Family Together

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A few days in the hospital, Hope did not have anymore breathing problems. Just in case Hope stopped breathing again, Allison was giving Hope a sleep apnea monitor to use when she is sleeping for a long time or when she is not sleeping with her parents. Allison examines Hope one more time before she gives Hope, Emma, and Killian the okay to go home. "Hope, you are ready to go home with Mommy and Daddy." Hope cooed. "Yes, you are healthy to go home." She takes off the monitors off Hope which makes her cry. Emma gets her upset daughter from the cot "Hope, I know that hurt sweetie, the sticky stuff from your wires hurt your skin." She comforted Hope and bounced her and rubbed her back until she settled down. "You are okay, Hope."
"Love, I can change her into her outfit."
"Hope, Daddy is going to change you into an outfit so we can go home." She kisses Hope on the head and hands her over to Killian. Killian changed Hope into an outfit that Emma sets up for him. "Are you sure Hope is okay Allison?"
"Emma, Hope is breathing normally. All of her test results are negative. She is healthy."
"I am just nervous if it happens again or when I am not around her...or I am afraid to leave Hope alone. Or afraid if it happens again when I am asleep."
"Emma, I am going to teach you and Killian how to do the sleep apnea monitor to let you know if Hope stops breathing again, the alarm goes off."
"Will she need to wear it all the time?"
"When Hope sleeps for her nap or at night she can wear the monitor or if she is sleeping on your or in a carrier you can watch her." Allison teaches Emma how to put the sleep monitor on Hope. Allison knew her sister was nervous." Emma, If you need me to come over tonight I can help and watch Hope."
"I will feel more comfortable to have my sister with us for a while, maybe for a few days. If you do not mind."
"Emma, I can help you as long you need me to. As long as Connor can be with us."
"Allison, you are helping me and Hope. Hope will be happy to have her cousin over."
"Love, Hope will be fine." He hands over Hope to his wife.
"We almost lost Hope. I just want Allison to be with us just in case for a few days. I do not want that to happen to her again. It was just awful." She hugs her Hope. "I don't want to lose Hope."
"Emma, I know love. We can have all the help we can get to make sure Hope is alright at home." He looks at Allison.
"Killian, I am here to help you both."
" Allison and Connor can stay over as long as you need them too. Hope is going to love having her time with Connor. They get to have their first sleepover.." He hugs his wife and kisses her on the head.
"I just want Hope to be safe."
"She will love. Hope is going to be healthy and safe with us love."
"Emma, I am off work the next few days. I can bring Connor over tonight. The babies will have their first sleepover." Emma hugs her sister.
"Allison, over the last few days you have been amazing to Hope and us. Thank you for all you did with Hope. You got Hope healthy. We really don't how we are going to ever repay you."
"Emma, Hope is my niece. I want her to be healthy just as much as you and Killian do. I am happy Hope is healthy."
"Allison, Hope wants to say thank you." She hands over Hope to Allison.
"Hi, Hope. You are going home with Mommy and Daddy." Hope coos. "Yes, little Hope. You are all better. Just in case auntie Allison and Connor are going to a sleepover at your house to make sure you are better little niece. That is how much I love you." Hope smiled. "Yes, Hope. I love you." She kisses Hope on the head. "Emma, I will bring Connor over this evening."
"I know Hope is looking forward to playtime with Connor." She takes Hope from her sister. "Hope, it is time to go home."
"Emma, call me if you need anything."
"Thank you, sis."
"Your welcome sis." They hug. Allison kisses Hope on the head.
Killian gathered all of their belongings and Hope's car seat. "Love, I got all of our bags. Are you ready to go home?"
"Yes, Hope and I are ready to go home." They walk out of the hospital together. Killian gets their car and put their belongings in the trunk and placed Hope's car seat in its usual spot, while Emma held Hope in her blanket. Killian pulled the car around. Emma placed Hope in her car seat and sits next to her as Killian drove them home. She watched her daughter sleep. Killian is nervous just as Emma was but he knows Hope is healthy. "Emma, Hope is healthy."
"I know...I am just nervous and afraid it will happen again. I want our little girl to be happy and healthy."
"Love, Hope is our healthy little lass."
"We still do not know what caused her to stop breathing."
"Love, Allison said that the test is negative and they ran multiple tests on Hope over the last few days. Hope is healthy and she is our miracle."
"Yes, she is. Hope is our little miracle." She rubbed Hope's cheek. "She is ours and she is with us which all that matters." Hope began to cry. "Hope, it is okay baby. Killian, are we almost home?"
"Yes, love. We will be home in a few minutes."
"Hope needs to be fed or changed or both." She kisses Hope on the head. "Hope, we are almost home sweetie. Mommy will change you and feed you in a few minutes." Once Killian parked the car, Emma takes her very upset Hope out of her car seat. She checks her diaper. "You are just hungry. Mommy will feed you." Emma preps to feed her and nurses her.
"Love, is Hope okay?"
"Yes. Hope was just hungry. She is happy that she is being fed." Killian unloaded the car and ran a load of laundry. After Hope was finished, "Hope, we are home." She carried her daughter inside the house. "Hope you get to take a nap in your crib." Emma takes Hope into her nursery and placed Hope in her crib and Hope began to wail. Emma knew Hope wanted to be held by her. She takes her daughter from her crib and places her on her chest. "Mommy got you, sweetie. You can sleep on Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head and rubs her back until she calmed down. Emma brings Hope to her room and sat in her bed with Hope sleeping on her. "You are with mommy Hope. I love you so much." She kisses Hope on the head and loved Hope snuggling on her, Hope snuggles. Killian sees his two loves in their bedroom.
"Emma, how is our little love?"
Killian sits next to his wife. "Hope is fed and taking a nice nap on me. I put her in her crib and she began to wail. She wanted her Mommy."
"Aye, she loves her Mommy."
"Yes, she does." She kisses Hope on the head. "Are you going back to work tomorrow?'
"Aye, yes I am."
"If Allison stays with Hope and me during the day, I won't be as nervous from the last time."
He hugs his wife. "Emma, Hope has you. You saved our little Hope. If it weren't for your gut instincts, we would have lost her."
Emma began to cry. "I saved her. That is why I am being extra overprotective of my baby girl. I do not want to lose her."
"Emma, Hope has you me, and Allison all caring for her and looking out for her when she needs us like the last four days in the hospital. Hope knows she has us her family with her." He wrapped his arm around his wife and rubbed her arm, she felt safe in her husband's arms. "You are right. Hope has us all. She is a very lucky girl."
"Aye, she is love." The kiss. They stayed together as a family as Hope napped on Emma. Emma napped on Killian. He loves having his two loves together on their bed at home not in the hospital and Hope being healthy and safe with both of her parents. Hope woke up needed to be changed. "Little love, Daddy will change you." He takes Hope from Emma and changes her dirty diaper in her room. "You are all cleaned, little love. Are you happy to be home?" Hope smiled. "Yes, Daddy and Mommy are happy that you are home healthy and happy."' He lifts up his daughter and hold her and kisses her on the head. "I love you so much, Hope." Hope cooed. "Aye, let's go downstairs to give Mommy some more sleep, little love." He lies down with Hope on the couch. "Hope, we do not know what you made you stopped breathing. Your brave Mommy saved your life. All of the tests are negative. You are here now you are our miracle Hope." He kisses hope on the head. "Your Mommy is nervous but I know you are not leaving us, little love." Hope smiled. "Aye, that's what I like to here. We love you, Hope." Hope napped on her Daddy and Killian watched Hope sleeping on him.
As the evening came, Allison arrived home from work and took a shower and packed an overnight bag for her and Connor. She made sure she had enough clothes and diapers for Connor. Ted was holding Connor in his arms watching Allison packed."Allison, how is Hope?"
"She is home now. Emma is worried and wants me over there for a few nights." She talks to Connor, "You are going to have your first sleepover with your cousin." She takes her son from her husband. "Are you excited to sleepover at Auntie Emma and Uncle Killians house?" Connor babbled. "Yes, it is going to be so much fun." She kisses Connor on the head.
"Did you and other doctors found out what caused Hope to stop breathing?"
"No, we ran a lot of tests and all came back negative. We still do not know what caused Hope to stop breathing, which is why Emma is nervous and wants me there."
"I want to be there for Hope and Emma. You have Connor for the last few days while I have been working. I get to have some time with Connor. I know having Connor at work is not the same as being home with you. Are you mad? That Connor and I are having a sleepover at my sister's house?"
Ted smiled. "I never have seen you this excited to go over a relatives house before."
Allison smiles. "Well, Emma is my long lost sister. Connor has a cousin that lives nearby and not in California or Chicago."
"Allison, I know that you are making up time you have lost with your sister. I knew once you found out that you two are sisters there are going to be a lot of sleepovers."
"Yes, our whole life we have missed. We are still planning our combined birthday celebration."
"What is the plan?"
"Well, we are going to celebrate my birthday on October 22 and have a sleepover in between our birthday and celebrate Emma's birthday the day after. I have an idea of what to get Emma but I am not sure what to do on my birthday."
"Allison, you have time to think in what you want to do on your special day."
"Yes, I do." They kiss. "You have work tomorrow?"
"Yes, I have a few meeting tomorrow at the bank."
"It is a good thing, I am off tomorrow and Connor and I are having a sleepover."
"Yes, I know you will both have fun." They kiss. "Connor, have fun playing with hope tonight little man." They do a little fist pump which made Allison giggled.
"You are teaching him fist pumps already?"
"Yes, I am." He carried their overnight bags to Allison's car as Allison buckled up Connor in his car seat. "We are going to Auntie Emma's house. Yay!" She claps his hands which made him laugh. "Allison, I am going to miss you."
"I am going to miss you too I know you are going to have a kid-free house to yourself."
Ted chuckles. "I am going to miss my family."
"You know where we are going to be at. We will be home tomorrow evening."
"Call me when you can."
"I will." They kiss. Allison Gets in the driver seat as Ted kisses Connor.
"Connor have fun at your cousin house. Be a good little boy for Mommy." He kisses Connor on the head. "Allison, drive safe."
"I will." Ted watches as Allison drove with Connor. As they were getting closer to the Swan-Jones house, Connor began to cry. "Connor, Mommy is finding a place to park our car." She parked their car and unbuckles Connor and comforts her son. "Connor, we are at Auntie Emma's house." She carries Connor with his diaper bag and his baby blanket. "We are going inside, Connor." Before she even knocks the door, Killian was at the door. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Allison. I heard Connor from inside. Do you have bags in the car?"
"I can get them for you. You have your hands full."
"Thank you so much. They are in the trunk." She gives him her car keys. He goes out and gets their overnight bags.
Emma was upstairs with Hope, drying Hope off from a bubbled bath and all lotioned up for the night and in her pajamas and hearing her nephew crying. "Hope, you are fed and all clean sweetie." She combed Hope's hair. "I hear your cousin Connor. You and Connor are going to have your first sleepover tonight!" She makes a surprise face to Hope which made her daughter smiled. "Yes, you are excited. I am excited because it is my sister's first sleepover with me. Thanks to you wanting to come out early, I got to meet your auntie Allison in recovery and we discovered we are long lost sisters the day after you are born." Hope smiled as her Mommy kissed her everywhere. She lifts up Hope, "Hope, let's go see mommy's sister and your cousin." She brings down Hope with her and sees her sister with her nephew. "Hi, Allison."
"Hi, Emma. Hi, Hope."
"Hi, Connor. Oh is he upset?"
"Yes. He needs to be fed."
"You can feed him in the living room." Emma leads her sister and Connor to the living room. Once Allison fed her son, he stopped crying. "How was the rest of your day after we left?'
"Not too busy. Hope was the first case that I had in a long time. How is Hope?"
"She ate already and had a bubble bath. She is ready to playtime with Connor."
"I know Hope and Connor are going to have fun on their first sleepover."
"Thank you for sleeping over. I am hoping I did not cause you any trouble.."
"Emma, you are my sister. You almost lost Hope, I would be terrified just as you are now having Connor at home be worried constantly if that happened to him. I would so the same thing Emma. Hope is my goddaughter, I am worried as much as you and Killian are." After Connor was fed, Hope and Connor did tummy time. Hope does not like tummy time, so she cried Connor reaches over to Hope and touched her arm and she stopped crying. "Aww, Connor you got Hope to stop crying. Allison, Hope wanted her cousin."
"Yes. Connor, you are my sweet baby boy who loves his little cousin." She kisses Connor on the head. Emma and Allison took pictures of their babies together tummy time and lying on the floor. Connor was playing in Hope's playmat with Hope next to him.
"Connor, are you teaching Hope how to play?" Connor smiled at his aunt. "Yes, you are my good nephew." Hope began to cry. "Hope." She picks up daughter. "Hope, Mommy got you, sweetie." She let Hope snuggled on her chest and she calmed down. "Hope you just wanted Mommy?" Hope coos. "Yes, you wanted Mommy, my sweet baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Emma, she is alright."
"All I think is about when she was not breathing..."
"Emma Hope is healthy, I would not discharge Hope if she was not healthy. Right Hope. You trust auntie." She rubs Hope's cheeks and Hope ahh. "Yes, you have the best auntie ever." She kisses Hope on the cheek. Connor began to fuss. "Connor, Mommy got you." She takes Connor from the playmat. Connor snuggled on his Mommy. "My baby boy." She kisses Connor on the head. "Emma, I been thinking. We can go shopping tomorrow at the mall if you want to?"
"Allison that is a great idea. I know Hope and Connor will love the mall, while we shop all day" They both laughed. Killian goes downstairs hearing his wife and sister in law laughing. "Lasses, how are the babies?"
"Hope and Connor had tummy time. Now they are resting on us." She kisses Hope on the head as Killian sat down next to his wife. " The cutest thing happened, Hope was crying and Connor reached out and held her arm and she stopped crying."
"Little love, did you wanted to play with Connor?" Hope smiled. "Aye, you love your cousin." Hope cried. "Hope, do you want Daddy to hold you?" She gives Killian Hope.
"Hi, there little Hope. We need some daddy-daughter time little love." He kisses Hope on the head. "Swan, Hope and I need daddy-daughter time."
"Hope, have fun with daddy." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Love, we will be upstairs. She is going to be with me." Killian takes Hope upstair to spend one on one time with his daughter.
"Killian is great with her."
"Yes, Hope loves her Daddy. Since he is working tomorrow, I know Killian is going to miss Hope tomorrow at work. I let him be with Hope as much as possible at night. He is amazing with her. He sings to her and talks to her. Killian loves our little Hope." She smiles."Allison, can I hold Connor?
"Yes, you can. Connor, auntie Emma wants to hold you, sweetie." Allison hands over her son to her sister.
"Hi, Connor. How are you today?" Connor babbled. "Oh, really. You are having fun at your first sleepover?" Connor smiled which made Emma smile. Emma tickled her nephew and made him laugh. "Allison, your son is so happy."
"He is. Connor loves his little cousin. He is happy that he is over here. Emma..."
"Yes, Allison?"
"All of my life I never felt at home. I never happy when I am in Chicago with my family...I never felt like I belonged. When I am over here with you, Hope and Killian, I am at home."
Emma smiled. "You are my big sister. We are a family. You are always welcomed here." They hugged.
"I was thinking for our birthday celebration, we can have our birthday sleepover here."
"We can definitely do that. What do you want to do for your birthday?"
"I am off on my birthday and your birthday. I want a girls day with you. We can get our nails done, while our husbands watch the babies for a few hours. All of us can celebrate afterward we can go out for dinner."
"Allison, it is your special day. We can do whatever you want." Connor began to fuss.
"Connor, I know what you want." She takes out a pacifier for her son. "Here is your paci, baby." She gives her son his pacifier and he calms down. "What do you want to do for your birthday?" Emma smiled. "I just want to be with my family. We can take the babies to the park or spend the day here. I do not want to do anything fancy...I want to be with my family."
"Emma, I will be here with you."
"You are my sister. I have a sister now and a daughter and a family...I cannot think anything better than that." Allison hugs her sister. Killian brings down crying Hope.
"Speaking of family." Allison giggled.
"Swan, our little love wants her Mommy." Emma hands oversleeping Connor to Allison. Killian hands over Hope to Emma.
"Hope, did you have fun with Daddy?" She kisses Hope on the head and let her snuggled on her. "You are with Mommy sweetie." She rubbed Hope's back to calm her down. "Killian, is she okay?"
"I was just talking to her and started to cry. She just wanted her Mommy."
"Hope, you are with mommy, little love."
Hope gripped her Mommy. "I love my Hope hugs." She kisses Hope on the head. "Killian, Allison and I are planning our birthday celebration."
"Oh, really." He sits next to his wife and daughter on the couch next to his wife and daughter. "What is the plan?"
"Well, on my birthday. Emma and I are going to get our nails done, having sister time. Then in the evening all of us are going to my favorite Italian restaurant. I want a family dinner."
"Allison, you have us your family. We are looking forward to celebrating with you. Right, Killian?"
"Aye, that is right, Emma. We are very excited. I am working during the day but I will be at your birthday dinner."
"That is alright Killian. I know you have to work."
"Allison, Hope can join our nails day?"
"Yes, Hope can join us. Connor do you want to come to the nail salon?" Connor looked at his Mom and cooed. She gave Connor multiple kisses on the head.
"Killian, Allison, Connor, and Ted are going to sleep over here. They will be here on my birthday."Hope cooed. "Yes, Hope you are going to be here on my birthday." She kisses Hope on the head. "You are my special gift. You Hope, my daughter, and me being your Mommy." Hope cooed. Emma smiled.
"Hope is my birthday gift to love. You told me you were pregnant with Hope which is one of the best gifts ever, becoming a Daddy."
Being parents to Hope is the best gift ever." Hope and Connor both began to cry. "Allison, I think it is bedtime for the both of them."
"Yes, it is their bedtime." Emma and Allison brought their babies to the bedrooms to settle down their babies to bed. She puts Hope's monitor on her. Emma rocked Hope and nursed her. "Hope, I love you so much, sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head. Emma placed Hope in her crib and she began to wail. "Hope." Killian enters the nursery.
"Is Hope alright love?"
"She does not want to sleep in her crib."
"Love, she can sleep with us."
"Hope will sleep in our room anyways." She talks to Hope, " Hope, I did promise you skin to skin when you come home from the hospital." She takes Hope into her room and set her on the bed as she was getting ready for bed. She places Hope on her chest after settling down. "Killian, Hope wants a bedtime story from her Daddy."
Killian smiled. "Aye, I would love to tell our little lass a story." He sits next to his two loves and wrapped his arms around his two loves. Hope was enjoying her skin to skin on her Mommy and looking at her Daddy with her matching ocean blue eyes.
"Once upon a time, there is a mermaid named Ariel...." Hope fell asleep on her Mommy after the story was over. "Good night little Hope." He kisses Hope on the head.
"She loves you, Killian."
"Emma, she loves you her Mommy. She loves both of us."
"Yes, she does. Our little Hope is here with us, happy healthy and safe." She kissHope on the head"Good night Hope. We love you so much. We are both so happy you are here with us." She kisses Hope on the head. She falls asleep in her husband's arms.
"Hope, we love you so much. Daddy loves you, Mommy loves you and Auntie Allison loves you so much. We all love you and happy you are here with us, alive and healthy." He kisses Hope on the head who was loving her special time with both of her loving parents.
Killian woke up the next morning to get ready for work. Hope got up at night, as usual, to be fed and changed. He changed her diapers and talked to his little lass. Now Hope was sleeping on her Mommy and Emma was awake.
"Love, you are awake?"
"Yes, I am just watching Hope sleep. I just fed her. I am awake." He wrapped his arms around his wife.
"Emma, Hope is here with us healthy and safe. She has the monitors on her to let us know she stops breathing. So far no alarms are going off."
"I just cannot help thinking about her not breathing."
"Enma." He hugs her. "Hope is alive because you saved her. Hope is happy to be sleeping on you. Allison is down the hall and can help you if it happens again. Hope is with us love, she is not going to leave us." Emma began to cry.
"Killian..." He hugs her and rubs her shoulder. "We almost lost Hope...we almost lost her..."
Emma. Look at Hope." She looks down at her sleeping daughter. "Hope is here with us now. She loving her time with you her Mommy. She is alive. I know seeing her almost close to dying was bloody awful but Hope is with us. We have to thank God every day for our little love."
"You are right. Hope is with us. I love my baby girl. I do not want anything bad to happen to her."
"We do not want out little lass sick like that ever again." He kisses Emma on the head and rubbed Hope's hand that was resting on her Mommy's skin. "We are going to have her baptism after my birthday."
"Aye, we are love. It will be a beautiful ceremony for our little lass."
"Yes, it will be. Her auntie and uncle are in the ceremony and we will have a party just to celebrate her."
"Yes, love it will be just for Hope."
"Hope loves her Daddy."
"Aye, she does. Hope loves her Mommy." They kiss. "I have to get ready for work."
"We will miss you."
"I will miss my two loves." He got dressed and Hope was awake. He gently picks up Hope from Emma, she watched Killian interact with their little girl. "Hi, little love. Daddy has to drive an airplane. I will miss you, little love, when I am up in the air. All day I will be thinking of you and your Mommy. I will be so happy to see you when I get home." He gently gave kisses Hope on her face. "I love you, little lass. Be a good girl to Mommy and auntie Allison today." Emma hugs her husband, loving her family together.
"Killian, we will both miss you today. We know you are coming home really excited to see us."
"Aye, I will. When I get home I will spend all of my time with my two loves."
"I am looking forward to that." They kiss.
"Emma, have fun with Hope and your sister."
"Thank you. Have a good day at work." They kiss.
"Bye, Hope. Daddy will see you soon after I drive an airplane, little love." He kisses Hope on the head and hands their daughter back to his wife.
"Hope, say bye-bye to Daddy." She waves Hope's hand. He waves to Hope. He kisses Emma on the lips and leaves. After Killian leaves, Emma and Hope go back to bed. Allison carries Connor to Emma's room. "Emma, do you mind if Connor and I keep you and Hope company?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, you can both join us, it is a sleepover." Allison lied down next to her sister and niece with Connor sleeping on her.
"Hope part of a sleepover we stay up all night talking and share a bed" Hope smiled while Allison giggled. "Emma, how is Hope?"
"Hope was up at night as usual need to be fed and changed. She and I are getting used to having a monitor on her. I cannot give her a massage while we are doing skin to skin that much."
"Hope will get used to the monitor."
"I know. I know...I have been up most of the night watching her sleep and making sure Hope is breathing."
"Emma, that is what the monitor is for."
"I know. I am being a little overprotective of Hope." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, you have the best Mommy ever. You are a very lucky girl." She rubs Hope's cheek.
"Hope, you have the best godmother in the world, your auntie Allison." Hope ahh. "Yes, you understand Hope. Killian just left for work."
"I know. I heard him getting ready."
"I was awake when he woke up."
"Emma, Hope is healthy. If she was not she will be still in the hospital."
"I want to have answers on what caused her to stop breathing."
"Emma, you have to trust God, he does work in mysterious ways."
"Yes, yes he does. Hope is with me now happy, healthy and safe."
"You saved your baby girl. She is with us all now in our family." Hope cooed.
"Hope, you are awake and happy. Yes, you are Mommy's baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head.
"I know. I am her Mom, I am going to be worried."
"That is a part of our job as Mom being worried constantly about our babies."
"That is right. Thank you for being here."
"Emma, I knew you were going to be a nervous wreck when you bring Hope home from the hospital. I also knew to be home with Hope for the first time, I knew you needed company."
Emma smiled. "I can never pass up a chance to spend time with my sister."
"Shopping day and being with the babies on my day off with my sister. It sounds like a good day off." They fall back to sleep for a few hours. Emma woke up hearing Allison playing with one of the babies. She sees Allison playing with Hope tickling her and kissing her.
"Morning, Allison. Morning, Hope."
"Hope, mommy is awake."
"Where is Connor?"
"I fed him and Hope woke up crying. Connor is in the guestroom taking his morning nap. Hope and I are playing. Hope loves her auntie." She tickles Hope on her belly
"How long have I been sleeping?"
"Oh about 4 hours, it is 10:00 am."
"Hope must be hungry."
"Emma, Hope is changed and not hungry yet."
"What time do you want to go to the mall?"
"We can eat at the mall. We can leave as soon we are both dressed and get the diaper bags ready. I am planning on using her carrier. So Hope can be close to me." She tickles Hope.
"Hope will love that I know that." While Allison played with Hope, Emma got dressed for the day, she wore maternity jeans, a t-shirt since it is still hot for fall and hair up in a french braid. "Allison, you can get ready. I have to get Hope dressed." She picks up her daughter and held her in her arms. "Hope, we are going shopping." Hope cooed. "Yes, Mommy and auntie are going to take you and Connor to the mall where we are going to shop for you and Connor." She kisses Hope on the belly.
"Emma, are you going to buy Hope's christening dress today?"
"Yes, I am. I might need your help..."
"Emma, I can help you decide what dress to get Hope."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome." She hugs her sister.
Emma nursed Hope and got her dressed in a onesie, and a bow. "You are my little Hope is so cute!" She plays their special game on the changing table. "Are you ready to the mall for the first time?" Hope smiled. "Yes, yes you are ready." They both get their babies ready and rode together in Allison's car to the mall. Emma gets texts from Killian and smiles. "My husband."
"Is everything okay?"
Emma smiled. "Yes, Killian is checking up on us. I told him we are going shopping for Hope's christening dress. He is just happy Hope and I are out of the house."
"We can do this a lot together us and the babies."
"I like that." As they were driving Hope began to cry and Connor followed her. "Oh no."
"I know both of them to like to harmonize together." They both laughed.
"Hope we are almost there baby. I know Hope needs a change."
"We are on the highway. The sooner we get there, the sooner you can change her."
"How about Connor?"
"He might need to be fed." Allison found parking at the Queens Mall. Both moms went back to their baby and soothe them. Emma unbuckles Hope. "Hope, Mommy got you." She checks her daughter's diaper. "You need a change." She kisses Hope and sets up to change Hope's diaper in Allison's car. "Allison, how is Connor?"
"He just wanted his Momma." She kisses Connor and let him snuggle on him. After Emma changed Hope's diaper, she placed Hope in her carrier. "Hope, you are with Mommy." She kisses Hope on the head. Allison was getting the trunk opened. "Allison, I can hold Connor for you."
"Thank you, Emma." Emma gets Connor from her sister.
"Hi, little man. Did you have a fun sleepover at my house?" Connor cooed. "Yes, you did. Hope, I am holding your cousin sweetie. I know he is so big. You will catch up to him." She tickled Connor and made him laugh.
"Emma, he loves you." She takes her son from her sister and straps him in his stroller.
"I do love my nephew."
"I do love my niece." They walked into the mall together and shopped together for themselves and for the babies. They went into Disney Store they were having a sale on Disney plush dolls. Emma was showing Hope all of the different Disney characters and making her smile. Allison and Emma bought a Disney plush doll for both of their babies. After they went to a dress store to get Hope's baptism dress. Emma dressed Hope into a few dresses and put on a fashion show for Allison and Connor. With Allison's help, Emma found the right dress for Hope. "Hope. My little goddaughter. You are going to look so cute in your baptism dress. You are going to be the cutest baby there." Connor babbled made both Emma and Allison laugh. "Connor, you are my little boy." She kisses Connor on the head. "Allison, he looks so much like and Ted."
"Well, he is part me and part Ted." They both laughed. Emma bought Hope's dress for her special day. The two moms walked around the mall, Hope was sleeping in her carrier on her Mommy and Allison pushed Connor in his stroller who was napping as well.
"Allison, thank you for being here. I have someone to shop with."
Allison side hugs her sister. "Emma. I am happy to shop with you. I am your big sister."
"Yes, you are. I was thinking if you want to we can start searching for our birth parents."
"Emma, I been thinking about it too. We can search for our parents together."
"Allison, that what I been thinking too. I would not have the guts to search for our birth parents by myself."
"We have each other." They hug. After the mall, Allison dropped off Emma and Hope.
"Allison, I had so much fun today. Thank you so much."
"Emma, I had so much fun today with you and our babies."
"We are going to do this more often. Did you have fun at our first sleepover?"
"Yes, I know the babies had fun. I had fun."
"We will do sleepovers more." Emma hugs Allison.
"Yes, many more."
Hope began to cry. Emma gets Hope from her car seat. "Hope Allison, I will feed you, sweetie."
"Emma, can Connor and I come in?"
"Sure you both can. I just got to feed Hope." Allison got Hope's car seat out of the car and carried Connor inside while Emma got her shopping bags and carried Hope. Emma nurses Hope in the living room. Hope latched on quickly. "Hope, take your time sweetie, your milk is not going anywhere." Allison brings in Connor. "How is Connor?"
"He is my happy little boy." After Hope was fed Hope and Connor had playtime on the play mat. Emma and Allison watched and played with both babies.
Emma gets a phone call. "Hello, love."
"Hi, Killian. How is work?"
"It is good. How is Hope?"
"Hope is now having playtime with Connor. We got home from the mall. Allison helped me get Hope's christening dress."
Killian smiled. "That is great love. I know what dress you bought for Hope, our little love will look beautiful. I called to tell you that my flight is delayed."
Emma got sad. "You will be home late tonight?" Allison looks at her sister.
"Aye, love. I am."
"Killian, you are a pilot. I know flights get delayed."
"I will be home as soon as I can. I miss my two loves."
Emma smiled. "We miss you, Killian. I know Hope is going to be very happy to see her daddy when you come home."
"Aye, love. I know you and Hope are going to be very happy to see me when I come home tonight."
"Yes, your wife and daughter miss you but we will see you tonight."
"Bye, love."
"Bye, Killian."
"Emma is everything alright?
"Killian flight is delayed. He will be home later. I should not be sad about him coming home late. We always worked together and come home late after a delayed flight." She picks Hope from her playmat. "Now, I have Hope with me. We are going to surprise daddy tonight." She gives Hope kisses. "Do you want to see daddy driving an airplane?" She gives Hope nose to nose.
"Emma, if you want to I can drive you both to the airport."
"Thank you, Allison."
"Your welcome Emma." They played with the babies more and talked while they both napped. Allison drove Emma and Hope to the airport to surprise Killian.
"Allison, you are the best sister ever. I do not know how to repay you."
"Emma, I saw the look on your face when Killian's flight was delayed. I am happy to help you and Hope."
Emma smiled. "You really know me."
"I am your sister, I know you so well by now."
"Yes, for the past 5 months." They both laughed. Hope began to cry. "Hope, we are going to see Daddy soon."
"Go see Killian. Call me so we can get together soon."
"We will definitely get together soon." Emma puts Hope from her car seat and puts her in her carrier and takes Hope's diaper bag and car seat. Emma and Hope go into JFK Airport. Allison drives back home with Connor.
"Hope, this is where Mommy and Daddy work. The last time I was here. You were inside my tummy." Hope ahhed. "Yes, you are here. I love you so much, sweetie. Let's go to Daddy's gate. He will be so happy to see us." Emma was able to get through security with Hope since she works there. Emma stands by the window waiting for Killian's plane to land. Hope was sleeping on her Mommy. Emma changed Hope's diaper a few times and nursed her while waiting for Killian. Emma read Hope a story and Hope loved listening to her Mommy. The evening turned into night. Emma stood by the window with Hope who was awake to see her Daddy. "I know you miss Daddy but he will be so happy to see you when he sees you and me." Killian plane was landing on the ground. "Hope, that is an airplane. " She pointed at the airplane to Hope. Daddy is driving the plane." Hope smiled. "Yes, Daddy is back in New York."
Killian lands safely back from California. He waited until the passengers left. He walks off the plane and sees the window of his gate. He smiles big and sees his family. He rushes inside and his family was there to greet him.
"Hope daddy is home."
"Emma, Hope." He hugs them. Emma and Killian kissed. "I miss my two loves today."
"Hope and I missed you so much today." Hope began to cry. "Hope, you want Daddy?" She takes Hope out of her carrier and places her in Killian's arms.
"Hi, Hope. I heard you had so much fun with Mommy, Auntie Allison, and Connor." He kisses Hope on the head and she smiles. "Aye, Daddy is home. After a very long day of flying it is such a great surprise to see my two loves." Emma hugs her husband.
"Allison dropped us off. I knew we can drive home together."
"You don't saw swan." Emma laughed.
"I did miss my handsome husband."
"I missed you, my beautiful wife." They kiss. He wrapped his arm around his wife and they walked together as a family of three out of the airport together. Killian knows this will happen more often seeing his two loves at work and he loves seeing his family greeting him after a long day. They love him and he loves his two lasses. Emma loves her little family her adoring husband Killian and their beautiful loving baby Hope. They are together and this is what she always dreamed of being happy with her family together.

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