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When was the last time he cried?

No, no. When was the last time Wooyoung cried in front of people?

Probably when he returned home after 4 months. Lied to his mom that he missed her when he was just touch starved and very, very lonely. His mom being all soft and cuddly and letting him sleep in their bed. His dad sleeping on the couch.

But the real answer would be 6 years ago. When he got a good result in a test that was important. He cried out of happiness. Pure happiness. Wooyoung was so happy and so fricking happy that he knew he did a good job.

But now?

It's pure anxiety and overwhelming feeling of people's expectations. Even in simplest situations, Wooyoung felt like crying his eyes out. His throat closing and heart racing. Oh how he wished to be held, to let out everything he had been bottling up for months.

How he wished to go back and start all over again. To study more, to make more friends, to be more social. But most importantly, to be more responsible.

It was all his fault that Wooyoung stayed a class back. To study again because of some stupid expectations he couldn't reach. Ofcourse, it didn't go without a eye roll, huffing and screaming. But who cares? No one.

So with a sudden decision, as his hair got long enough, Wooyoung got the hair hair dye. This time doing his whole head pink.

Maybe this was a new start, who knows.

Hi. Hope you like it!

Kinda short. Anyway.


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