Chapter 15

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Jesse’s Perspective

Rebecca left early, and I was up with her, but dragging a bit. I sat with the guards on the patio with my coffee. I don’t always drink it, but today I needed a boost. We were up half the night having sex, and I loved every second of it, but the lack of sleep was making me sluggish.

They smiled at me as I sat down. I smiled back not picking up on the joke. Did I miss something?

“Not only are you a great Alpha, but you have game. “ One of the guards spoke up. “How do you do it? Twins, pregnant, and you can get her to bed like that? My mate tells me she has a headache and to stop touching her. That all the kids do is touch her. Then she gets mad at me if I don’t help out around the house and mad at me if I do. She is mad all of the time.” The others nodded in agreement.

I would need more coffee.

“First of all, I don’t talk about any specifics about my sex life. I want to live, and Rebecca would end me.” I gave them each a level stare. “but I will discuss generalities. First of all, why would she want sex if she is exhausted? That’s one more chore on her list and if she doesn’t orgasm or has a bad time, you are in the shit. Take things off her list. I got a nanny, there is a pack daycare, we used to have date nights, and I learned how she likes chores done and did them her way. Now, the guys will call you names like lap dog or hen pecked, but its worth it for great sex regularly.” I explained.

“Mine doesn’t even want to talk to me anymore.” He complained.

“How often do you check in on her, ask how she is doing? LISTEN TO HER, and engage her in conversation? This mind link works for that too.” I tapped my head “When she is happy with you, she may even want to talk dirty and flirt with you. Use it as foreplay.” Jesse recommended.

“What’s foreplay?” One guard asked.

“Your poor, poor mate…” Jesse replied half serious.

The others laughed while the guard pulled out his phone to search for the answer.

“Foreplay is the fun part. No foreplay, equals bad sex. The longer it takes the better. If she doesn’t orgasm at least twice you fucked up. If you roll over and go to sleep after sex, you fucked up. Hold her, love her, make her feel like she is the center of your world for thirty minutes before she goes to sleep, and listen to her. Answer all her questions. Then she will want to do it again. That is called intimacy and you should try it. You might actually enjoy it you dogs.” I got up. “Now I have to go get more coffee, because I don’t have your problems.” I winked and went inside.

When I got inside Lindsey burst out laughing. Evidently, she heard the conversation.

“They are hopeless!” She exclaimed.

“Agreed.” I stated.

“Now I need to go buy my lady her favorite coffee drink and surprise her at work since I know she is sleepy, and I will even remember to get her a medium instead of a large since she is pregnant.” I smiled at Lindsey.

“You are a pro.” Lindsey said and laughed. “Rebecca is a lucky woman.”

“You will find your knight soon enough Lindsey. You can’t go around putting so much love into everything you do and not have it come back to you.” I encouraged her.

“Thanks Jesse. I hope so.” She smiled.
I left and headed to a coffee shop for Rebecca’s drink and then to the Main Facility. I entered through the cafeteria. The most annoying part of the new security clearance protocol was the bright light to the eyes. All I could see was spots now.

Hey love, I am here, where are you? I asked.

I am in your office. We are making possible selections to form a council. I could use your input. She replied.

On my way. I responded.

I walked in and handed her the coffee. She looked at me surprised and took a sip. Her eyes shut as she enjoyed another sip.

“I needed this today. Thanks.” Since someone kept me up half of the night… She finished the last of that statement via mind link. I just smiled back and took a seat.

We went through candidates and discussed them until we had a solid list. Now we only had to approach those candidates, and ask them to run, organize a campaign season and a vote. There would also be the eligibility for grassroots campaigns to run, but it helped form a stable government to choose the main candidates rather than make the entire process random selection.

Alpha Jesse? It is Dr. Philips in the hospital. Do you have a moment? I need to speak to you. He said.

Sure. I am just finishing up here. I will head that way. I replied.

“Dr. Philips wants to talk to me. I will be right back.” I stated, excusing myself.
As soon as I walked onto the hospital wing a nurse escorted me to an open room.

“Thank you for coming.” Dr. Philips stated. “One of my patients is terrified and demands to speak to you immediately.”

“Can I ask who?” I inquired.

“Tiffany Williams.” He stated.

“Would you please come in the room with me? It would be inappropriate to speak to her alone.” I requested.

“Of course.” Dr. Philips replied.

We walked to her room. When she saw me her eyes went directly to the floor. I walked in with Dr. Philips and shut the door.

“How can I help you Tiffany?” I asked kindly.

“I have something very important to tell you. Promise you won’t react rashly.” She spoke, terrified.

“No matter what you say, I would never harm you. What is wrong?” I asked softly.

“I am pregnant.” Tiffany began to cry.

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