Chapter 20

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Lucian swapped out with Keith on the porch. Keith also handed me the plans for the security upgrades.

I pulled out a LED Flashlight.

"No offense, I just need to confirm." I explained as I blinded Lucian with the light. His pupils retracted, but there was no color. I did it twice just to make sure.

"Come on. We have to get some sensitive materials transferred." I stated.

I led him to the outside entrance to our basement and asked him to wait outside. I unlocked it, punched the code, and went in. I retrieved the lock box and came out. I punched the code again to rearm the system and we left.

"What's that?" Lucian asked.

"Memory cards from the cameras that recorded Jesse's torture. I need objective facts and Jesse's reality has been altered by sleep deprivation and hypnosis. Also, Tiffany Wilson is a shifter and she is claiming to be carrying Jesse's pup. I need facts about what happened and I am hoping I will find the answers here. You may watch if you want. I trust you and your father, but it is up to you. It will probably be pretty gruesome." I stated. "My hope is that by having two to three witnesses, these videos will never have to be viewed again. That we can each testify to their contents if the need ever arrises, and we can keep the actual evidence under lock and key indefinitely." I explained.

"It seems I missed a lot in two days." He replied.

"We have a PR nightmare, that I am delaying confronting until I know the facts. Tiffany Wilson is five weeks pregnant and claiming it belongs to Jesse. Jesse claims he was either forced or tricked into having sex with her twice, but Tony, my mole stated it was all a twisted plot and that Tiffany was a shifter and already pregnant when she arrived at the warehouse to sew chaos and discord. We secretly tested all the women taken from the warehouse and five of them are shifters. Tiffany Wilson is a real person, 19 as she reported, and living in Vancouver, not Seattle where her age would be a legal issue for her profession. I tracked her down. I also need to follow a lead with one of Tony's men. If I move his family out of harm's way. He promised to be my mole and spread misinformation to our enemies when they check with him in prison. I want hidden security installed to determine how they are passing information. Keith is currently updating our security protocols and physical structure to be effective in the case of a foothold situation. So yes. We have been busy." I stated.

"Good call. Physical security upgrades are Keith's forte. He will enjoy that." Lucian commented.

I mind linked a contractor in the pack to see if he has availability to help. He was excited, because he is between jobs. When I said it was a paid job due to the extensive scope of work required he thanked me for the opportunity. He promised to meet Keith in the cafeteria in an hour. I informed Keith and he promised to gather supplies and start work immediately.

We drove up to the housing complex for the guards where Sargent Davies said to meet him. We met up with the Sargent and he led us to a private office with a laptop, large screen monitor, and chairs.

I set up the SD adaptor and pulled out the SD cards from the locked box. We loaded the first video, and I pulled out a notebook and pen to take notes.

This video was of the rapes Jesse described to intimidate him. They were indeed as brutal as he described and it was difficult to watch. Then they shot three of them in the head just for fun before the scene changed.

Alpha Alex commanded Tiffany to seduce Jesse and have sex with him. He set a timer for twenty minutes and left. She failed miserably. Jesse wanted nothing to do with her.

Alpha Alex ordered Jesse to break his mate bond or he would hurt Tiffany the same way as those girls. He got out a cruel looking whip. Tiffany looked at Jesse pleading.

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