not alone

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It was ok.

It was finally ok. A little sigh of relief. Even after Yeosang, his bestfriend, left this morning. Wooyoung was feeling ok. Because even if je felt like crying and couldn't voice his thoughts Yeosang was there to remind him how beautiful and kind he is. How he deserved everything. How Yeosang made Wooyoung laugh with the smallest, silliest things. The best night really.

It really felt ok after a kong time. No bla blas thrown his way or no complains about his working habits. The physogologist told his parents to let him be. Not like let him be free all the way but let him not be talkative, that's his nature. That's who he is.


A text from someone he talked to at school.


What are you doing?

Getting bored. U

Nothing much. Trying to spend useful time ig

I see what do you want

No no i don't want anything i just wanted to talk to you, are you ok

I'm ok

You're not ok. I don't want to intrude but you have been quiet the last months. You can talk to me, or others friends if you need ok

Ik thnks

Wooyoung thought for a minute. Contemplating calling his friend. Eventually ending up texting.

I feel like shit


Because im disgusted wuth myself. How i look and act like a stupid bitch. I can't make friends like u all and i have to lie to my parents about some stupid memories i made

No Woo you are not stupid for most making friends. As long as it don't bother you u can stay by yourself it's not a crime to not be social

Ik i just feel so fucking bad about it. I don't feel lonely anymore but i at least want a relationship. A friend or partner whatever. I just want someone to rely on

Wooyoung don't ever feel bad about this ok. Everything will be ok, believe me. I know you can come strong from this hard time and remember you have me. And all the other friends of us

Thanks. Ig i will find a way somehow :)

Np byeeee Woo


Wooyoung wiped his tears. Going to the bathroom to wash his face from any sign of crying.

"You got this. You are not alone" Wooyoung muttered. Staring at his reflection in the mirror. Eyes red and swollen.

He stopped himself in the last second from cursing at his reflection. Drying his face with the towel he went back to his room. Burying his face in his pillow.

"Good night" Wooyoung whispered. Pulling the blanket up to his head and fall into a peacefull sleep.

Hi. Hope you like it.

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