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We where leaving in three days. Everyone will be at a barbque at the lake. We planed on sneaking out then. No one will be at the house. We had our bags packed and ready to go at any moment. I had Flame buy a few things for clarissa and a little backpack so she could put her stuff in. Now we needed passports. Flame and I have been thinking on it for days. We have yet to come up with an idea. Flame was in my room sitting on the floor while i was sitting on my bed fixing clarissa's hair. " What are we going to do. You and Rissa need passports.Me and Thayne are okay but you two." I sighed and looked over at Flame. " Have you talked to Thayne. He might be able to come up with something." Flame shook her head no. " He is on a training trip with some others. He should be back in an hour." I nodded my head. " Leah will we be able to leave here." I gave clarissa a smile " If have my way Rissa we will be." She gave me a huge smile and jumped off the bed. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. What was I going to do. We all had to get out of here. I was in deep thought when I heard slamming around down stairs. Flame was already on her feet and tensed up. I took Clarissa's hand and led her to the closet. I followed Flame down the steps. As we went to step into the living room it was packed wall to wall. "Flame I think you need to go up and get our bags and Rissa." Flame was already up the steps. I gathered my thoughts and started shoving people out of my way. I received alot growls and snarls. I finally reached the middle of the room to see Thayne have my brother by the throat." You sent us on a massacre not a training exercise!" My brother was struggling against Thayne's grip trying to pry his fingers from him. My father stormed into the room then,and I knew that my father was not going to let him live. I was scrambling trying to think of a plan to get us all out alive. There was only one solution that I could think of. I had to out myself. First I had to get flame and Thayne to pledge their allegiance to me. I took a deep breath and tried clearing my mind. I knew alphas could connect to others mind of their packs. But since I was lacking in training I wasn't sure on how. I was crossing my fingers and hoping that what I was doing would work. I concentrated on Thayne when I felt a wall like barrier break i smirked. " Thayne i need you to pledge your alligence to me now. I also need you to but Lance down." Thayne looked my way and slightly nodded at me. " I Vow to protect my future alpha and pack. I swear my alligence to you Leah." I sensed Flame and Rissa behind me waiting on me and Thayne. " You will die Thayne!" I heard my brother croak out. " Be quite Lance the only reason you are still breathing is because of me.Don't make me change my mind." Everyone in the room went quite. My fathers face went white,and all he could do was open and close his mouth. In the conor of my eye i could see Lucid with a smile on his face. I turned to leave with Thayne escorting me out. Rissa ran up to me and took my hand. We piled into Flames car hurridly and drove off. The ride was quite for awhile before Thayne broke the silence. " We don't have to worry about a passport for Rissa. I went to a human boy who makes fake ID's for high school students and had him make her one." He handed it back to me. I smiled and reached around the passenger seat to give him a hug. " We can finally go to Romania. Now all we need are plane tickets." Flame cleared her throat. " How are we going to pay for the tickets? We have no money." I smiled and held up Lances credit card along with my fathers. " With these Flame." Flame began to laugh and turned down the exit to the airport.

Once at the air port we scrambled inside. It didn't take long for us to get our tickets. So we soon found ourselves sitting in a cafe in the airport drinking coffe while rissa drank a coke. " Flame Leah! I hope I didn't miss their flight." Flame and I looked up Upon hearing my uncles voice. " Daddy!" Flame jumped,up from the table and started sprinting towards my uncle.Thayne ran after her Rissa and I behind him. We finally caught up to my uncle just outside our gate. " I'm glad I didn't miss your flight. I don't have much time but all of you need to listen. Watch out for each other don't call me until you are settled and have talked to the council. I know you don't know what I'm talking about but you will soon enough. Now do you have money to last you till you get to Romania?" we all nodded our head. "Okay then. Remember do not call until you are settled. I must go and tell them that I didn't find you all." he gave Flame and I huge hug before turning and weaving his way through the crowds. We hurriedly boarded our flight and we were off to our new home in a different place. Yes we were facing the unknown,and I didn't know what kind of alpha I would be. But I couldn't help the smile that plastered across my face. I was free we were free.

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