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Tw: Self Harm and drinking(a little)

Wooyoung drank. Not like a whole bottle of whiskey, just two cups of Orange juicy and whiskey. Which, he was ok so far and not bothered to drink more. He lay on bed. Out of it slightly but luckily, he had control. Since he didn't like alcohol that much anyway. He came back to reality when a knock sounded in the room.

"Come in," he called out. Rather quietly as he didn't have any energy left. San opened the door, peeked in and come in. Door shut quietly behind.

"You ok?" He ask. Now crouched down next to Wooyoung's bed and rub the youngers arm.

"I'm ok, just tired," Wooyoung muttered. His head felt fuzzy and empty. San then noticed the alcohol bottle, standing next to the Orange juice.

"Did you drink a lot? Are you feeling drunk?" San asked. Brushing a strand of hair from Wooyoung's forehead and felt his skin for no apperant reason. The younger shook his head.

"No, it's not that. I'm not drunk, just tired...had two cups is all. Kinda fuzzy," Wooyoung said. Voice slurred from rather tiredness. San hummed. Beliving the younger as the bottle wasn't half finished to begin with.

"Do you need water?" He asked. Wooyoung gave a slight nod, not really caring if he got water or not. But San still took the water bottle that's on next to the bed, not before a slight push for the younger to sit up to drink water.

"Thanks," Wooyoung whispered. He took a few sips, the cold liquid helped his throat get less dry and washed away the taste of vodka. "I'm not drunk really,"

"I know you are not, i believe you. Do you want to talk about it?" San asked. The bed dipped when he sat in front of Wooyoung. The younger just hummed. His stare empty and at nothing in particular.

"Do you want a hug?" San asked instead. With a mere nod from Wooyoung, he wrapped his arms around the younger and slowly ran his fingers through his hair. Sushing his worried murmurs. "Just relax hmm,"

They sat like that for a while, until, a very sleepy Mingi entered the room. Not expecting a guest at this hour as Wooyoung usually sleeps or spends alone time. His eyes then caught the sight of mostly full alcohol bottle and back to the two on bed.

"Is he drunk?" He asked. Not having seen his roommate drink in his time of staying together.

"No, he just had two cups, he said himself, he is just tired," San replied. Gently laid Wooyoung back on the soft bed and pulled the covers up. "He is not drunk though, a drunk person wouldn't act like this so,"

"Yeah, I know. He doesn't drink much. I will sleep now," Mingi said. He sat on his own bed and put on his fluffy socks, it's Christmas soon after all and the weather is cold, and go on his phone. San get the hint and wish a goodnight before closing the door behind. Also tired from a long day of studies.


Wooyoung woke up ok. Not the greatest, but not witha headache, which he was grateful for. He turned around, tried to find his pkushie but failed miserably.

"Here," Mingi groaned. He hand the koala to the younger and continue his slumber. Wooyoung then notice they slept in the same bed. They did this sometimes so he didn't mind.

"You ok after last night? You weren't drunk but there may be a headache," Mingi reminded, not a good move, to Wooyoung right then.

"I'm ok really, but I probably forgot to eat and drink yesterday so my head hurts," Wooyoung muttered. He rubbed his temples, a frown appearing on his face.

"You need to eat," Mingi said. "You look pale these days, are you taking care of yourself?"

Wooyoung didn't have a true answer to that question. So he just nodded. Not facing his roommate because Mingi is good at reading him. He felt a arm wrap around his waist, a sigh escaped his dry lips.

"You are not, I can tell. Even if you try to hide, turn to me Woo," he whispered. Soon faced with a pouty face. "Really, I care about you and I'm worried,"

"Don't be, I'm ok," the youngers voice a mere whisper, responded. He knew he had to be honest, that his relationship with his friends depended on his mood. But he couldn't get himself to care anymore. Not after trying to end it.

"Is the urge too strong? Is that why you drank last night?" Mingi's voice was soft all the while his hand rubbed Wooyoung's back. Kneeding his tense muscles. As it seems, he hit a point that the younger tensed even more and tried to turn around his Mingi's hold.

"Wow, ok, calm down Wooyoung. I won't tell anyone ok? Did something happened that triggered? Can I see if you're ok with it?" He asked cautiously. Wooyoung felt tears prick at his eyes, but didn't show how hurt he got by his friends words. He was just too sensitive. That's all.

"I...I didn't ummm do it, just-" he stammered. Not having the courage to tell what really happened. "Please don't judge me," he almost pleaded.

"I won't ever judge you Woo, trust me, you can show me if that's easier," the taller tried to ease Wooyoung's worries for a second at least.

"Please don't judge me," Wooyoung said quietly. Slowly, he rolled up his sleeve, the sight worse than before. "I...I relapsed, I'm sorry,"

"It's ok, let me have a look hmm?" Mingi prodded. He took Wooyoung's hand gently and, well, it looked like a big mess. Lines scattered on top of eachother and bumpy, fresh, and the healed marks reopened.

"It's ok, shhh, let's clean this yeah," Mingi said softly. Slowly and carefully got out of bed and took his first aid kid from his drawer, he had it for some reasons he didn't remember. He sat on the bed and took the youngers arm. Quiet apologies filled the room as the taller plpit antiseptic on the lines and wrapped it with bandage.

"Better?" He asked after a moment of quiet.

"Thanks, it hurts less," Wooyoung whispered. Eyes lowered to his lap in shame. He looked up when Mingi held his chin and lifted his head.

"No need for that Woo, and don't be ashamed. These things happen, you have me, you have us to lean on, never forget," he said firmly. Wooyoung gave a slight nod. Mood still not completely recovered.

"You sleep a bit more, I'm going to Yunho's room," Mingi said as he got up and left the room. Leaving a somber looking Wooyoung behind. He didn't want to be alone. But he also didn't want to interrupt Yunho and Mingi's quality time, he would dampen the mood by sitting there with a sad face. He didn't like his face. It was sad.

So he laid back down and hugged his plushie to his chest. Maybe sleep would make everything less stressful.


Wooyoung woke up to the sound of two people talking, in his room, and a fruity smell.

"Yunho why do you keep vaping?" He groaned. Not that he didn't mind the smoke but sometimes it got too much, just like now.

"I'm San, and sorry about that," San shrugged. Wooyoung, well, went even more red if he wasn't already flushed from the warm blankets on his body.

"Sorry, when did you come," he asked. Not bothered to stay in bed.

"Mingi let me in, said he will come shortly, and you woke up," the older said. He earned a hum from the younger only. "I can go if you want to be alone,"

"It's fine," Wooyoung said with a shrug. He didn't mind the quiet company. True to his words, Mingi came back just as Wooyoung turned in bed to look at the door.

"Oh, you're awake, how was your nap?" He asked. Seemingly relaxed. The younger nodded again. Not having to voice his contentment in the warm and soft bed.

"Ok, well, I gotta go. A lot of homework, thanks for letting me stay for a bit," San said. Breaking the silence in the room. He left, and, Mingi sat next to Wooyoung on bed. Pulling the covers higher, he pat the youngers soft hair. Now pick black and on his shoulders.

"Goodnight," Wooyoung quietly wished for also himself.

"Goodnight," the taller said softly. With a kiss on his forehead, Wooyoung fell asleep into a deep slumber.

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