
46 2 9

Tw:  Mentions of Self Harm, Suicidal thoughts

I'm kinda bored wanna talk
Or not ur busy I suppose
Also talked to your mom
She said you're doing fine
R u ok?
U normally reply fast

Wooyoung stared at the messages piling up quickly. He knew he had to answer Yeosang's texts but he didn't have the energy. No, he was extra tired after spending his whole day in bed and doing nothing.


No reply from Yeosang this time. Maybe he was busy or studying. Both something creative, unlike Wooyoung. A lazy student who was supposed to study and not waste his parents money which they worked a lot to earn. Maybe suicide was the best option, not like people would remember him, or in a good way, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Answer me
What r u doing???
I'm getting worried
Oi come on man
Talk to me I know ur
Seeing this

I said I'm fine


Stop being sus then
I'm fine just tired from studies

I can see ur face dumbass
I know ur not fine
Come on tell me

Would you miss me if I was gone?

Ofcourse I would
But as in go abroad to study? Or

As in if i got lost in the sea and just disappeared

I don't want you to disappear in the sea, or anywhere
I like having you to talk and hang out
You're my bestfriend Woo

Maybe i will-

R u sure ur ok?

I'm ok really
Just tired yk i said it alr
Imma go sleep a bit

U can talk to me if you ever need someone to listen btw


But it did felt good actually. He knew he wouldn't talk to Yeosang about his bad thoughts though. He just knew that, he just did.


The weekend was longer than expected and Wooyoung ended up sleeping all day, until Mingi woke him up to play gazed which Wooyoung kept fumbling and slipping on the controller given to his shaking hands.

"Wooyoung, you need to stop drinking too much coffee, your hands are shaking," Mingi interrupted when Wooyoung kept slipping the button off. Gently, he took the controller from the younger and set it on his bed. Wooyoung felt like shit, he really did try. He did try to be positive, sleep early(for one night) and be even more positive.

But. Always a but. There shouldn't be any but's. He had to get out of this self depricatinh phase soon or his body would face the consequences of his actions.

"I'm not drinking roo much, Gi," Wooyoung defended weakly. Eyes droopy from too much cafeine.

"Yeah? What about that then?" Mingi raised an eyebrow. Glancing at the collected cups from the dining hall, at least 20 standing on top of each other on Wooyoung's desk.

"I didn't drink it, at least not in just a day," Wooyoung tried to brush off. He hoped his friend would let it go and continue the game.

"You're not eating, at this point you're going to die," Mingi frowned. Gently, he grasped Wooyoung's hands and rubbed his knuckles with his thumb. A scar from scraping it on the pillow still fresh and sting.

"I would rather die than eat the food at school," Wooyoung murmured. Not meeting his friends eyes, sharp and focused on only him.

"I know, i hate the food here too. But you need to eat, or at least stop being quiet. I'm scared you might kill yoursf one day with all this negatife talk," Mingi said quietly. Tone sad and frown still on his brows.

Wooyoung didn't answer, just, hugged his friend. Sniffles filled the room as Mingi rubbed his back. Offering comfort despite Wooyoung's not relaxed state after a few minutes.

"Wooyoung ah, I'm going out. You need anything?" He asked instead. Slowly untangling his limbs from Wooyoung's tight grip and sat up. Dustibg his pants and put on his coat.

"I will come too,"


"Wooyoung, what is that?" Mingi asked. Standing behind the shorter to inspect the packed object.

"I need bandaid also," Wooyoung muttered. He ignored Mingi and walked over to the bandage section. Choosing two boxes of white plaster. He soon met with Mingi at the cash, paying his items and wait for Mingi to finish.

"I'm done, let's go," Mingi announced happily. Taking Wooyoung's hand, he lead him out the shop and back to their school building.


It gets better, i can't say i promise but it does. I hope this is not too negative and depressing, I can't help it but aside from that, things will surely get better. Both in the story and irl for whoever is struggling with problems.

Ok, goodnight🎀

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