I Can't Sacrifice

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After getting the information about the person, Jungkook, walking throughout the wing, Eaunwoo's cabin is in a different block on a different floor.When Eanwoo told him how Jimin suffered during those days. He is feeling sad for him,  now he wants to see Jimin so badly. His heart is feeling even more agitated to know that. He is so close to him just a few steps away. He is walking faster towards Jimin's cabin. He wants to hug him. Jungkook always feels like this. He is so excited to see Jimin after yesterday's kiss.

at Jimin's cabin

Right now, Jimin is studying one patient's file. When Jungkook entered the cabin, he snatched the file from Jimin's hand and placed it on the table. He hugged him tightly, burying his face in Jimin's neck. Jimin looked at him with an astonished face, wondering. How is he here, and what he is doing here in the hospital?

jugkook. Jungkook, leave me. Jimin detached himself from Jungkook's hold. Jimin calmly detached himself from Jungkook and walked five to six steps away, picking up some other file, showing that he is to much busy.

But Jungkook is so invested in Jimin that he couldn't recognise Jimin's hesitation and avoidance. Jungkook walks after him with a pout, stomping his feet like a child who is determined to get the attention of his favourite person.
Jimin is finding it cute and wants to hug Jungkook so badly and shower him with kisses, but sometime ago he lactured himself on morals. Now Jungkook is making it difficult to stick to them. Whenever he is with Jungkook, he always forgets about the worldliness of society's norms and morals. Jungkook is not stopping himself from behaving like a spoilt child, following Jimin wherever he goes in the cabin.

Now that Jimin is checking one file, Jungkook notices that Jimin is trying to avoid him because he is holding the file upside down.
Oh, doctor, I never knew you can read files upside down. Jimin felt embarrassed.
Yeh, yes. I can I learned how to read upside-down. Jungkook, finding it cute, came forward close to him again and hugged Jimin from behind, placing his head on his shoulder. Doctor, teach me how to read it. I want to learn so many things from you. Jungkook said while kissing the side of Jimin's neck and snuggling into his neck, burying his face fully.

Now Jimin gulping hard.Jungkook making it hard for him to control himself.

What are you doing here? Don't you have work to do? Mr ceo. Jimin questioned

Now stop it, Jimin, and give me some attention. I came here to see you, and you are acting weird.
attention? Look, Jungkook, you are still married to my brother. You are a married man. We should have to avoid physical proximity. No kissing.
It looks like the saint inside Jimin has woken up again. Now I will have to break the penance of this ascetic again. Jungkook thought in his mind.
He lifted Jimin and sat on Jimin's chair while placing him in his lap. look at me, Jimin. Now both are looking at each other while maintaining eye contact. Jungkook noticed Jimin's eyes had a little redness and puffiness. He understood that he cried without saying a single word. Jungkook kissed Jimin's left eye.

it's wrong Jungkook Jimin said in a whisper:
Nothing is wrong. Jungkook replied in a whisper with a deep voice and kissed him on the right eye.
it's wrong Jimin said it again in a whisper while feeling hot.
Nothing is wrong. Jungkook said it again in a whisper in a low, deep voice and kissed him forehead while moaning a little into the kiss.
It's wrong Jimin whispered in a low voice while rolling his hands on Jugkook's back. trying to clutch at his clothed back.
Nothing is wrong. Jungkook assured Jimin while whispering in a low, raspy voice and kissing his cheeks, moaning in the kiss.
it's wrong. Jimin is acting like he wants to stop Jungkook in a whispered, shaky voice, roaming his hand all over Jungkook's back.
Nothing is wrong. Jungkook replied in a whisper in a low, deep, moaning voice, showering wet kisses on Jimin's neck with nipping and sucking. Jimin held the backside of Jungkook's head above his neck, caressing his hair with his fingers, and tilted his own head towards the backside to give Jungkook more access to kiss.
It's wrong. aahhh, Jimin whispered moans in a shaky, raspy, drunken voice.
Nothing is wrong with words. Jungkook captured his lips, kissing him passionately. He is hungry for Jimin's touch. He is hungry for Jimin's love. He is not finding it wrong. He knows Jimin also wants love from him, so he is showering him with it.
Jimin is returning the kiss with the same love and passion with which he has lost himself in Jungkook. He is hugging him tightly while sitting on his lap.
The whole cabin is silent except for these two whispering and kissing sounds. are audible

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