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Wooyoung stared at his phone screen; the room was dark, making his eyes hurt from the light. It was past midnight and sleep wasn't planning to come any time soon. Just as Wooyoung put the phone down, a notification came. His heart raced while grabbing the phone open again, a message evident on the top.

Wanna hang out?

Wooyoung frowned. It wasn't from his mom or friends. Well how many friends does he have anyway? Hesitantly opening the message app, Yunho's name is waiting for him. This made Wooyoung's frown deepen. Why would Yunho, who he never talked to aside from little smiles, text him at ungodly hours?

W: You still awake at this hour?

Wooyoung replied,

Y: I feel you
Why are you awake?

W: Insomnia

Y: Oh shit sorry

W: Why would you be sorry
I'm used to it

Y: No, not like...
You always look tired like
Like you haven't slept in years

W: Well duh, because I haven't

There was no reply for a while. It eventually hit 4 am, sleep finally closing in. Just as Wooyoung was about to close his eyes, his phone tinged again.

Y: Sorry had to deal with something

W: It's fine

Y: You don't sound fine

W: Well what do you expect
It's 4 am

Y: True
Anyway, can we go out tomorrow?
At 3 pm?

W: Yeah sure
Why all of a sudden tho :/

Y: Just wanted to

W: Gn

After another hour of rolling around, Wooyoung let out a frustrated sigh.

"Why can't you just..." he muttered. Caressing his own hair at one final attempt to at least rest for an hour. This only succeeded in Wooyoung crying in the end.


"Here Wooyoung," Yunho called out, waving at the younger.

"Hi " Wooyoung muttered, sitting next to Yunho on the bench with eyes heavy from tears and no sleep, again. He let Yunho ruffle his hair, closing his eyes and leaning on Yunho's shoulder to support his head.

The cool breeze caressed his cold skin and made his body heavier. Stomach rumbling for food even though it had consumed food 8 hours ago. Well, it's normal but not for Wooyoung to be hungry all the time so.

"Did you eat?" Yunho asked, patting the younger's head affectionately only to receive a shake of head.

"Come one, let's eat something," the older says while patting Wooyoung's head again and helping him stand up.

"Not hungry," Wooyoung says rubbing his eyes and following Yunho to a nearby Cafe. He sighs when Yunho orders two ice lattes and a cake, probably for Wooyoung.


Wooyoung listened as Yunho talked about his day. What he ate, who he talked to, and many many things. The younger nodding along to show he was listening.

"I love him, oh gosh, I love him so much," Yunho said clapping his hands in joy just thinking about Mingi.

"Sure you do," the younger says taking a small piece of cake with the fork and staring at the piece. Assuring Yunho when the older rush out the 'friendly love of course' part.

It goes silent for a few minutes. Wooyoung staring at the desert and Yunho observing the younger with big, shining eyes.

"You need to eat," the older then said. He took a small piece with the second fork and put it on Wooyoung's lips. The younger eventually gave in and opened his mouth letting Yunho feed him. The treat melts on his tongue, chocolate obviously being from somewhere good. But it doesn't make it any better when his stomach churns.

"No, thank you. I like it but I feel like throwing up right now," Wooyoung says putting on a forced smile and leaving the plate untouched.

The look on Yunho's face is easy to read. A worried frown is placed on his eyebrows. He reached and held Wooyoung's hand rubbing his knuckles in hopes of soothing the sick feeling. The younger forces a smile again before his face goes blank taking a sip of the coffee. Not long after, the two leave the bustling Cafe and walk back to the boring school. The weekends always felt nice, a break from a busy schedule and everything.

"Does this happen normally," Yunho asked, attempting to break the silence. Wooyoung, who was staring ahead, snapped out of his thoughts and nodded.

"Mostly when I...feel like I gained weight or just feel sick. I don't like eating much," the younger one said, pulling his hoodie sleeves down and pawing the soft material.

Yunho hummed, not taking his eyes off Wooyoung's slumped figure. Feeling a sudden warmth, he put his hand on Wooyoung's back. He started gently rubbing his tense shoulder in an attempt to comfort his the younger. When Wooyoung feels a warmth on his back, realizing Yunho is rubbing his back, he unconsciously leaned into Yunho, his chest filling with warmth in the gesture. Yunho kept his hand gently on Wooyoung's back for the rest of the walk.


After returning back to his room, Wooyoung sat at the desk leaning back on the chair and staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, a realisation down on him.

He felt happy.

Without any worries, any disturbance, any stress, just him and Yunho, talking and drinking coffee. He suddenly couldn't hold back the tears. This time not because of anxiety, because he was truly happy after a long time. Truly not caring about the expectations and work load. Just happy. The room filled with sobs as Wooyoung pulled his knees up, hugging them and burying his face in then. Hugging his legs tightly as his body shook. Busy crying, he didn't notice the door open. Or the hand on his back rubbing circles. Only when arms wrapped around him did he notice another person's presence.

"Mingi," Wooyoung whispered, wiping at the tears. He gets a hum from his roommate. The hand on his back, not stopping the movement.

"Yeah, it's me. Why are you crying hm," the older asks while pulling a chair next to Wooyoung. The pink haired took a moment to organize his thoughts.

"I...I felt happy," he said softly. Wiping a new tear that roll down his cheek. He chuckled when Mingi look at him confused. Trying to understand the reasoning.

"That's good Woo that you felt happy, but why are you upset or crying over being happy," Mingi asked.

"It's just been so long since I felt free and just...yeah. Just carefree and happy," Wooyoung said smiling a little.

"That's good. You deserve to be happy. I'm here if you need someone to talk or spend time with, just that you know," Mingi said. Getting up and to his bed, not before giving Wooyoung a pat on the shoulder.

The younger smiled. Not a forced one though, a real smile. He was never alone.

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