Maternity Relief

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Emma and Killian formed a new routine with baby Ian's arrival, since Killian home on maternity relief, he has been taking Henry to school in the morning, letting his wife sleep in. Emma has been learning to juggle with two babies under two. She changes the babies diapers on the changing mat on the floor. Her parents have been sleeping downstairs. They were helping out by cleaning, cooking and watching their grandchildren letting their daughter and son-in-law rest.

Killian was helping with Ian at night, he had paternity relief. He was enjoying skin-to-skin with his son letting Emma sleep. "Daddy is here, son. I will never leave you."

Emma smiles, at her two boys. "He looks so much like his Daddy." She kissed her husband on the cheek.

"Aye, he is my mini-me."

"He is my baby duckling." She kissed her son on his head. "I love you so much, baby boy."

They hear Hope in the baby monitor. "I will be with Hope."

"Ian, we are having our boy time, son." He kissed his son on the head.

Emma entered her daughter's bedroom. Hope was standing in her floor bed ."Hi, Hopey."


She scooped her daughter in her arms. "Hopey, how is my baby girl?"

"Mama luv you."

"I love you so much, Hope. You are my baby girl. You made me a Mama." She sat on the floor crib and snuggled with her daughter.


"Daddy is with Ian."

"Baby Ian."

"Yes, that is right. They are having their boy time, we are having our girl time."


"Oh, you want to read?"

"Yes." She goes to the bookshelf and chooses a book.

Emma smile seeing The Ugly Duckling book in her daughter's hand. She put her daughter on her lap and began reading to her. Hope screams. Emma smiles knowing her daughter is happy to have her one on one time.


"Daddy is with Ian in our bedroom."


"We can go see Ian and Dada." She carried Hope to her and Killian's bedroom.

Killian was awake with Ian. "Hi, little love."


Emma sat next Killian holding Ian with Hope on her lap. "We had story time."

Hope goes to her baby brother. "Ian."

"He is sleeping, little love." Hope kissed her brother on the head. "Good job, little love."

"He loves his big sister." Hope hugged her Mama. "I love you so much, baby girl."

Killian took Henry out for the day. He and Emma wanted to make sure Henry does not feel left out since baby Ian arrived. The father and son went to the Science Hall Museum. They went to fn exhibits, science section, learning about the planets. Killian will help Henry read the big words on the information parts of every exhibit. He was enjoying seeing Henry learning and exploring the museum. He is enjoying one on one time with his oldest son.

Allison visits her sister with Connor. They went upstairs, Emma was playing with Hope in her bedroom with Ian in her arms. "There is my little sister."

"Hi, big sis. Ian, Auntie Allison, and Connor are here to play."

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