa ask this time. His mother nature coming out.

"Yeah, yeah I'm just worried about Wooyoung," Yunho said absentmindedly. Following the older to the dining hall.

"I'm sure he will come to us, I mean you he don't know me well, but will come talk to you if anything is bothering him. Don't worry too much," Seonghwa said. Eyes going boba and voice soft. Yunho nodded.

He knows Seonghwa is right.

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