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Wooyoung never liked how he looked. How his cheeks come out puffy and bloated. How his smile was weird in the mirror, every time. So, as a solution, he never smiled with his teeth showing. Covering his mouth every time, laughter escaped his lips. Pictures always with that tight smile. As I'd holding his laughter.

"Ugh, I'm so tired," Wooyoung groaned. Slumping on the chair, in front of Seonghwa. Wanting to be with someone the whole day but only found the older.

"Hey, how are you?" Seonghwa asked. Putting his phone down and observing Wooyoung's body language. The younger day is playing with his hoodie strings.

"Eh, tired. Wanna go home," Wooyoung said. Sighing for the nth time that day.

"Why, it was a free day, right?" The older asked. Brows furrowed. It was an uncomfortable silence that fell in between the two. Seonghwa gazed at Wooyoung. Noticing how the younger curled in on himself and bit the skin around his nail.

The mood Wooyoung was in broke at the moment. The content feeling of just drinking the coffee and watching the environment, the dining hall, fucked up. He cursed himself in his head. How stupid can someone be as getting tired after not doing anything?

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to upset you. It's normal to be tired, as humans we use a lot of energy everyday. You're good, sweetie," Seonghwa said quickly. But it was too late. No appetite or contentment left in Wooyoung at that moment. Feeling cold and unwanted. As if he didn't belong to this stupid school.

He stood up and left the dining hall. Coffee long forgotten.


Yunho check up on Wooyoung
I messed up a bit

Hyung, what did you do?
Why is Wooyoung sad

I don't know
He was just fine
Then I said something like how he is so tired
Like today was free
Just go check on him, Yuyu

On it

How was the pink haired supposed to feel? Definitely not like wanting to die. The pills were calling his name. As if telling Wooyoung to take them. Everything will be better. So Wooyoung did just that. Taking two painkillers. His head was bothering the boy all day anyway. Nothing will happen, right?


Yunho shook Wooyoung to wake up. Weird. The younger usually wake up fast. Even from a small noise, then Yunho's eyes found the pill bottle. Heart beating fast, he take the bottle and look in it. It was relatively full. He then checked Wooyoung's pulse.

"Good," Yunho hummed. Feeling the others forehead for temperature. It was fine too.

Hyung, he is fine
Probably got 2 painkillers or something

Thank you
Look after Wooyoung for me

Yunho left it at read. Closing the phone, he settle next to Wooyoung in bed. Pulling the younger in his arms. Wooyoung, still sleeping, snuggled closer. The older chuckled, rubbing his back to relax the boy more.

"Sleep well, angel," Yunho whispered. Kissing the top of his head.

Hi. Hope you like it.


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