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Ever since the plane explosion, Killian has not been himself. He was not sleeping. Emma was tending to her husband and her daughter. Emma puts Hope to sleep in her crib, "Sweet dreams baby girl." She hugs her husband in bed, "Killian, you know you can talk to me right?""Aye, I know. I just cannot sleep without thinking of the fire." "You are home with Hope and I. I am right here." She kisses him on the head. "You weren't on the plane when it caught fire..."Killian was angry. "I just saw the plane blew up right in front of my bloody eyes!!!" Emma was scared because Killian was never like this before. "Killian, I am sorry for saying the wrong words. Please lower your voice our daughter is sleeping in the next room." She puts her hands on her husband's shoulders. "Please talk to me. Are you just tired? I know you have not been sleeping..." "I have not been is either seeing the flames or Hope...""Do not blame our daughter. You love Hope. Ever since the accident, you witness you have not been yourself. I am getting worried. I do not want our marriage to be ruined! I want you to feel better again. I want you to help you, please let me.." Emma was in tears. "I do not want to lose you..." "I just want to be alone."Emma was mad. "If you want to be alone. Fine." Emma packed a bag for herself and Hope. "If you want to be alone. We will leave you alone." She gets Hope from her crib who was crying. "Baby girl, Mommy is here. Shh...shh.." She hugs her daughter and put Hope in her coat, she looks back on Killian, she knows he needs a break. "Emma..." "I do not want to fight...I hate seeing you like this. You know where to find us since you need a break from us." She takes Hope into her car seat and gave Hope kisses. Emma looks back at her daughter, "I know baby, Daddy has not been himself but he will get better soon. Mommy and Daddy had a fight..." Emma drives to Allison's house.It was the end of Allison's shift, she was looking through her laptop at her desk in the Emergency Room on updating the patients' records of the day. She can hear Connor babbling to Ted and looks up seeing her two boys and smile. "There are my two boys." Ted pushes Connor in the stroller. Allison puts her coat on and her work bag. "Mama." She picks Connor from his stroller. "Hi, baby boy. Were you a good boy for Daddy today?" Connor hugged his Mommy. "I missed you all day, little man. We can snuggle when we get home." She gave him kisses. "Ted, how was he today?""He was good. He knew we were coming to pick you up from work and got very excited in the car." Allison smiled and share a kiss with Ted. "How was your day?""It was good. I got work done, tomorrow I have a meeting in the morning." Connor tugged his Mommy's hair. "Connor...""Mama." "Are you almost finished for the day?""Yes, I updated all of the patients that I had today. It was busy here all day." Allison held Connor as Ted pushed the stroller to their car. Connor began to cry when his Daddy drove the family home. "Connor, we are going home, sweetie." He cried more"Ted he is hungry." Ted makes a stop so Allison went in the back to give him his bottle. "There you go, little man. Are you feeling better?" Connor reached his hand out to his Mommy and she let him hold his finger. She smiles. "I love you so much, Connor." She kisses his hand. Ted smiles back at his little family and drove them home. Allison carried their son in and put Connor in his high chair so Ted can watch him while she takes a shower when he was cooking dinner. After dinner, Ted and Allison were relaxing in the living room. The doorbell rang and Allison answered the door, it was her sister and niece. "Emma, Hope." She hugs her sister. Emma was crying. "I am sorry for coming not telling you...Killian and I had a fight.""You two are always welcomed here." Hope began to cry. "Hi, Hope." She takes her niece from her sister. "You are with Auntie Allison, baby girl. You and Connor can have playtime together." Allison hugs her sister. "I am here for you." Ted approaches them. "I see that we are having a sleepover tonight.""Yes, you are right Ted. I know Connor wants to play with Hope before their bedtime." Ted takes Hope from his wife. "Hi, Emma. Hope can play with Connor in the living room.""I know she will have fun with Connor.""She will, Emma." Hope stopped crying. "Hi, Hope. Connor is going to be so happy to play with you." Hope babbled as her uncle takes Hope to the living room and puts Hope in the gated area where Connor was playing. Emma hugs her sister and saw her daughter playing with her nephew. "Emma, we can talk upstairs." Allison leads Emma up to her room. "I am sorry for ruining your night...I had nowhere else to go..""You are my family, Emma. You always have a home here." Emma cried more as Allison hugged her. She rubbed Emma's back. "I am right here, Emma." "We had a fight...He has not been himself since the accident...he has not been sleeping too much. I keep saying the wrong words to comfort him and...he got mad...I never have seen him this angry before...Our fights have never been that bad until now. I do not want to ruin my marriage...then I will lose everything, my husband and be homeless again..." Emma cried more, Allison hugged her sister. " did nothing wrong. I know Killian is going through a rough time but you two will get through this. You two are not going to get a divorce. You are not going to lose everything, Emma. You have your home with Killian and here with me. You are not going to be alone and out on the streets ever again. You have your family who loves you and going to be there for you. You have Hope, Killian, me, Ted and Connor. We all love you and always going to be there for you, Emma." Emma hugs her sister. "You are not alone, little sis. You have your big sister to help you. I know you and Killian will work out what is going on with him. If you need help, I will help you." "I need my big sis.""I am right here, little sis." They hear the babies crying, Ted carrying crying Hope as Connor was crawling into the room. "Hope, your Mommy is right here." Emma wiped her tears away and gets her daughter from her brother in law. "Hopey, Mommy is here." She hugs her daughter. Connor stands up against his aunt's legs and tugs her jeans. "Hi, little man. You are standing up now. Are you happy to have a sleepover with Hope?" Connor babbled. Allison gets Connor from Emma's legs. "Allison, he has been getting better at crawling.""Oh, yes he is. He is nine months old and crawling more every day. We have baby gates all over the house." Connor reaches out to Emma. "Emma, Connor wants to spend time with his auntie." "Connor, you can be with me and Hope." She sits on the bed, Allison puts her son on her sister's lap. "Hopey, Connor." They both babbled to Emma which made her smile. Allison told Ted what had happened. "Allison, they are staying here until Killian and Emma's fight settle down." Connor stands on Emma, "Connor, be gentle on Auntie Emma and Hope." Allison sits with Emma. "Allison, he is fine. He just wants to show me how much stronger he got." Connor pats Emma's head. "Little man." Hope babbled, Connor babbled back. "Hope, are you telling Connor to stop standing on your Mommy?" Hope babbled. Both sisters laugh. "Hope, you need a change, sweetie." Emma takes Hope to Connor's room to change her diaper. Hope smiles at her Mommy. "Mommy and Daddy love you so much baby girl." hope holds her Mommy's finger. "Daddy will feel better soon, sweetie." Hope babbled. "I know you miss him. I miss Dada too." Hope reaches out to her Mommy and Emma gets her daughter from her high chair and holds her. "No matter what happens, we love you, Hope. Tonight, we get to have a sleepover with Auntie Allison and Connor." She brings Hope back to her sister's room. "Connor, you want Hope to join bedtime story?" Hope babbled. "You are welcome to join us, Hope." Emma sits next to Allison, Allison read the babies a story. Back at Swan-Jones home, Killian was in bed feeling awful, he was tired and got angry at his wife who was only trying to help him. He could not tell his wife that he got the phone call that morning when she took Hope out that he needed to continue counseling and not return to work just yet. He was able to sleep but not for long he had bad dreams of his family being taken away from him. He woke up feeling more bloody awful than before when he was fighting with his wife and blaming their daughter. It was dawn by the time, Killian woke up to take a shower, shave and changed into clothes that were clean. He felt like an asshole for fighting with his wife and needs to apologize to his family. He drives to his sister in-law's house, Ted answered the door who was dressed for work. "Ted, I am here to talk and to apologize to my wife.""Killian, Emma told my wife what had happened.""Aye, we had a fight. I have not been sleeping and depressed. I know Emma was only trying to help." (Sighs). "I feel bloody awful for fighting and screaming at my wife.""Emma was really upset when she came over here last night.""I need to talk to my wife.""They are in the living room." Killian finds his wife in the living room with her sister and the babies. "Emma." Emma turns around sees her husband. "Killian." "Emma, I will take the babies to the kitchen." Hope began to cry. Killian takes Hope from the carpet, "Hi, little love. Dada is here." Hope stopped crying, Emma knew Hope missed her Daddy. "Are you playing with Connor's toy?" Hope chewed on her cousin's toy."Emma, I will be in the next room." She takes Connor to the kitchen. Hope hugs her Daddy. "I know I have not been myself, little love. I am sorry for not being there for you lately. I have been a bad Daddy and a bad husband." Hope babbles. "I am sorry for being a bad daddy little love. I love you so much, Hope. I was awful to you and your Mommy. I feel really awful about it. I do not want to be an awful mean Daddy to you, little love. I will never be angry at you ever again." Emma was still mad but not as mad as before seeing Killian apologizing to their daughter first. "Do you forgive me, Hope?" Hope hugged her Daddy. "I promise Hope that I will never be mad at you for no reason, ever again." He gave Hope kisses on her head and hugs his lass. "Emma." he can tell that his wife was still mad at him. "I know I have been an asshole to you. I have not been your husband.""You really hurt with me, Killian." She turns away from her husband. "I tried to help you but I failed..." Allison came into the room, "Killian, talk to Emma alone. Hope, Connor wants to play with you." Hope babbled. Allison takes Hope to the kitchen. "Emma...""You made me feel like I was failing as your wife! I have been trying to talk to you abut you won't tell me anything! Why?!" Emma was in tears. "You made me feel like I was saying the wrong words or couldn't help you. You have been so distance lately. I feel like I am losing my husband!" Killian now felt more awful. "Emma...""You got angry and I and you blamed our daughter! Our daughter did nothing wrong to cause you to get angry!" "Emma, I was mad at myself. I did not tell you about my phone call...""What phone call?""From the counselors' office the ones who give me the examination to give me the okay to go back to work...they think I was not ready to go back to work yet. I felt awful Emma for not being able to provide for my family, a failure..." Now Emma felt bad for not knowing about this. Emma sits next to her husband and holds his hand. "Killian, I had no idea. You should have told me right away. I would not be mad at you if you told me right away. I got mad at you when you were yelling at me and blaming Hope. You can always tell me anything. You are not failing our family, Killian. If you told me earlier, we would not have fought.""I felt ashamed, Emma.I do not want to lose you.""I thought I was going to lose weren't honest with kept it from me.""Emma. I am so sorry for not telling you right away. I trust you. I should have told you right away. I was just mad that I cannot go back to work to support you and Hope.""Killian, you have not been sleeping. I know that because I sleep next to you every night and know you are awake. I am so worried Killian.I want you to sleep and be back to your normal self. I feel that I was losing my husband. I do not want to lose my home and lose my husband who I love so so much.""Emma." He hugs his wife. "You are not going to lose your home and me, love. I am so so sorry for being a selfish ass to you and Hope, lately. I want to be a better husband and father to you and Hope...not getting job back makes me a failure."Emma faces her husband. "You are my husband and not a failure. You are my kind caring supportive husband who always there for me. You are amazing Daddy to Hope. We love you, Killian. We will manage,our trip to Italy is paid already thanks to my sister and we are getting money for your time off. I know you, Killian. You are a survivor. We are going to get through this, together as a family." Killian hugs his wife. "I will tell you everything for now on.""That what I like to hear." She hugs him back. "I missed you...""I missed you too, love. I am the luckiest man in the world to have you as my wife." Emma smiles."I have the best husband ever." "I love you, Emma." "I love you, too, Killian." They kiss and stops when they hear Hope crying. "Love, I will get our daughter." Killian goes into the kitchen seeing Allison playing both Connor and Hope. "Little love, why are you crying?" He takes Hope from the high chair and put her on his chest and gave her kisses on her head. Hope stopped crying. "You just wanted your Dada." He smiled. "I know, little love I have not been myself. I am sorry. Mommy and I are not fighting anymore." Hope babbled. "I know you and your Mommy going to help me feel better." Hope hugs her Daddy. "Your hugs are making me feel better little love." Connor babbled. "Hi, little lad. Are you having fun playing with your cousin? Connor and Hope both babbled, which made all of the adults laugh. Allison walks to her sister, "You and Killian talked it out?""Yes, you can say that. I found out that the counselor did not let Killian go back to work yet that why he was mad last night.""If you both need anything..""Thank you. I have been through much worse situations." "I mean it you can come over here anytime to talk, need anything call me.""Thank you, sis." They hug. Hope began to cry again and Killian carries Hope to her Mommy. "I know that I have my husband and my daughter and my big sister for support." She takes Hope from Killian and hugs her. "Hopey." She kisses Hope on the head. "Love, we are not going to end up on the streets.""I know that. Just please tell me what happens before we have a fight. I hate fighting.""I will tell you right away, swan. Again, I am sorry." She hugs him with Hope in the middle if their hug. Emma knows they are going to work out their issues even with being off work, they will manage. Killian owns their house, Allison and Ted paid most of their trip to Italy. Hope began to cry. "Hopey, are you hungry?" Emma nurses Hope in the living room with Killian wrapped his arms. Allison was playing with Connor helping him walk. Emma felt safe in her Killian's arms again and felt like their fight had not happened. "Killian...""Yes, love?""I am so happy you are here."Killian smiled. "I would not be anywhere in the world with you, swan." He cuddles his swan while she rubs Hope's head, their family was together. "Our family will always be together.""That is right Emma. We will never be separated." Emma closed her eyes feeling safe. Hope began to cry. "Hopey." She burps Hope and bounces her up and down. "Mommy is here....shh...shh..." Hope dug her face into her Mommy's chest. Killian gets Hope's quilt. "Here you go, little love." He wrapped Hope in her quilt. "Now you are warm in your quilt and with your Mommy." He gave Hope kisses on her head, as Emma rubbed her back to calm her down and soon fell asleep. Connor crawled to Killian. "Hi, little man." He picks Connor up. "Hope is taking her morning nap. Do you want to play with me?" Connor babbled and grabbed Killian's nose. "Connor, you got my nose." He tickles his nephew. Emma sat with Hope and Allison. "Killian seems to be back to himself.""Yes, he is. When we fight we forgive each other." "I know my little sis and my little goddaughter are happy again.""Yes, we are. Hope is taking her morning nap." Allison gave Hope kisses on her head. "I never got to thank you for paying...""Emma, we are family. We help each other. You and Killian helped to get Ted and I discounts on our airfare. Ted and I did not mind paying for the hotel that we are staying in." She knew something was on Emma's mind. "What is wrong?" Emma hugs Hope. "I do not want to be rejected again by our birth mother. Killian was the only one who never left me.""That is why you took the fight really hard.""Yes." Killian gives Connor to his mother and sits next to his wife. "Emma, you are not going to be rejected again. If you are rejecting in Italy, you have me, love to fight for you." He hugs his wife. "You are not alone, Emma.""You also have me, Emma. Your big sister too. You are not going to get rejected again." She hugs her sister. Emma was in tears full of love around her. "Now, the only experience that we are going to adventure as parents is to traveling on an airplane with our babies."Emma and Killian laughed, " Lucky for you, big sis is that Killian and I know how to travel with a baby. I am a flight attendant but keeping the babies occupied and happy for an eleven-hour flight...that is going to be challenging.""Love, we are going to make them comfy and happy and entertained as much as possible.""I just don't want to be the parents with the crying baby on the plane.""Emma, if you get stares I will get stares because I have a feeling these two are going to be a fun handful but they are going to make our trip more fun, hopefully."Emma giggles. "I know Hope will be following Connor when she is walking." Connor babbled. "Yes, little man when Hope can crawl she will follow you around." Connor hugs Hope and Emma, which left their parents in awe. "Emma, we are going to be just fine on the airplane. I know our little love and the little lad will keep us all busy and entertained on this journey." "That is right, I have a feeling they are going to have fun on this trip. Plus we get to travel around Italy together.""Aye, we have not been to that part of Italy just yet.""This time Hope is with us and my sister." Allison hugs her sister. "I know you two traveled all over the world, please tell me where you two been too." Emma and Killian smiled each other, "Killian, where should we start?""At the very beginning love at our first flight as captain and flight attendant. You can tell her swan." "Our very first flight was going to Germany, this is right after we finished our flight training and our training...." They continued to tell tales of them working together and telling Allison parts of the world they been too. Emma was so happy to be with her family together again, happy and love telling stories of her job and cannot wait for their next family adventure, finding her birth mother with her family on her side.</p>

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