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Last year Christmas, she and Hope were at church together, with Allison and Ted while Killikan was driving an air plane. This year, Emma was working on Chrismtas Eve as Killian was in recovery from his half brother. Henry and Hope both are happy when she arrives home from work. When her kids realized that she was working on Christmas eve, Hope began wailing as Henry was hugging her. Killian and Mary-Margaret both calmed down the kids. Her Dad drove her to work. Allison was at work but will be at home by the time Santa arrives.

Emma was munching on gingerbread cookies that she and Henry baked the day before. Killian helped Hope make a gingerbread house with Henry. She felt her Ian kick. She rubs her baby bump. "We are going home soon, little man. You are going to celebrate Christmas with us next year."

At the end of the shift, she changed out of her uniform into her warm clothes and her warm coat.



She sees Henry and Hope running to her. "What are you two doing here?"

"Christmas not same without you."


She hugged her children and held her daughter. "Mama missed you two so much."

"We missed you too, love."

"Killian?" They hug.

"Christmas Eve not the same without you."

"What are you doing here?"

"I did not drive here, your father drove."

"We are going to Christmas Eve mass!"


"Yes, we're going to Christmas mass, a magical mass with the pageant."

" We are going to have a very upset toddler."

"Mom, it will be fun mass. It is part of Christmas right?"

"That is right."

The family went to the car, David was waiting for them. "Hi, Dad."

"Hi, Emma. Your Mom is saving us our seats at church." He drove his family to the church. Emma was surprised to see her sister and nephew with their Mom. "Merry Christmas Eve, Allison."

"Merry Christmas Eve, Emma." The sisters hug.

"Mom, Santa will come to our house?"

"Yes, he will come over to our house when we are all fast asleep tonight." Hope began crying.

Killian takes Hpe from his wife. "Little love, we are going to sing Christmas songs and watch a little play about Jesus's birthday."

Emma was smiling her whole family was at Christmas Eve mass. Last year it was just her and Hope. Now, she has a whole pew full of her family. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. She rubs her baby bump next year, she is going to have another little one added to the family Christmas Eve mass tradition. The mass started. Emma and Allison had help with the little ones when they were getting upset during the mass, their parents helped calm down the little ones. Killian was explaining the mass to Henry.

It was Christmas Day, Henry wakes up and goes downstairs, seeing presents under the Christmas tree in the living room. "Santa came!!" He runs upstairs. "Hope!!" His sister was awake in her crib. "Hope!! Santa came!!!" He takes his sister out of the crib and goes to the guest room finding his Connor awake in the crib. "He-wy!"

"Santa came, little cuz." He takes his cousin out of the crib and walks with him downstairs. Hope went to her parent's room. "Mama!"

Emma wakes up seeing her daughter by her bed. "Merry Christmas, Hopey." She moved her legs around her 23-week baby belly was in the way. "What are you doing up?"

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