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Killian was so happy to have his two loves home. He was letting Emma sleep in after a long week from taking care of her mother and being a mother to Hope all by herself and jet lag, he was up with Hope during the night. Hope was up really early, still jet lag and teething. She was upset. Killian gets Hope from her crib. "Hope, dada is here. Shh...shh..." He sits on the rocking chair. "Aaa-aah.""Yes, Dada, little love. You are home. Mommy is in our room sleeping. I missed you so much when you were on your Italy adventure with Mommy." Hope snuggled on her Daddy's chest. He gives Hope a paci which she spits out and drools. "You definitely are teething, little love." He gives Hope a cold teething ring to chew. Hope began to cry. "Are you hungry little love?" He brings Hope to the kitchen and gets out a plastic popsicle holder with frozen breast milk, like an icy. He sits with Hope in his lap letting her chew on the frozen breast milk which stopped her crying. "You were just hungry and in pain." He kisses Hope on the head. "You are okay, little love." Hope gripped her Daddy's hand. "I am staying right here with you, little love. Dada is with you and Mommy is sleeping upstairs. We are all home." Emma woke up hours later knowing Killian was up with Hope, she knew how much they missed each other after being separated for a week in a different country. She wrapped herself in Killian's robe went to find her family in the living room, Hope was fast asleep with Killian fast asleep on the couch with his little love. She took a picture of her family, "I love my family." She kneels down and gave kisses to Killian on the cheek until he woke up smiling. "Morning, honey.""Morning, swan." They kiss. "I got Hope to sleep.""I can see. What is this plastic popsicle stick inside of Hope's mouth?" "Hope was in pain. I gave Hope a popsicle of your frozen breast milk. She stopped crying right away eating her frozen milk, she was in pain and hungry." Emma was in awe. "You made her frozen breast milk popsicle?""Aye, yes I did. I knew she was still teething when you two were away. I found this make your own popsicles at home. I ordered them from amazon and I froze your breastmilk. Hope liked it.""I love your idea.""Aye, I wanted to make Hope feel better, sometimes, I feel I do not...""Killian, Hope loves you so much. You provided for our family, you love being Hope's Daddy and come up with great ideas to get our daughter happy. She missed you so much when you weren't with us.""Aye, Hope is very happy to be with her Dada.""I have a feeling Dada will be Hope's next word." They kiss. He sat up making room for his swan. They had a family snuggle. "This is what we needed.""A family snuggle?""Yes. You were missing...every time we snuggled, I just felt you were missing.""I am here right now." He kisses his swan on the head. "I miss my two loves.""Now we are home.""Aye, we are all home. How are you feeling love?""Tired but happy." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love Hope so much. I was so happy to have my little duckling with me. She cheered me up when I felt down about my Mom in the hospital missing you and Allison. I missed our family when Hope and I were away." "We are home together. What do you want to do today?" "I just want to relax and be with you and Hope. After a week of going back and forth to the hospital and back to the hotel...then traveling home. I am just really tired.""We can have a family day in." Hope wakes up seeing her Mommy."Hi, baby girl." She takes Hope from Killian. "Did you have fun with Dada?" "Aaa-aah." "Yes, I know you are so happy to be home with Dada.""Mommy.""Aye, you are home with Dada and Mommy." The door opens and closes. "Emma!""Allison is here."She rushes to her sister and gives her a big hug. "Hi!""Hi, little sis. I brought you Starbucks, cinnamon hot cocoa and cookies.""Thank you so much. We are just relaxing in the living room." "Hi, Killian.""Hi, Allison. Little love, auntie is here." Hope smiles."Hi, Hope." She takes Hope from Killian. Emma sits next to her husband and sister and she cuddles with Killian. "Hope, are you happy to be home with your Dada?" Hope babbles."Yes, you are back home in New York." Hope babbles. "You missed me too?" Hope smiles. "I missed you too. I am so happy that you and your Mommy are back home." Emma smiles at her sister and daughter. "Allison she missed you when we were in Italy.""Emma, I know Hope missed Killian the most.""Aye, Hope had one on one time with me this morning, very happy to talk with me.""Aaa-ahh..""Aye, yes, little love Dada." Hope reaches for her Dada. He takes Hope from his sister in law. Hope screams with joy. They all smile at Hope. "Hope, you want to show Dada and Auntie Allison what you did at the airport?" Hope smiles. She sets Hope down on the carpet and gets Hope's Pluto doll and places the doll in front of Hope. "Reach for your pluto, Hopey." Hope scoots to her Pluto. "Good girl, Hopey." Emma takes Hope Pluto and places it further away from her. "Get your Pluto, little love." Hope moves more. Emma smiles. "You are doing it, baby girl."Killian joins his two loves on the carpet and picks up Hope. "Hope, scoot to mommy." Emma moves further away from Killian and Hope. "Come to Mommy baby girl." Hope smiles and scoots to her Mommy while Allison is recording on her iPhone. Emma scoops her daughter and lifts Hope up and down. "You did it, baby girl!" She gave Hope kisses on her cheek making her laugh."Aaa-aah!""You can scoot to Dada. Killian, Hope is going to scoot to you now." She sets Hope onto the carpet. "Hope, come to dada!" Hope babbles and scoots to her Daddy. Killian scoops Hope into his arms. "You did it, little love!" Hope hugs her Daddy. Emma and Allison smiled at each other. "Pretty soon, Hope will be crawling with Connor.""Yes, they will be causing trouble together." They both laughed at the same time. Hope began to cry. Killian gave Hope toys to play with but Hope just cried more. "Swan, there is one more milk popsicle in the freezer.""I will get it." Emma saw the frozen breastmilk popsicle which was sweet of Killian making for Hope. She returns seeing Hope wailing. "Mommy is right here with your milk." Killian placed Hope in her arms and sat down next to her sister and let Hope sit on her lap and suck on the popsicle. Hope stopped crying. "Is that cold ice breast milk making your gums feel better?" She kisses Hope on the head."Emma, where did you learn this?""It was Killian's idea. It is helping her with her teething.""Killian, that is a great idea, I can use that with Connor.""Aye, you can buy the plastic popsicle holder on amazon. I knew we needed to find another way to comfort Hope's teething and I did my research while my two loves were in Italy.""Awe, you were being such a great Daddy when we were away. We both missed you.""That is why I switched flight to fly my two loves home." They kiss."I will order it, Killian." Hope babbles. "Is your Mommy breast milk cold good Hope?" Hope smiles.Killian hands Emma her cinnamon hot cocoa. "Thank you for the Starbucks, sis. Recovering from traveling in Italy, and traveling on an airplane and time difference, this is the only caffeine that I can have.""You are welcome. You always looked exhausted every time you FaceTimed me. I know Hope was happy to be with you.""She had fun but she missed her Dada. She was always happy seeing me on Facetime." "Aye, I was very happy when my two loves Facetimed me. I am very happy to have my two loves home." He kisses Emma on the head. Emma smiles. "We missed you too, Killian. Allison, I did miss my big sister while I was away. I miss our late night chats.""You mean our late Facetime chats?""Yes." They both laughed. Hope fusses wanting to nurse. Emma nurses Hope. "Where is Connor?""He is at home with Ted. I took the day off to spend time with my sister.""You are welcome to come over here anytime." She hugs Allison. "I was thinking we can have a girls' day, shopping?""Yes!" Allison hugs Emma. "Swan, what do you want for lunch?""Can you cook? I am tired of takeout." "Aye, anything for my swan. I can see what I can cook for lunch. I went shopping before you two came home. I knew you needed a home-cooked meal." "Thank you." They kiss. Killian makes baked rigatoni veggie lasagna, with zucchini, mushrooms, olives, broccoli, spinach, tomato cherries, onions and a lot of cheese, mozzarella, and parmesan. He cooked all of the vegetables and while boiling the pasta and combined everything in a glass container when everything was cooked. Allison gets a phone call from Ted. "Hi...hold on...Emma, can Ted bring Connor over?"Emma smiles. "Yes, of course. Hope and Connor can have playtime." "You can bring him over...See you both soon.""Is something wrong?""No, Connor has been asking for me."Emma did not seem convinced that nothing was wrong. "Hope and Connor can play." Ted brings Connor over. Emma overheard their conversation which did not sound good. Allison brings in Connor. "Connor, we are with Auntie Emma and Hope.""Hi, little man.""Em-em.""Come sit next to me." Emma burps Hope. Connor stood up holding onto Emma. She gave Connor a kiss on the cheek and hugged him. He hugs her. "Allison, he is so sweet.""I know, he missed you so much when you and Hope were away." Hope babbles and Connor babbles back. They let them play with toys on the carpet. Hope was playing in her bouncy chair with her toys. Connor was standing and taking the toys away from Hope. They both screamed and cried. Allison and Emma intervened. She gets her son from the bouncy chair. "Connor, you need to share toys with Hope. Hope was playing with them first. There are other toys on the circle that you can play with." Emma was comforting Hope. "Hopey, Connor was only playing, he did not mean taking your toys away from you." Hope hugs her Mommy. Emma sits down on the carpet with her daughter and shows Hope her Pluto doll. Hope chews on her Pluto doll which calmed her down. "Connor, you need to share with Hope. You two are cousins." Allison joined Emma and Hope on the carpet. "Connor, say sorry to Hope for taking the toys away from her." Connor babbles to Hope who was chewing on her medium Pluto doll. "Give Hope a hug." Connor hugs Hope. Hope babbles. Connor played with other toys while Hope was hugging and chewing her Pluto doll. "They are in the same room but not playing together." "Yes, they like playing with different toys." Killian enters the room. "The little lad is over." Hope turns around hearing her Daddy."Aaa-ahh!""Hi, little love." He holds Hope. "Are you playing with Connor?" Hope babbles. "Oh, I see you two are playing with different toys." Connor crawls to Killian and stood up. "Hi, Connor. Are you having fun with Hope?" Hope makes a loud sound and hugs her Daddy. "Little love, you can share me with Connor."Emma was in awe knowing her daughter wants her Daddy for herself. "Killian, she is saying "My Daddy." "Aaa-ahh.""Hope, I am your Daddy. I am also Connor's uncle. He is in our family too. How about I read you and Connor a story?" Hope and Connor both babble. "Killian, I will get a book." Emma goes to their library as Killian goes on the couch with Hope as Allison places her son on Killan's lap. Emma brought a Disney book and gave it to Killian. "Hope and Connor, it is storytime." Hope screams with joy. Emma chuckles. Killian reads them a story. The two sisters took pictures of Killian reading to the babies. Emma and Allison went to her and Killian's room. "Allison, I know something is wrong with you and Ted?" Allison got sad. "Hey." Emma hugs her sister. Allison began to cry. She rubbed Allison's back. "We have been fighting ever since we came back from Italy....I do not know if it was jet lag or getting back to normal routine...I do not know...Connor and his jet lag..or it is all of it. That is why I was so happy Facetiming you when you were away..." Emma hugs her sister knowing how much her sister missed her when she was away and needed her. "Everything is going to be okay. I am here now." Meanwhile downstairs, Connor yanks Killian's hair while Hope tries to chew on the book. "Hope, no chewing the book. Connor, let go of my hair." He puts the book down and gets Hope letting go of his hair. "You have a strong grip, Connor." Hope began to cry. "I know you want storytime, Hope. You love books." Connor stands up and grippedHope. "No, Connor." Connor began to cry. "Little lad, don't cry. Uncle Killian is not mad at you." Connor stops crying. "You are okay. You just want to move around." He kisses Connor on the head. He sets Connor down and lets him cruise on the couch, listening to the story as Killian was reading him and Hope. At the end of the story, Connor wanted to join them on the couch. He lifts Connor back on the couch and they babbled. Back upstairs, Emma was still comforting Allison. "I feel like I am going to lose Ted like I lost my first husband and Robert...""Allison, Ted loves you. You are not going to lose him." Emma knows that her sister missed her and needed a break from her house. "How about we have a sleepover tonight. I missed my sister the whole time I was in Italy.""Really?""Yes." They hug. The two sisters return downstairs finding Killian lying on the couch with passed out Hope and Connor on him. They were both in awe and took pictures on their iPhones. Emma kisses Killian on the cheek. "Hi, swan.""Hey, let me guess naptime?""Aye, yes. They both got tired after storytime." "Emma, do you want to get our nails done?"ma smiles. "I do need a manicure and pedicure.""Emma, you need to relax after your busy week you had. I can watch these two.""Are you sure?""Yes."Emma kisses Killian. "Thank you." Emma got ready for the day in her room."Allison, you told Emma?""Yes, she knows Ted and I are fighting. Thank you for letting Connor and I come over and talk with me...""Allison, you are my sister in law. We are a family. I know you missed Emma. I missed both of my two loves the whole time they were away. I know Emma needs some baby-free time and time to relax.""I will make sure of that." Emma returns downstairs all dressed wearing a floral dress and leggings with her knee-high boots and her hair tied up. "Allison, are you ready to go?""Yes." She puts her coat on.Emma kisses Killian on the cheek. "Have fun, Emma.""Thank you. Allison and Connor are sleeping over. Her and Ted...""They are having issues, Iknow.""How?""She came to me to talk when you were away. She missed you, Emma, and needed someone to talk too.""I know you are a great listener.""Emma. Mom is calling me." Allison answered her iPhone."Killian...""Emma, Allison needed her family to talk too. We only talked.""I believe you. Tonight you and I are going to snuggle because I am jealous of the babies." Killian chuckles. "They both did not want to sleep without me. Connor knows what is going on with his parents, he is calm with me. I am being there for my nephew.""I missed you when I was away.""You know I missed you both so much..."Emma gently placed her hand on his scruffy cheek and rubbed it. "We missed you too. We need one on one time. Tonight you and I are going to talk and snuggle.""Aye, swan that is a deal." They kiss."Mom, I am with Emma. We are going out to get our nails done...Killian is watching your grandchildren...I will tell Emma you said hi. Bye.""Allison, we need to be going. Killian..""They are going to be with me, Emma. The lunch I made can be dinner.""Thank you." They kiss. Emma wanted to drive her yellow bug car. She drove them to the nearest nail salon. "Allison, how is Mom?""She is back at the convent. She had to hide her iPhone from the nuns. I do not know when she is coming back...""You mean when she comes to America, teaching her everything from iPhone to technology and fashion...""Everything?""Yes.""We are going to help our Mom together." They got their nails done, Emma got red manicure and pedicure. Allison got navy blue manicure and pedicure. When they left the nail salon, "Allison, you had great ideas. I really feel so relaxed now."Allison linked her arm around her sister. "I knew you needed to relax. You looked very tired.""After taking care of Momand traveling in a foreign country and being a Mommy to Hope on my own...the best part of it was Hope. She always makes me happy and my travel buddy."Do you want to get lunch?"Sure. Where do you want to go?""I was thinking of sushi for lunch?"Emma smiled big."I love sushi! I have not had sushi before I got pregnant with Hope.""So sushi?'"Yes!" They went to a sushi restaurant which had a lunch special. Emma ordered three different types of tuna rolls combo with miso soup on the side. Allison ordered spicy tuna roll, dragon roll, and Boston roll with miso soup and salad on the side. "Allison, I am so happy to have my sister time with you. This is really fun. I never had too much girl time ever...""Hey..."Allison held her sister's hand. "You have me now to get nails done, have lunch dates with, girl talk and sleepovers.""You are my best friend. I never really had friends until I met Killian. He is my husband and my first real friend and my best friend. It was hard to keep friends when moved around a lot and I did not have the right clothes. I am happy to have you as my sister and best friend." After they finished their lunch, they returned back to the Swan-Jones house. "Killian, we are back." They heard Hope crying and found Killian struggling to hold Hope who was naked only wearing a diaper and trying to feed Connor food. "Oh, Hope." Emma gets her daughter from her husband and comforts Hope and rubs her back. "Mommy is home...shh...shh..." "Mommy." Emma smiles knowing Hope missed her when she was out for a few hours and gently kissed Hope on the head. She checked Hope's diaper, it was full. She brings Hope up to her room to change her. "Hopey, did you have fun with the boys?" Hope smiles. "You did?" She changed Hope into a Minnie Mouse onesie and placed bib on Hope since she was still drooling and teething. She nurses Hope in the rocking chair. Allison sees Connor in Hope's high chair eating rigatoni pasta, cut up broccoli, cheese, and bananas. "Connor, did Uncle Killian make you his pasta with bananas?" Connor babbles. "It is good." Connor smiles. "Allison, I gave Connor pasta no sauce, mostly broccoli, cut up cheese, and bananas. I know he cannot have other vegetables and flavors just yet. I could not find any baby food..""You did great." She faced her son. "I know Connor is enjoying the baby food version of his Uncle Killian's pasta. Right, Connor?" Connor smiled with food covering his face. "I had a feeling you and Emma went out to eat after lunch. Connor is the first one to try my pasta. He likes it right little lad?" Connor smiles."He loves his Uncle Killian's cooking."Emma returns downstairs with Hope in her carrier fast asleep. Hope babbles. "Hi, little neice." She gave Hope a kiss on her cheek. "How is she, Emma?""She just wanted to nurse.""Aye, she did not want the bottle.""Nursing is making her teething less painful." Hope babbles. "Yes. Do you want playtime?" Hope fusses. "Snuggle time?" Hope smiles. "Yes, we can snuggle. Killian?""Aye, swan.""Killian, I got Connor." Allison sits with her son, knowing her sister and Killian needed alone time. Killian and Emma bring up Hope to their room to have a family snuggled. They napped together. Connor crawled into their room. "Little man, they are sleeping.""Em-em."Allison smiles. "Auntie is sleeping." She takes Connor from the carpet and took a picture of her sister, brother in law and niece napping together. Killian woke up seeing his two loves awake, Emma was gently speaking to Hope. He hugs his two loves and kissed his swan's blonde head. "Killian, I am hungry for dinner.""Aye, we are going to have dinner."They went downstairs finding Allison chasing crawling Connor in the living room. "Hi, big sis.""Hi, Emma. Connor and I are just playing.""I can see. If you are hungry, we are going to have dinner.""I am getting hungry." Connor crawled to Emma. "Em-em.""Hi, Connor." Allison scooped him up in her arms."He went looking for you. He snucked into your room while you three were napping." Emma holds Connor, while Killian holds Hope. "Connor, you are my sweet nephew." She kisses him on the cheek. Killian reheated the pasta he made earlier as Emma set the table while Allison was getting Connor ready to eat. Hope began to cry."Hopey, you can stay with me, while I eat." She puts Hope back in her carrier and they ate together and talked. "Killian, this is delicious.""Aye, thank you, Emma."After dinner, both babies began to cry. "Allison, it is getting close to their bedtimes.""Yes." She gets Connor from the high chair. "Little man, you need a bubble bath.""We can give them a bubble bath together." Killian cleaned up dinner while Emma runs a bath for the babies. Allison and Emma bathed their babies and let them play. They took pictures. they did their own night routines with the babies, Killian read a bedtime story to Hope and rocked her to sleep. "Sleep dreams, little love." He kisses Hope on the head. Allison read to Connor and set him down in the pack and play. Emma and Allison had girl talk until late at night. Allison went into the guestroom after taking a shower. Emma found Killian in their room waiting for her. She immediately jumped onto him and he immediately kissed her. "Need...more." They helped each other get naked and had sex under the covers, missing being inside of each other after being away from each other for so long. The next thing they know, their sheets were covered with sweat and organ fluids. Emma was naked lying on top of Killian's naked body. "Emma, that was the best sex we had...""In a long time?""Aye, in a very long time." They kissed."I told you, I missed you when I was away, I missed you and being inside of you.""I miss all of you." They continue to kiss until they got tired and Emma was wrapped in his arms. She felt safe and at home finally with her husband and fell asleep."You are home, Emma." He falls asleep next to his swan happily knowing their whole family is home and back to their normal routine.

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